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Everything posted by midds

  1. I'm hoping that between them, Roeder and Pearson (2 ex-central defenders), can get us organised at the back. We tried a 'defensive coach' about 10 years ago in Camp Lawrenson and it didn't work. Fingers crossed this time.
  2. Speaking as a layman, these results appear to be pretty dismal. Shepherd MUST carry the can for this. He chose Souness and backed him and it blew up in his face. Time for Shepherd to take responsibility and fall on his sword. He's running the club and it's his judgement and decisions which are reflected in these accounts. He does the hiring and firing and he holds the purse strings. Shepherd out.
  3. midds

    Oliver Out

    Stopped reading that cunt's 'articles' years ago. Pure spin from start to finish. Much prefer an independent point of view on the current situation. blueyes.gif
  4. Was a ridiculous dive but the ref gave nowt and play continued.... then Rossi buried the chance. Can't see what they were complaining about, it wasn't given. Pair of clits. :roll: nah, one's a hemorrhoid... blueeek.gif :winking: My mistake. One was a clit, one was a bum-grape. :winking:
  5. Cups and cakes Cups and cakes Oh what good things mother makes You've got to take tea won't you take it with me What a gay time it will be Cups and cakes Cups and cakes Please make sure that nothing breaks The china's so dear and the treacle so clear And I'm glad that you are here Milk and sugar Bread and Jam Yes please, sir, and thank you ma'm Here I am Cups and cakes Cups and cakes I'm so full my tummy aches How sad it must end But I'm glad I've a friend Sharing cups and cakes with me And cakes with me...
  6. Of course what with it being the OFFICIAL club website, you'd naturally expect them to be posting articles about how it was a fluke and how actually we really shouldn't have won it... Shouldn't have won what, after a loss? I'm pretty sure he was being sarcastic. bluebiggrin.gif
  7. midds

    Post Match Adoption

    White dogshit. Sorry and all that but it was...
  8. midds


    Sky showed our goals 2 hours ago if it's any consolation...
  9. Notts Co. v Wycombe Spurs v Port Vale Brum v L'pool Chelsea v Villa Watford v Us Chesterfield v Charlton Southend v Man U Everton v Arsenal
  10. Is that who we've got ? Aye. Distinctly winnable imo.
  11. Was a ridiculous dive but the ref gave nowt and play continued.... then Rossi buried the chance. Can't see what they were complaining about, it wasn't given. Pair of clits. :roll:
  12. midds

    Town full of....

    Whinge, whinge fucking whinge. Stop crying.
  13. Bet Sol Campbell's shitting himself... :roll:
  14. I agree. Another case of an English talent being overhyped. He's had his chance to prove his worth this time around as well ... and I can't see a difference with the player we had before his one season stint at Villa. I'd still keep him as back up, but Solano or Zoggy or Duff should be ahead of him to play on the Right. Agree with that. He's never looked close to being the player he was hyped up to be. He's never justified his £5m fee and has flattered to deceive. Just an ordinary right-winger/striker who, because he's English, is suddenly the next big thing. If he was Italian - no fucker would pay more than £500k for him.... :roll:
  15. midds

    Tomorrow's Mirror!!

    4 points out of the last 24 available or something like that. It's a shite state of affairs and it doesn't look like improving anytime soon.... :roll:
  16. The more often I'm told to do something, the less inclined I am to actually do it. Call it midds' law.
  17. Hmmmmmmmm. A protest you say? Wish someone had constantly reminded me about it...
  18. If NE5 didn't exist, we'd have to fucking invent him. Jesus Christ...
  19. Technically it's a cake but we'll let you off... :winking:
  20. Same shit, different thread... coffee.gif
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