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Everything posted by ToonTastic

  1. Take a look at the bench? Who do we have??? Fact is Emre is our only creative midfielder and he is out. Would you rather have Pattison play? Why could we not have played N'Zogbia either in the center midfield or left wing with Milner on the right wing, would have given us a lot more attacking options. Was what I expected him to do especially since Jose Enrique played in the cup match so could have slotted in nicely at left back. Instead he played a formation and team as though we were playing Man Utd and yet they lost to derby so I hold no hope of that formation or team against Man Utd.
  2. Speaking of midfielders Faye looked awful, hopefully not a sign of things to come. He looked worse than Parker, Parker at least went round 360, Faye went 180 so he was facing his own goal then lost the ball.
  3. No the FSCS pays 100% of the first £2,000, then 90% of the next £33,000 - in other words the maximum payment is £31,700, if you have more spread it around banks then your covered.
  4. The club haven't demanded a thing, they have said they will support you if there is a name change if not then you will have to continue on your own. That's not a demand it's just they can't be seen to be supporting anything with the name Ultras after the problems with other Ultras at other clubs.
  5. Think all the toilets are pretty crap myself, most don't have running hot water some don't have any running water at all and the mirrors are a joke not to mention the fact they are all dirty.
  6. Did your portfolio have any questions ? If not might they not just be reading it and using it to go with the ideas we and other fanzines will be providing them ?
  7. ToonTastic


    Is there? Nignog and spade?. Just two of the recent comments made by people I have sat next to at SJP this season. Of course there is racism. Much of it may be subtle but it still exists. Not convinced that the people who screamed townfull of paki's at Coventry (and there was in excess of a thousand easily who did it) have changed there ways. Are you convinced? It's significant enough to be dealt with seriously. Personally, I think we pay lip service to it. So report them, you don't have to put up with it you know.
  8. Yep. we're both wrong,teletext has quotes about it being about the wigan players harassing the ref on 2 occasions. Glad to be right for once
  9. Nah the challenge on Taylor was ok, he did seem to punch Harper in the face though.
  10. Ahh well it should be for surrounding the ref I think, the refs have started bottling that one again.
  11. All the players surrounded the ref after Kilbane got red carded and then later on when we got a free kick they surrounded him again. Everyone was shouting for the ref to book them but he just backing away from them all.
  12. To be fair though although the player looked a great prospect when younger at the age he is at he needs to start showing more it's no so much a case of foreign players are taking his place. Look at Richards at City and Taylor at ourselves. However as Lee Clark said himself this week, it is important that the club makes sure that any player that leaves can still make a living from the game and doesn't drop into non league football. Huntington can say he has done this and was in fact wanted by Championship teams so could make make his grade there as well.
  13. I don't think we'll see Barton playing till a long time after that. He will be fully fit by then but will be no where near match fit as he'll not have had much pre season. He'll probably make the bench and get the odd run out but I don't think we'll see him fully till late November early December. Big Sam is not Roeder he won't get risked or rushed back.
  14. One that has been mentioned at www.newcastle-online.com but not much on here, give the stands back their names. Gallowgate and Leazes please.
  15. The club also will be happy to help as they can make money off selling more flags, scarfs etc if they help promote your group. That's not a bad thing it's a good thing.
  16. I was wondering that the first time I heard it, I thought fuck off it's not just you lot singing the whole stadium has been on it's feet singing for most of the match. Then I saw all the police and realised what was going on. I understand why people may think it's a step back to change the name as people have learned it but this is something that is meant to carry on for many years. If it was a short term thing, fine keep the name. But it's not and thats the one of the biggest problems of the current Ultras team they have a short term mindset and don't like new suggestions from people who have created things which have been a success in the past. I went on the portal and gave my two cents once and was basically told my opinion wasn't welcome fuck off, so I did and haven't posted since and I know this has happened to others.
  17. I don't think the idea was to give away part of the site to post on More to promote what the ultras had planned. I think it gets confused calling your guys BBTN when you call yourselves Ultras would confuse people who have no idea what your doing. I like the idea of the Ultras, I think it's got a long way to go though cause at the minute the noise is fixed in one section which doesn't work, also after reading your forum the ideas of being silent for 5 minutes or whatever to show how "important" the ultras are or to all run in making loads of noise, seems to detract totally from the apparent idea of the group.
  18. It was agreed a while back the site would fully support as much as it could if there was a name change and we were told there would be but it never came.
  19. Just to add my two cents in dropping crappy Premier TV and getting someone who is capable of creating a good Newcastle website. Agree with vending machines, also maybe a few more cash points in fact why not a cash point next to the food I know I'd buy more from them if they were there. I agree with the vending machines saves having to stand for hours when all you want is an over priced bottle of coke. Would also like to see the stairs with paintings or pictures of players all the way down them. I don't use the stairs now but when I did they were horrible. More staff to serve is also a must. I also like the idea of a bottles section which could be for alcohol and soft drinks.
  20. Can I add another thing about merchandise. When we have had cup finals there have been stalls set up to buy loads of flags and scarf's and stuff like that which is all club merchandise. Is there any chance we can have this at all the home games ? Maybe even a little stall near the away end at away matches as well ? It would mean we'd have loads more flags in the stadium and since they are club merchandise the stewards couldn't/shouldn't take them off people.
  21. Sort the stewards and police at the game it's shocking to say the least, people are there to have a good time now to get wrong for singing. Not to fussed about the mascots, they are there for kids so I've no problem with them as the kids seem to like them. Get rid of Kids are United it's horrible. Preferred the 5 a side matches the club used to have at half time, Justin could still present it in so form if they wanted him to. Penalty kicks against the mascot is not great though. Never return to that stupid giant air filled player. Pointless and horrible. Allow giant flags back into the stadium as long as they are fire proof, sod the posh people in the posh seats and the woman scared their hair gets messed up. I'll think of more Let the big flags come back even if it's someone waving 2 belters behind the goals. Maybe sell
  22. Depends how Taylor performs as to whether it's a problem hopefully he's got over his problems else he'll be skinned.
  23. Even if they were signed before the noon deadline and not announced till now there is no way either would feature. Why ?
  24. Can you not read everything above your post
  25. Looks like Taylor will be right back tomorrow if he wasn't signed in time though which isn't great news.
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