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Everything posted by Chase

  1. Chase


    Interesting to hear although 2-3 months ago he was allegedly going to join Arsenal, Manure or Chelsea for £35m. Suddenly for us he's £15m. Don't really believe this one bit.
  2. I dont know much about him other than what he's like in FM but when players come out and say things like this they are usually using us as a self advertising campaign.
  3. Quotes taken from: http://www.football365.com/story/0,17033,8652_3059161,00.html not the usual speach that you hear from new players coming in but it is nice to hear about him already learning english and sounds like he genuinely wants to take his chance with both hands.
  4. What I did notice in the press conference was that when asked about the likes of Wayne Bridge, Shaun Wright-Phillips and other possible signings he did say that he would talk to them once the camera's and tv news companies had gone and it was a written tabloid only conference. I'm curious what was said in there and if there are any truths in the rumours of a few of the players such as Van Buyten etc.
  5. Chase

    Tony Yeboah.

    He did a sterling job there, now lets release it in my column
  6. get him back as his No.2 just for comedy value. Who need McDermott to make everyone laugh when you've got Tino
  7. Darren Peacock was actually our record signing at 2.75m on transfer deadline day if my memory serves me correct now I feel old at a ripe old age of 23 I know we broke a few transfer records in Keegan's first stint so who know's maybe this time the spending will be similar with the same effect
  8. I agree, there really are very few other options.
  9. This is the time when IMO Keegan is a good manager which is when he's got money to spend. If you think about some of the prices and players he bought back in 95/95, I'm sure Barton was around £4m which for a defender at the time was quite alot, also wasn't Peacock a british record fee for a defender when he came? He's the type of manager who would absolutely whoop you at fantasy football
  10. my earliest footballing memories are our promotion season, since then I've supported the town through both good and the bad.
  11. I don't think it would be a good idea to have him as a No.2 As has been mentioned he is not a typical No.2 type person as he is generally a selfish person, look at the way he was courting himself for the managers job. If anything I think it would be a problem as can you imagine the amount of rumours about him only being their to learn and eventually Keegan will be out on his arse with Shearer in his seat before it's even gone cold. IMO he should take up management on a lower level before we give him his first chance, that way if he's good enough then great next time we're looking then great approach him and see what happens from there.
  12. This is getting well annoying now, I'm sure the match was advertised as "Newcastle v Stoke" who's this Havant thingy?
  13. brilliant, they totally forget about us and when they come back it's 4 - 0
  14. Chase

    Kevin Keegan

    I've no idea what to think about this. He's been our most successful manager in recent history so why not give him another go. My main concern is we're trying ignite old flames, is like dating an ex when you know its doomed to fail.
  15. Chase

    Jose Mourinho

    To prove your point on the news last night when talking about it they mentioned that we are regarded as the best fans in the world "but only our fans think that". Lets just face it, we are a laughing stock as always, us, spuds and the scousers are the laughing stock of the premiership time and time again, we hold no respect from any other fans and are constantly mocked because of our "we're a big team" attitude.
  16. as already said Faye, Beye and Enrique, now all we need them all to play regularly.
  17. I've never really seen him play but would Young-Pyo be worth a short solely for the reason that it free's Zog up to play further upfield since Enrique is not getting the chances to adapt.
  18. Chase

    Who would you prefer?

    personally I voted Ashton. We need another big striker IMO and he would provide us with that, he often comes deep allowing Owen/Martins to go forward like they prefer. He would basically give us what we get from Viduka but I think he would score more goals a season to be honest. He has been a crock over the last year or so but like Owen's knee that was circumstantial
  19. I've never heard of him to be honest but looking on wikipedia he's listed as a centre back and "regarded as one of the best defenders in portugal" Can anyone who's seen him play give their opinions on him please?
  20. has anyone else noticed that the club don't seem to be making much of this signing? Tozer signs and he has five articles on .co.uk then Ngo Bahend joins and he gets a mention in the reserve match thread yet they're both supposedly promising young players.
  21. Chase

    Butt extension

    http://www.nufc.premiumtv.co.uk/page/NewsDetail/0,,10278~1195983,00.html Going on this season's form I'm not dissapointed by that, he's been alright for us this year IMO.
  22. I'd go for: Ferdinand Ginola Lee or Beardsley I've got this season's shirt but instead of getting current players names put on I've been going for my favourite all time players, on this season's shirt I've got Asprilla 11. I did consider having current players put on the shirt but then thought it would look stupid if they sold him weeks later, so I've gone for my all time favourites.
  23. LMFAOOOOOO mackems.gif mackems.gif mackems.gif mackems.gif mackems.gif mackems.gif Superbly described, i imagined you saying that in an excited high pitched voice As did I
  24. Chase


    positionally I think he is slightly improving, in yesterday's game he made 2 crucial interceptions 1 of which was in the 6 yard box and would most probably have ended in a goal. I still would rather he played further upfield in his natural position instead of LB as i think the team would beneift alot more from that and he's not a LB afterall, but either way I think the experience will do him good.
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