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Everything posted by ToonTastic

  1. .....then they need to sort out the police at the stadium. 2 PCs were near my at the match yesterday, also sat next to me was a youngish lad and his dad (think it's his dad might be wrong) As with the rest of the stadium everyone was singing and having a good time till the police decided that calling the ref a mackem was racist and said if any song like that was sang again they would remove them (they seemed to pick on these two despite there being plenty more people singing) from the stadium and arrest them. The male police office was adamant this was racist using the word mackem and said he would be happy to arrest anyone as it would stand up in court. When questioned what would happen on derby day they said there will be alot of people being arrested if people use that term. They also refused to allow anyone to stand when singing any song and said they would be kicked out. The police were finally moved to another entrance and everyone was able to enjoy the match but these two PCs spoilt the game for everyone in that section of the ground yesterday.
  2. Bugger I hate having to go through the turnstile on my season ticket. People are useless and it's as if it's a shock to them when they get to the turnstile and they have to have a ticket. They then spend an age getting their ticket out. I normally just go for the turnstile that's empty and closish to me seat.
  3. Just a reminder to get your predictions in for the Aston Villa game this week, I've also added the Boro game should you like to go a week ahead. Go to http://www.newcastle-online.com/nufcpredictionleague/ to make your prediction.
  4. Apparently England are the Newcastle of the National scene
  5. All up to date again after the Bolton match, the table now looks like this: 1 +10 ANIMAL 7 2 1 4 10 12 -2 41 2 +13 scottp 7 2 3 2 8 16 -8 41 3 +26 memphis 4 1 2 1 7 6 1 36 3 +27 samjack 4 1 2 1 7 6 1 36 5 -4 toontastic 7 2 2 3 7 15 -8 34 Get your Villa predictions added today I'll try and add more games later today.
  6. It'll be in the Chronicle but it'll be inside thats all just like all the Newcastle news is inside the Echo not on the back page. Who gives a toss though to be honest.
  7. Aren't 6000 new seats going to be built at St James perfect place to put the singing section as then nobody has to get moved.
  8. Theres one of these every time they get back into the Premiership
  9. Isn't that the press area ? Mr Oliver are you and Roeder the same man ?!?!
  10. Well I'm getting to free so far and I'm only on the Virgin L package so I'm going to see how long I get it for free before I spend the 8.99 a month and get it. Much better deal than the £24 a month for Sky Sports.
  11. Geremi got his arse wiped against Boro when he played at right back, in fact ask most Chelsea and Boro fans and they will both say he's very poor at right back much better in the middle.
  12. Of course it could just be a rumour like all the rest of them ?
  13. Right I've finally got round to updating the league so you should now see stuff in the table. Top 5 looks like this: 1 0 toontastic 4 2 0 2 7 6 1 25 2 0 bad_cat 3 1 1 1 6 3 3 20 3 0 cytoon 4 1 1 2 6 7 -1 20 3 +17 kingxlnc 4 1 2 1 6 7 -1 20 5 +18 sjdnufc 4 0 2 2 5 8 -3 18 And yes I am trying my best to rig it so I win this year
  14. Thats it until the match and you can change them of course. I think you can view other peoples predictions by clicking on their username. I can change the scores to something else if you want but tell me before the first game. More games will be added but can't add them all at once due to not having rights to the fixtures. There are bonus points available for the first 2 games of the Premiership season as well so you know.
  15. Just in case anyone doesn't fancy donating there are google ads down the right of the screen at www.newcastle-online.com they are what currently pay for the server. Is your Dreamhost server a dedicated server ? If not it's no good really.
  16. Must be age http://www.newcastle-online.com/nufcforum/index.php?topic=42459.0
  17. I've also updated the link in the "Can't find what your looking for" thread so I'll try and keep this up-to-date.
  18. The Prediction League is back and this time it includes even more matches than last year. I've included all the friendlies this time around and the first 2 games of the season are also there ready for you to predict on. If you haven't yet signed up you can do so at http://www.newcastle-online.com/nufcpredictionleague/ but if you already have a username and password just login and make your predictions. Enjoy
  19. ToonTastic

