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Everything posted by ToonTastic

  1. The details may have been sent just nothing confirmed by the club until now.
  2. There it is Marseille Skipper Completes Toon Move MARSEILLE defender Habib Beye has completed his switch to Newcastle United. The 29-year-old Senegal star has signed a three-year deal with the Magpies. Beye, who can operate as a right-back or centre-back, was skipper of the French club having joined from Strasbourg in 2003. He featured in both legs of Marseille's UEFA Cup semi-final victory over United in 2004 but was on the losing side in the final against Valencia.
  3. Yeah strange the official site only mentions one but apparently it's both
  4. Yep defiantly gone through according to the nufc text service.
  5. Faye finally confirmed as is Beye question now is were they signed in time to play tomorrow or not.
  6. Thats crap if it's just Faye as we will have no right back until at least January.
  7. Yep all the best for Nobby, all the worst for West Ham however This does however mean we have nobody who can play right back tomorrow.
  8. To be honest I wouldn't be that bothered if we only got 1 RB in, would be nice to have more but it's still 10 times better than last summer.
  9. That's that then. not as if it takes 24 hours to fly from Barcelona does it Well considering Mort was "spotted" this morning, and that's when those pictures will have been taken...He'd need to be superman to get from training to Tees Valley airport that quickly. And what would be the point in him training if he was coming here? Who says they were taken this morning? Could of been from a trainign lesson that was from yesterday. Barca do http://www.fcbarcelona.cat/web/english/noticies/futbol/temporada07-08/08/n070831100869.html
  10. Prediction league is all up to date after last night the top 5 looks like this 1 ANIMAL 10 2 2 6 12 17 -5 50 2 scottp 9 2 4 3 8 21 -13 47 3 olliemort 10 1 4 5 9 17 -8 41 4 toontastic 10 2 3 5 7 22 -15 40 5 memphis 5 1 2 2 7 8 -1 39 Get your predictions in for the Wigan game now at http://www.newcastle-online.com/nufcpredictionleague/
  11. Didn't check mine but they are there in case they fancy the odd check. If they ask just get her to tell them she is a bloke see if they have the bottle to continue the conversation
  12. All up to date again including the match against Barnsley this Wednesday so if you haven't already get predicting.
  13. People don't really think we just sit there waiting for one transfer to go through before we go to the next one do they ? If that was true we wouldn't have signed so many people so quickly. If this one doesn't go through I can't see us going for anyone else so I wouldn't get your hopes up Sams said he's happy with what he has just wants to strengthen.
  14. Because even if you only get one league cup game this season and one FA Cup game, same for next season (If I've read it right and you get this season and next seasons cup games) means you save £60 on tickets. Chances are slim that we don't get at least 1 match in each competition. Saving £50 a month means you'll probably get about £2-3 interest in those 10 months. Remember you aren't garunteed an FA Cup match this year or anything next year as their is a chance we could be away from home. I didn't say it was guaranteed I said chances are slim we won't get at least 1 game in each comp at home next season. How many times has it happened in the last 10 years where we havn't had at least one game in each cup comp at home ?
  15. Because even if you only get one league cup game this season and one FA Cup game, same for next season (If I've read it right and you get this season and next seasons cup games) means you save £60 on tickets. Chances are slim that we don't get at least 1 match in each competition. Saving £50 a month means you'll probably get about £2-3 interest in those 10 months.
  16. I think we have a new nickname for him
  17. Yeah couldn't understand a word the PA guy said, sounded all muffled. And when the crowd was raising the roof before the start of the match and before the players had come out he should have just turned the music off.
  18. Ah it is you then, I've been in touch with the club about it I'll see if I get any sort of reply.
  19. Are you the one in level seven or the one I'm talking about ? Actually just re read you got pulled from the crowd so you must be the one from level 7 not the one I'm talking about.
  20. Aye, why didn't you just tell this copper that, ToonTastic? They were told this by someone near me, that was when the PC said I'm not going to argue with you, it will hold up in court and if I hear anyone else say it I will arrest them. Aye, why didn't you just tell this copper that, ToonTastic?
  21. Of course it's not, the word mackem has been around long before the PC brigade has. I wonder if that means it would have been racist if I called a fan at the match a Geordie ? Christ even the mackems call themselves mackems they hate being called Geordies. The song by the way was "Whos the Mackem in the green" to the ref. Dread to think what would have happned if they had sang "who's the wanker in the green" Basically though it stop most of the singing in our area until they left as the two PCs were just arguing with the crowd.
  22. One said he's been a PC at the matches for 18 years, the guy near me said your obviously not very good at your job then if your still a PC after 18 years
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