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David Icke - Son of God

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Everything posted by David Icke - Son of God

  1. http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2014/06/09/article-2653262-1E9DAE4E00000578-147_634x414.jpg Come back to me when he's chucked paint stripper all over Saylor's motor.
  2. I'll forever love Carroll for kicking the shite out of Steven Taylor. No price is too high to bring a genuine Geordie hero back to Tyneside.
  3. They seem to have put a huge amount of stock in Lee Congerton, whose biggest roles to date seem to be as a reserve team scout at Chelsea and director at Hamburg during one of the worst periods both on and off the pitch in their history.
  4. Spellman and Starforth The name of ITV's next regional detective series?
  5. I pre-ordered one of those and then they decided about a week after release that they couldn't fulfill my order. If it's a medium mens I'll have it. How much? I'm willing to go as high as £250,001.
  6. Selling Janmaat already. Guess who wins again.
  7. That's not a short list tbf.
  8. I happen think Borini is a tidy little player, but that's a lot for a club on the bones of their arse financially to pay for a 7 goal a season striker.
  9. I've been waiting on this one. Knew someone would say this. Pancrate man, what a stunner he scored before evaporating into thin air the rest of the way. Comes on against Watford, runs around like a dog chasing a balloon, scores a worldy. "He's gonna be a player him!" Reappears the next week. Suddenly he can't shoot, pass, tackle or cross the ball.
  10. That's certainly true of our first two Puma kits, but I stand by my assessment that last year's shirt was aids in fabric form. This looks worse.
  11. Is Little Benton like Wee Britain? http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-dDPKIhBmCCk/UXA3f5cgtAI/AAAAAAAAL94/RSpawQxVIyA/s1600/adforbritisheyesonly.jpg
  12. By all accounts, we are taking a hit on the fee. Which makes even less sense to sell him. Thing is you just know Pardew has been told "pick one to sell" and rather than go for the sane option and finally dump that gobshite permacrock Saylor he's decided to get rid of our best young centre back instead. Cunt. I hope someone force feeds him those ridiculous specs he wears.
  13. I don't think the back injury has anything to do with it, I just think he doesn't want to be here but there isn't an escape route. The back injury had nowt to do with some of the absolutely ridiculous mistakes he was making at the arse end of last season. His head is elsewhere. Forget HBA and Cisse, MYM may well be the prime example of a player being Pardewed. Fantastic prospect, bundles of potential, captained his club to a league title and during a Champions League campaign. We sign him for £7m. A snip. He's thrown in, has a few shockers but also shows his undoubted talent. Puts in two of the best defensive performances I've seen from a CB in an NUFC shirt back to back and is then immediately dropped. Spends the rest of the season either on the bench or out of position and then we try to sell him because our manager thinks he can't head a ball and sees Steven fucking Taylor as a better player.
  14. It'll be amazing when we sell MYM and Colo suddenly decides he needs to be back in Argentina again. Saylor will fistpump so much his arms fall off, the orange shitcunt.
  15. Pretty sad that my reaction to this news is "so what". We'll be bang average until Pardew crawls down a hole and dies.
  16. Selling our only decent full back Fuck me, what a football club.
  17. http://static2.businessinsider.com/image/539cd78969bedd99513e53af-1200-668/gary-lewin.jpg
  18. That's poor translation. We've actually just tarmaced his drive.
  19. He didn't just do the hand in the air. He ran to the corner where the Blackburn fans were punching the air and shouting and screaming. He'd been out injured for yonks mind and had come on as sub and i'm 99% sure it was first time he'd played at SJP in a first team game for anyone. First appearance after his cruciate wasn't it? Was absolutely unaware anyone bore him any animosity over it personally (clearly). The lack of widespread access to the internet meant that people weren't flooded with pictures of it and constantly reminded about it.
  20. Surely MYM isn't on that much in comparison with Saylor. In fact I'd be surprised if he was on more considering he came from Montpellier and Fat Fred thought the sun shone out of Taylor's arsehole when he was in charge.
  21. He's not getting a fortune but he's not doing too badly, largely due to partnerships he's got with a few other channels/organisations. He's not the daft lad everyone thinks he is.
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