    Roeder v Fat Sam

    To be honest though we are good enough for a UEFA cup spot and I don't agree with Big Sam that we shouldn't get there this season.
  20. http://icnewcastle.icnetwork.co.uk/newcastleunited/journalsport/tm_headline=carr-motoring-towards-exit%26method=full%26objectid=19368352%26siteid=50081-name_page.html Carr motoring towards exit Jun 28 2007 By Paul Gilder, The Journal Stephen Carr's position at St James's Park last night appeared increasingly precarious as Sam Allardyce pursued two players whose arrivals would leave the Irishman facing a bleak first-team future. A manager whose interest in Olympique Marseille's Habib Beye is established is understood to have opened talks with Geremi, the Cameroon international who, following the expiration of his contract at Chelsea, has been offered to several Premier League clubs this summer. The Newcastle boss is keen on a player who, although comfortable in various roles, has been deployed almost exclusively at right-back during his career at Stamford Bridge. It is a position in which Beye is also accomplished and one in which Carr (pictured right) specialises. The 30-year-old faced an uncertain future even before Allardyce's targets became clear - with Nolberto Solano having proved a more than capable full-back last season and the Magpies manager keen to test Kieron Dyer in the role as he experiments with alternative formations. Should he succeed in his bid to add Beye and Geremi to Newcastle's first-team squad, it would be almost certain to spell the end for Carr's first-team career in the North-East. Story continues Continue story ADVERTISEMENT The Journal understands that, having decided that the former Tottenham defender will not be a first choice next season, Allardyce is willing to listen to offers for Carr. A player facing a future in the reserves is not expected to resist, and Celtic are understood to be interested. The United boss is still attempting to find a club willing to end Celestine Babayaro's time on Tyneside. Portuguese sources insist Sporting Lisbon have had a request to sign the African on loan rejected and are considering returning with a bid to sign the former Anderlecht player on a permanent basis. Allardyce will hope it succeeds. With Carr set to join the Nigerian in departing Tyneside, it seems as though Newcastle could embark on their next Premier League season with new full-backs on both flanks. Carr did spend time deputising for Babayaro last season, although Allardyce is determined to recruit a specialist left-footer to fill a position that has long been problematic. Newcastle have been linked with Nicky Shorey, but the England international has opened contract talks with Reading and is expected to remain at the Madejski Stadium. "Interest from those clubs is flattering," said the in-demand defender, who is also attracting attention from West Ham. "You never say never, football is a sport where people move around all the time. But I've been happy at Reading for a long time." Having agreed a £3m deal for David Rozehnal - although the transfer has not been confirmed and the 26-year-old has returned to his home in the Czech Republic, an announcement is said to be imminent - Allardyce is keen to continue his defensive restructuring work. A deal for Beye is being negotiated, while discussions have been held with Geremi's representatives. The African has also been offered to Sunderland and Middlesbrough this summer - although Newcastle are understood to be in the driving seat for a player who is a free agent. Like Beye, the African is a versatile player - a factor that appeals to Allardyce. But, although Geremi can fulfil several roles, a manager well served for defensive midfielders does not need another and with James Milner and Solano expected to contest the club's right-wing role, it seems the former Real Madrid man would have the most to offer in the right-back berth. Meanwhile, Mark Viduka has cast further doubt on Michael Owen's future at St James's Park after admitting he is unsure whether he will partner the England international next season. "I'm not sure if Michael is staying," said the Australian, who, despite the striker's uncertain situation, is relishing his first season as a Newcastle player following his move from Middlesbrough. "What's happening at Newcastle is exciting. We have got new owners and it looks very promising. West Ham was tempting but in the end, I chose Newcastle." * THE League Managers' Association have hit out at the Quest Report for "casting aspersions" over the conduct of certain managers - including Sam Allardyce - without giving them any "proper opportunity" to reply to the allegations. A statement from the LMA said they are concerned managers under the spotlight did not have the chance to offer their comments regarding allegations in the report which "may damage our members' reputations." The LMA said: "In the light of recent media speculation, the LMA wishes to express its serious misgivings over the process of the Quest Report. "The final Quest Report stated clearly that there is no evidence or suggestion of any irregular payments to club officials or managers and that there had been full co-operation from our members. "However, we are concerned that the final report then proceeded to try and single out and cast aspersions over the conduct over a number of managers without any consultation about this or proper opportunity for them to reply. "We cannot understand why none of the managers were contacted first to seek their comments on the further findings."
  21. Minus Parker who we sold for £7 million. So would actually be £1.8 million. Outrageously good business. And with the Owen compo means we are actually running a £8.2m profit so far.
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