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Everything posted by Chase

  1. Not that i'm overwhelmed by the appointment but atleast we aren't going to have to put up with Houghton's random lineups now. Venebles isn't the greatest, but atleast he does seem to have something about him to suggest he can do ok for us and move us away from 19th (maybe to 18th).
  2. That and, No more John Motson
  3. To be honest, I couldn't blame Ashley if he walked out on us after the way some mongs have been going on. We're all in the same boat and we have no idea what is going on so none of us for certain can say any of this is his fault although there are a few suggestions to say it is but even so nothing concrete. Personally I want him to say, so what if he's made a mistake, everyone does, but they are atleast in talks trying to fix the problem so they can carry on progressing our club. This time last year he was our saviour, and to a degree in my opinion he still is. Alot of people have a very short memory, our club is in a much better position than it was this time last year.
  4. I just can't bring myself to think of us buying our way up the league. We've gone through the phase of buying high price players over the past few years and in reality we've achieve nothing but a supposed £80m debt before Ashley came in. Personally I prefer how things are going right now (except the current mockery), we're buying players who aren't coming at ridiculous fees and are improving our team. I would rather we did things the way we are now instead of buying heartless players who are most often mercenaries.
  5. Right now Keegan has not been sacked nor resigned. But that doesn't mean that either may well be the final outcome (god forbid). Personally I think they're in crisis talks and I put wold put it as Ironing out the creases, if they see this through I think in the long run it may well help the club, they'll know where each other is coming from so hopefully will have a better understanding.
  6. Not ideal but I'd follow my heart and support Arsenal. I've always had a soft sport for them purely because my granda supported them all his life and I've always wanted them to do well just for him. Failing that, Barcelona as I just like them and always have.
  7. I think this is ridiculous, if anything why didn't they deal with it earlier on, like when it happened for starters. It's like the Rio Ferdinand drugs trial thing all over again where he carried on playing for about 7 months before it was even mentioned about him missing the test nevermind getting his ban, they're too slow to deal with problems and always have been.
  8. One things for sure, Diouf and Chimbonda are definately going to show how well Keane is at man management. Yes he was a good captain, but how's he going to deal with these two. Not as thogh they're famous for being team players.
  9. Chase

    Tim Krul

    Great news in my opinion. I certainly think he is one for the future, he may have only played one first team game but he did show a lot of potential, hopefully we'll for once have someone to back up his potential instead of just promising.
  10. I wasn't born when he played for us, but i absolutely hate Malcolm McDonald. I dont care how good he was, IMO that guy is the biggest C*** in the world. He's always got an opinion on everything makes sure everyone hears it.
  11. Alan Smith Shola Ameobi Jenas Robbie Elliot purely because of that chicken dance goal celebration Nicky Butt, but last year he did do some work in redeeming himself IMO I totally forgot Barton, on his day he's a good footballer, but those days between kicking a football and kicking a face are few and far between.
  12. I never realised how much I loved Newcastle until I left. on my first trip home from living down south I drove through the city centre and nearly crashed so many times purely from looking around at the various landmarks and buildings with a huge grin on my face. I can't say one thing for certain which I love about Newcastle as it's a mixture of everything, the football, the people, the buildings or the culture. To me it's not a place where I live, it's where I belong, which is a bit of a problem now i'm a scummy southerner.
  13. I contacted the box office this morning to see about how I apply for a season ticket if I've not had one before. They're still dealing with renewals so in her words dont know if there are any available but they'll be updating the website in the next week from what she said so hopefully anyone first time appliers will find out this week whether they can apply or not.
  14. I've not seen the guy play so can't really comment for myself, but a lad I work with is a Saints supporter who rates him quite highly and believes he is well worth the £2m that's been mentioned. All in all he's not a signing to blow you away but might aswell wait and see what happens and hopefully he'll turn out to be a bargain.
  15. Laurent Robert had a few spectacular moments. The double at Totenham a few years ago (the volley and the distance shot), both where fantastic. His free kick against Southampton in his first season here, where it curled one way they began curling back the other and had the keeper well beaten all the way. <snip>
  16. I have to say i disagree, Liverpool have had just as many pannings and back page spreads as we have this season, with DIC, Hicks & Gillette, Benitez, Parry and everything else going on. I mean this isn't even a Liverpool site and there is a massive ongoing thread about them! Definitely. Every time there's been a peep out of any of the above the press have got all hysterical about it. Some weeks there's a bigger mountain to be made out of the molehill at St. James', other weeks at Anfield. We have Newcastle threads on our forums, too Why would you lot be so arsed about us, we aren't even a big club. But we are always good for a laugh.
  17. That would make a change from the Freddy Shepherd school of transfers where you save money on wages but pay an inflated transfer fee by not buying anyone until transfer deadline day That and the inflation of players playing in the championships this summer. I think it was Miguel we were chasing 4 years ago who's price rocketed after a the Euro's and ended up having an asking price of £8m when I think going on reports we where going to offer no more than £4m.
  18. I have nothing against women commentating, but the woman on MOTD is god awful at her job. I don't think for one second she has ever sounded authentic when commentating as she just sounds so fake in the tone of voice she uses.
  19. Chase


    For me Oba has to start every game, It's ridiculous that he's still our top scorer even though he's not scored since before xmas due to the ACN's. I thought last night he was our biggest threat although I would like to see him play with a single player in the team who have a creative bone in their body instead of the drone we had in midfield last night.
  20. I agree although personally I'd take Taylor out of the team too. I think he's created more problems recently than he's solved.
  21. Chase

    Ryan Donaldson

    Name one other u17 youth player who gets acknowledged as a decent prospect. without including new signings.
  22. Chase

    Ryan Donaldson

    Quite a few people seem to be harping on about how much of a big prospect he is, and for once I dont mean us. I've not seen him play but going on other people's opinions he does sound like he's going to be a good player, but hopefully too much pressure won't be put upon him like most other prospects.
  23. I think it is a big risk regardless of a replacement or not. Yes we can try and bring in an attacking player with flair but they're not guaranteed to do well, wasn't duff supposed to be an attacking player with flair and he's done nothing.
  24. We should make him welcome, afterall he did BITE Marcelinho
  25. Chase

    Walcott on Loan

    He'll be a good player but right now he's not what we need, afterall up front we've got Owen, Martins, Viduka, Smith and even Carroll/Ameobi.
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