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Everything posted by Chase

  1. My first memories of supporting Newcastle are of our last promotion season in 92/93, the first game I can recall of us playing in was one of the final games of the season against Leicester which was a 7 - 1 thrashing with an Andy Cole hat trick if I remember correctly. I can't remember much of that season but I can still remember the names of alot of the squad and since from that season onwards I've been obsessed. First game I went to was August 2001 against Leicester where we killed them for 90 minutes but just couldn't score, Tim Flowers was stopping everything that came his way until after 90 minutes when Carl Cort scored the only goal of the game.
  2. Chase

    Best 22 players

    well that was a quick thread
  3. Absolute joke, had not planned on going to this but you can buy tickets on the day at Derby so I might drive over tomorrow evening. I was going to go but there was no way I was going to pay £33! Really does take the piss when a ticket at Coventry for example only cost me £15. Ridiculous prices but it's just Derby making the most of our fanbase. They know they can bump the ticket prices up as they know our fans will pay it to see our team play, who else in this league is going to bring such a big fanbase to their stadium other than their local rivals?
  4. In my opinion it doesn't matter who the captain is, if they're a natural leader they're going to lead regardless of an armband or not. What I'd like to see is only the captain of each team allowed to talk to the referee and no one else, that way the ref only has to deal with 2 people at once instead of the usual chelsea/man u wrap around threatening behaviour. I think if it went that way then the captain would be alot more instrumental to a team, leaders lead by influence, captains then have to also lead by using their brains and communicating all the information with the players, tell some to calm down, tell some to speed up etc.
  5. Chase

    Points target

    I think we've made the right signings to help up push on, Routledge especially looks like the impact player we've need along the right to give us some balance in the team. I'm still not sure we're dead certs for automatic promotion though, I think Forest and West Brom are pushing us too well to relax and begin to churn out games until the end of the season.
  6. I can't believe this, login in see Carrol upfront thinking FFS 3 mins later I'm in heaven.
  7. Coloccini - obvious choise, but is it a perm?
  8. Shocking news, thoughts out to the family
  9. I'm not exactly overawed at this signing but on reflection I don't think he's particularly a bad signing. If you look at the top scorers in the league we've now got 2 players in the top 10 with Nolan on 10 and Best on 9.
  10. Chase

    New Players

    Longterm I think Williamson is going to be the better piece of business, I think he's the one capable of taking the step up from Championship to Premier League, but, saying that, I voted for Routledge. I believe for what we need right now and to push us on further towards promotion we needed to address the right hand side and actually buy a right midfielder, therefore I think Routledge is going to be the purchase which as good as finalises our promotion efforts.
  11. I'd assume he's signed on permanently otherwise they would have stated. From memory when players are first announced as signing on the details are always a little sketchy, give it an hour or so and more information begins to come out.
  12. My thoughts are it has to be a Liverpool player since they are the main victims of burglary in the premier league. For the life of me I cannot remember the other players robbed where, Gerrard, Carragher?, Riera?
  13. This has been our problem area since Milner left in my opinion. I've not seen him play but I've heard a few people rate Lua Lua quite highly, would it be worthwhile giving him a bit more first team time although admittedly we require the finished article now.
  14. In contrast to current PL clubs what are their sponsorship deals like, for example, what are Fulham, Everton and so on bringing in?
  15. NO way on earth is this side better than the 92-93 season in our current side we dont have anyone as good as beresford,venison,lee,clark,sellars,cole,kelly Totally agree - this league is WAY worse than in 92/93 and the proof will come when and if the side are promoted. There is NO way this side would survive in the Prem without MAJOR surgery. Also, you can add Bracewell to your list above and Peacock was a more skillful forward than any at the club now. Wasn't Peacock bought after we gained promotion?
  16. Ya cant watch on tv? Don't live in Newcastle anymore and always end up in trouble in the pubs here, everyone here hates us for some reason
  17. Is anyone else having problems with nufc.co.uk's radio feed? It's not working for me for once.
  18. He definitely went to uni at Newcastle. He was born in Hexham I believe. so was Pete Doherty, but he supports QPR. Guess I was wrong, he's from Consett, which if you are not from the region is probably more Newcastle Territory than Sunderland, at worse it's 50/50. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rowan_Atkinson Since I've never heard his name mentioned when it comes to the toon, I think it safe to assume he's one of those arty farty types that have no interest in "soccer". I know he's more the country type since his family where all farmers along with him working on the farm for the early years of his life so I dont know if he'll have been brought up following football. Im also from Consett and yeah it's closer to Newcastle than Sunderland by about 5 miles I think, 15 to Newcastle, 20 to Sunderland, 17 to Durham I think.
  19. No, why should they be given a priority pass straight into the top English league when every other club has to work their way up. If they want to join then in my opinion they should start right at the bottom like every other club and work their way up AFC Wimbledon style. I dont think they should join as they aren't an English club, what's the point in it being the English Premier League if all the teams aren't English (Swansea and Cardiff I can accept if they ever get promoted as they've been in the English league since they started out as far as I know). As mentioned I believe their fans would come down here wanting to cause trouble by treating every game as the battle of Britain and would you really want to go up to Glasgow for an away match knowing you're likely to end up with several chavs glassing you? I am dead against the idea of them joining, but if they were I hope they start at the bottom like I said and work their way up, right now they're a big fish in a small pond and if they were to join the PL they'd add no value as far as I'm concerned.
  20. Very sad news. I can't even imagine what he must be have felt to go that far, just shows you can't take anything for granted.
  21. Reading the full article on .co.uk the bits that was atleast thankful for are that he's putting an extra 20m into the club. The increase in revenue I've no idea how he'll do that as we're not going to get the same sponsorship deals as we previously have had as we're no longer a premier league club. As for staying on as owner, hiring houghton and more importantly renaming St James' Park is an absolute mockery.
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