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Everything posted by ToonTastic

  1. Firstly lets be honest has our defence been any good in the last 10 years from Dalglish to Big Sam ? No is the answer. Now stop believing the press, we conceded 2 goals more than Man U in the season when we finished 2nd, that's hardly the sign of a bad defence.
  2. I'm assuming the guy is currently suspended from work without pay while this is all going on ? Or is that asking to much........
  3. I'd heard he had been trying to push through the press for Ashley to try and take him on while he was on holiday. Looks like that may be true.
  4. I've have no problem with the "dream team" it would certainly be entertaining if nothing else and KK has always done well with pots of cash at his disposal.
  5. I've updated the prediction league with yesterdays results and added Stoke and Bolton. Can't add past that until we know whether we have beaten Stoke or not. http://www.newcastle-online.com/nufcpredictionleague/
  6. It'll be getting the set ready for the show at 12 for this afternoons matches.
  7. Why is everyone expecting him to come up here, chances are Mort will be in Manchester ready for tomorrows game they will probably meet there
  8. A Portsmouth fan has posted this on the Rivals boards "There is the usual media briefing at the training ground today ahead of Sundays clash with sunlun. IT IS NOT a special conferance called by Arry or for him to announce anything...it merely is the usual media meeting that would normally be held on Thursday. ...Arry was at the training ground at 0830am sharp today and saw Roger Johnson from Solent."
  9. Could one of the reasons we may have gone for him be to keep Owen. Taken from another forum "Speaking before Redknapp's Portsmouth thrashed Newcastle 4-1 at St James' Park in November, Owen said: "Harry has done a fantastic job building a strong squad. "He is a very good manager who has done fantastically well at lots of clubs. "He's had to wheel and deal and been very successful at it. "But I'm sure that if you gave him a lot of money, he'd spend it wisely as well. Some people have got that knack."
  10. You don't like someone's opinion of what will happen so you resort to calling them a tit, and yet you question other peoples IQ
  11. That's simply bollocks though. Newcastle fans like most fans at Premiership clubs had a go at the team and manager after a massive defeat (in fact it was two big defeats in two straight games). The press picked up on it and made a massive point saying we wanted shot of the manager. Games went on and Sam was actually being chanted for, away fans sang sacked in the morning, Shearer etc and the press said it was the Newcastle fans who were very unhappy to be honest the majority of Newcastle fans although they hated the crap football didn't mind to much if we got success in the future and were willing to wait at the very least until the end of the season alot were saying next season to see how things improved. The owner then sacked him. Fine sack the manager at this time of year if you have a great replacement lined up to take over straight away. Unfortunatly by the sounds of things we don't. We have Harry Redknapp, a manager who has won nothing in 25 years of football and is currently on bail with allegations of taking bungs for players. This is not the sort of manager we want and who the hell would want that type of manager ? I'm not daft enough to say get shot of the board but at the minute he's doing very similar things to the last inept chairman so hopefully that will change. As for who would take over the job, there are plenty of managers we just need to look outside of the UK. Look at Wenger he was relatively unknown before he joined us surely we can find someone out there in the big wild world other to take over the club and work it from the bottom up with a long term plan. Great examples of the media making something out of Newcastle fans when there is nothing there http://www.newcastle-online.com/nufcforum/index.php?topic=48738.msg546491#new
  12. To be honest there seems to be that many people who apparently know something is happening with him that it would seem very unlikely he wasn't the target. Granted we may not get him but I still believe he is the one we are trying to get that many papers and news teams don't get it that wrong most of the time.
  13. That's simply bollocks though. Newcastle fans like most fans at Premiership clubs had a go at the team and manager after a massive defeat (in fact it was two big defeats in two straight games). The press picked up on it and made a massive point saying we wanted shot of the manager. Games went on and Sam was actually being chanted for, away fans sang sacked in the morning, Shearer etc and the press said it was the Newcastle fans who were very unhappy to be honest the majority of Newcastle fans although they hated the crap football didn't mind to much if we got success in the future and were willing to wait at the very least until the end of the season alot were saying next season to see how things improved. The owner then sacked him. Fine sack the manager at this time of year if you have a great replacement lined up to take over straight away. Unfortunatly by the sounds of things we don't. We have Harry Redknapp, a manager who has won nothing in 25 years of football and is currently on bail with allegations of taking bungs for players. This is not the sort of manager we want and who the hell would want that type of manager ? I'm not daft enough to say get shot of the board but at the minute he's doing very similar things to the last inept chairman so hopefully that will change. As for who would take over the job, there are plenty of managers we just need to look outside of the UK. Look at Wenger he was relatively unknown before he joined us surely we can find someone out there in the big wild world other to take over the club and work it from the bottom up with a long term plan.
  14. Surely though there are better managers in the world than him who would sign for us ?!?
  15. Hasn't Redknapp actually achieved less than Sam as he's not won a trophy at all ?
  16. He'll not go in the summer because most teams when they are taken over by new management go on a run of a few wins (like Roeder) the fans then get excited and predict top 4 finish the next season, we then falter and end up mid table, fans get on back and the manager gets sacked. Cycle begins again.
  17. Again another naive view. Stats don't tell the whole story. Portsmouth are excellent going forward but teams now know that when they play at Fratton Park if they try to attack they will lose. 11 men behind the ball for 90 minutes is all teams are doing when they go to Portsmouth. When Portsmouth play away and teams attack them they tear them apart. Your now telling me Harry is tactically inept that he can't work a way round a team who chooses to defend for 90 mins christ even Sam could manage that one the majority of games.
  18. Agreed Good manager, knows the premiership, loves attacking football. A more solid bet than any johnny foreigner How does he love attacking football ? His current side haven't scored at home this season have they ? Or at least not in the last six games. The guy is currently out on bail and to top it all of his 60 years old so can't even be seen as a long term solution. I would rather have took a young inexperienced manager who would like attacking football who had the help of an older figure head in the club than have this shambles of a manager. He's won sweet FA so why will that suddenly create a team of winners ? He's also not exactly known for being well known fantastic players he's more likely to buy unknowns from Africa who do the odd step over in the summer when they feel like it but drop off in the winter (hence current Portsmouth results). Bollocks to this, of course everyone will support him if he takes the job but the fact is it feels like it did when Souness took over when the fans didn't support the move and a run of a few bad games and he'll have the fans on his back straight away.
  19. Just seen this as the breaking news. Not good news i dont think he comes with even more baggage than sam (isnt harry currently on bail) and he just doesnt seem to be a long term manager (maybe thats a good thing with our club) far better manages available who arent at clubs who i would trust more to win something with better football than we've had. My guess is august 2009 we'll be after another manager. Not happy with this one at all.
  20. You think ? Ashley hates loans and has never taken them out before he's always used his own cash so I'm not sure why that would change ?
  21. Prediction league has been updated again, it's very close at the top now. I've added fixtures up until Man U away and there are loads of bonus points to play for including the matches against Derby, Wigan, Man City and Stoke so don't forget and get all your Xmas predictions in.
  22. The winner of this was Colin Moore. If your on here Colin can you check the email you sent from and reply to the email please. Well done.
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