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Everything posted by pedro111

  1. pedro111

    Good Times

    Get in there Albert son!!, his second best moment for us like I reckon. Brilliant.
  2. pedro111

    Good Times

    Breathtaking performance that day. http://news.bbc.co.uk/media/images/39632000/jpg/_39632363_robert_pa.jpg
  3. pedro111

    Good Times

    Pretty sure it was "to the top of the Premiership table". Could be wrong though. Great piece of commentary anyhow.
  4. Certainly is for me mate. Its the be all and end all I am afraid. When we dont win, you couldnt pay me to watch motd let alone sit me down to watch a full game, even a top match with the top 4.
  5. Newcastle are shit therefore no, I am not enjoying it and never will again until they come good. Simple really.
  6. pedro111

    Mark Viduka

    He is class, no doubt.
  7. pedro111

    Mark Viduka

    I felt blessed that he dragged himself away from his Aussie beach and graced us with his presence today like some kind of modern day Emporer.
  8. pedro111

    Jonas Gutierrez

    but I know what you mean.
  9. pedro111

    Jonas Gutierrez

    Although my man crush on Colo is still strong, it is fading for spiderman. Not looked the same since his injury.
  10. Lose the gloves but apart from that you are doing ok lad.
  11. Stupid thread. Yes he was poor today etc etc. but hes been out for f***ing ages man!! He is a top class finisher and when the team is playing well he shines, he drops deep and sprays the ball about with ease and rarely gives it away. When we are poor, he is mostly poor but what can you do eh? I wish all the Owen haters would f*** right off tbh.
  12. Honestly, I am fucking sick of Kinnear and now the cunts here till the end of the season.
  13. I understand what you are saying but if Shearer had made the same subs and blatent favoring of shit players over good ones then I'd call him for it. 100%. But ultimatley I believe he actually has a clue and would not make the same poor choices. Meh, we'll see in time I guess.
  14. When? He was our best available goalscorer. Taking off penalties is a joke anyway and you know it. Do you want to take of those scored with his right foot as well? He was better with that one after all. Your turn... How can you say someone who got over 20 goals in a year didn't get enough goals, particularly given the poor standard of a team he was playing in? And who has scored that many since? And when will the next time someone manages it be in your expert opinion? Seriously, you make yourself look very stupid sometimes poor standard? Robert, Speed, Dyer and Bellamy giving support? come on man Are you honestly saying that his performances in 2004 (0 goals away from home ffs man) warranted constant selection. He was poor in the league and the stats dont point to anything else, they really dont. They certainly warrant a rethink, or at least giving Bellamy and kluivert a try together. Like I already said, he scored 1 away goal in 2004 man, Boro away, pen. Lol seriously though, what was his injury record like that year?, any big chunks out?
  15. Vent, vent, vent away mate, Im in the mood too! Fuck off Kinnear you cunt.
  16. move back to sunderland I could still never understand the lads decision to live there like. I know he is a poor Irish boy and all but someone really should have put their arm round him and offered him guidence tbh.
  17. I honestly despair more and more with each passing game despite the results with JFK in charge of the club. I can appreciate his worth as a comedy character but considering I spunked out £1400 pound last summer I find it hard to accept him tbh. My soul is dying, along with my bank account.
  18. You said that nicely Liam. For a short while there was the Shearer/Bellamy/Kluivert thing. But the fact is apart from that brief moment there was no one better to be put in ahead of him.
  19. Get a f***ing grip man Ive got a vice like grip man.
  20. Another thing that pisses me off about him is how he says he is "really enjoying it". Obviously the loss to the Mackems meant fuck all to him.
  21. How you getting down? I'm getting the train, normally get the bus. Dont know yet mate, prolly find a bus somewhere.
  22. 3-0? The result is what matters and for the record books it states 0-0. Better than the 5-0 thrashing the dog worriers team took I reckon. I know that mate, Im delighted with the result but make no mistake about it, on another day we could have easily conceded 3 plus goals.
  23. I hope I am not going to be chased by a group of knuckle dragging smoggie fuckwits through the streets of Middlesborough this year like I was last year. c***s!
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