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David Icke - Son of God

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Everything posted by David Icke - Son of God

  1. I've walked away, but I think I might burn the stadium to the ground as well.
  2. Alan Smith? There's no need for that sort of language.
  3. Ryan Taylor, over the hill.
  4. I wish you'd spat at the useless spenk. I'd have given you a couple of quid.
  5. I think Cabella would be fine if any of our other players were capable of making an attacking run or finding a bit of space. Instead he ends up hemmed in by two or three defenders, doing daft stepovers while the rest of our lot stand stock still.
  6. It really fucks me off when .COM make statements like this because they're always absolutely magnificent and they don't do it half as much as they should.
  7. I'd turn up early just to hear the fucker's voice.
  8. Fuck them. It's emotional blackmail. Absolutely nothing will change if our fanbase show they can be bought off by being told that "it's your club" and that they need us, despite the fact that all the available evidence points to it being anything but. It's not our club when they sell our best players, rename the stadium, allow loan sharks to sponsor the shirt, aim to get knocked out of competitions we'd all quite like to win. They didn't need our support when they disbanded the singing section and turned the stadium into a morgue, or when they decided to charge fans £15 for membership. If anything the way the club has conducted itself the past couple of days has strengthened my resolve. I owe this basket case of a football team absolutely nothing. I've thrown good money after bad following Mike Ashley's Newcastle United around the country. If they go down it's not because of me, or the other 52,000 idiots that turn up week in week out. It's because of the owner, the board, the manager and the players. It's their mess, why the fuck should I feel some sort of obligation to at least try to bail them out?
  9. In short, "Mike really wants you to buy tickets for West Brom".
  10. "John, you haven't been sending me dodgy WhatsApp messages have you?"
  11. I was always very sceptical of the motives of those behind FC United but as time has went on I've really begun to see the merits in this. I think the problem with this idea is the non-league scene in the region, with many of our supporters already having a second Northern League team. Cruddas Park Radgies FC
  12. Never thought I'd feel sorry for Williamson, but I get the feeling Carver knows he's a scapegoat and has taken the opportunity to try and curry favour with the fans. Colo, Sissoko and Janmaat have all had reds that were equally as cowardly.
  13. Methinks Mr Ashley would've lawyered up toot suite had C4 actually said anything that was untrue.
  14. Do you have to give a reason why? I fear the email I just sent the club telling them to get fucked may come back to bite me on the arse if I try and claim they mistakenly took payments after I cancelled in Feb.
  15. Cancelled. Devastated it's came to this but fucking giving that club any more money until the fat cunt is gone.
  16. What odds can I get on him ripping his shirt off and bashing his tits with his fists while he tells our fans to "fucking bring it" before the end of the season?
  17. Following the mighty Mechanics in Northern League D1.
  18. He needs to re-release Ain't No Doubt.
  19. I've genuinely just seen "It can't be that serious because he's only going to magistrates court" from some mental fucking Mackem.
  20. I do wonder just how far we're off an AFC Newcastle springing up. Not that I'd endorse anything like that.
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