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Everything posted by catmag

  1. Shameless bump for the post-match crew
  2. midds and I would ask you to take 2 minutes to read this for a friend of ours.. Thank you http://www.newcastle-online.org/nufcforum/index.php/topic,89958.0.html
  3. catmag

    Happy Birthday...

    Happy Birthday Bobby. Loved the bit on the Just Call Me Bobby documentary where he was celebrating his 70th birthday.
  4. Dunno? I've had 3 babies and I know the offside rule! Oh well, you clearly win. Chill out man, they're winding you up and you're biting
  5. I've had a baby AND I know the offside rule!!11LOLZ Do I win?
  6. There's nothing better than being able to feel smug, you'll not even have to say anything to them. If we win I'm just going to put the bairn in a little Newcastle shirt and take him for a walk
  7. All of my in-laws are mackems therefore it is imperative that we win, especially given where we actually live!
  8. catmag

    Players in public

    And lasses who are so skinny their heads look like they're too heavy for their bodies, so they look like lollipops. It's an awful place.
  9. I wasn't even on here as it happens, but I don't appreciate being dragged into something that has nowt to do with me just cos Pilko is on his period. Pathetic tbh.
  10. When you do get one be sure to mention it it the materialism thread. And the mood thread. And in this thread. Obviously. Sorry about that. Why not ask your missus to stop mentioning your fucking kid in every thread, maybe I don't want to read about that? Cheers. Firstly, if you have a fucking problem with me then you address it to me and no-one else. Secondly, out of interest I've just checked my recent posts and I've mentioned the "fucking kid" once since 21st May so I suggest you calm your vivid imagination down and stop being so "fucking disrespectful"
  11. Try and keep me out of this thread and I'll scratch your eyes out bitchfight stylee! Come on South Africa
  12. I wanted to be a journalist til I was 18, It would appear that your taste in c*nts is impeccable, darling.
  13. I wish Sir Bobby could be here to see this today. He'd be proud
  14. Desperately sad. It may well have been a case of 'too much too young' for his daughter. I have a good friend who lived next to her and she was a wildchild even a couple of years ago. RIP x
  15. Being at this game last night confirmed to me that since I've given up my season ticket I really don't miss sitting through 90 minutes of absolute cack in the freezing cold.
  16. He's still a handsome devil. Overrated tbh.
  17. I'm heading up to SJP like. It's proves to be all the more poignant as at the same time as the memorial service takes place my dad will be at the hospital to find out whether he has to take on a battle of his own. I'm hoping that Bobby's strength and spirit will help us because it's unbearable to comprehend at the moment.
  18. catmag

    RIP sale thread.

    They'll all be in Marbella.
  19. catmag

    RIP sale thread.

    Please tell me your cats/Joseph/Midds can give us some better ITK gossip. I nearly dressed Joseph in his Newcastle shirt and put a "you're all talking shit!" sign round his neck, but that may be classed as child abuse (the shirt, not the sign...)
  20. catmag

    RIP sale thread.

    You're lucky I glanced in this thread actually. It's the biggest pile of fucking wank I've ever had the misfortune to read
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