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David Icke - Son of God

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Everything posted by David Icke - Son of God

  1. I don't see a point loaning a player to sit on the bench. I'd rather give Sammy a go.
  2. Fucking Stephen Ireland. "Shark in his kitchen! He's got a shark in his kitchen!"
  3. I love the idea of Berbatov but in practice he'd drive me up the wall. Nee chance.
  4. I don't remember HBA ever controlling Krul's "direct" passes. Not gonna happen, bruv. you know what I mean I know. And it saddens me. Shola's gonna continue playing for this club until he's 65.
  5. We've been told none before and signed one. Pardew knows about the same as we do when it comes to recruitment.
  6. The players only do what he tells them when it works, when it doesn't it's the players fault, I get it. And starting Shola doesn't point to us wanting to keep possession, it points to us playing the way that we did. Oh, so you're going down the "Pardew apologist" route because I'm defending him from ridiculous criticism today, despite the fact I was calling for his head not three months ago? Funnily enough the complete opposite of what you accuse me of is prevalent on this website - when we win it's in spite of Pardew, never because of him. I don't have a problem with starting Shola over HBA and I'm not sure why anyone else would when you consider the way both players have performed in recent week, the older Ameobi leading the line during wins again Chelsea, Norwich, Spurs and WBA. You still haven't told us what tactical masterclass you'd have thrown down today either. Howay man, enlighten me. Pardew was given nothing but praise between the Man U win and before the game today so I don't know how you can claim that we win it's in spite of him. It didn't need a tactical masterclass to win today so why do you keep asking for one. He found a way to beat Man U and abandoned it the very next game, is that too difficult to comprehend? As for you not having a problem with his starting Shola over Ben Arfa, that's your choice and not one that I share. Pardew gets very little credit on here, there's almost always a "but" followed by any praise. Southampton and Man United are two different teams that play two very different games. If it was just a case of mirroring performances week on week this management lark would be a piece of piss but guess what? It's not.
  7. The players only do what he tells them when it works, when it doesn't it's the players fault, I get it. And starting Shola doesn't point to us wanting to keep possession, it points to us playing the way that we did. Oh, so you're going down the "Pardew apologist" route because I'm defending him from ridiculous criticism today, despite the fact I was calling for his head not three months ago? Funnily enough the complete opposite of what you accuse me of is prevalent on this website - when we win it's in spite of Pardew, never because of him. I don't have a problem with starting Shola over HBA and I'm not sure why anyone else would when you consider the way both players have performed in recent week, the older Ameobi leading the line during wins again Chelsea, Norwich, Spurs and WBA. You still haven't told us what tactical masterclass you'd have thrown down today either. Howay man, enlighten me.
  8. I would have started with Ben Arfa instead of shola and I would have told the players to retain possession like we did against Man U. I've said that in the post that you replied to so I don't know why you have to even ask the question. So not only are you assuming Pardew didn't ask/want the players to do that but that's the level of your tactical nous? Don't give up the day job, mate
  9. How could he not have done much more today? We were pissed on by Swansea and he later admitted that we'd tried to play too direct so had told the players to play a possession game against Man U where we bossed the game and won. Could he not have done the same again today? It looks like Southampton had almost as much of the game as Swansea had and they were the away team. I can't believe that he came up with a way to beat Man U a week ago yet couldn't even carry that into the next game. Please tell me what you would've done differently today, because from where I was sat it looked like we created twice as many chances as Southampton and on another day we'd have ran out comfortable winners. It's shit like this that makes us look like mugs. We're fucking sixth. Pardew will continue to make mistakes because every manager does, however today I can't really fault the bloke.
  10. We only looked more likely to grab a second once they'd equalised. First fifteen minutes of the second half were awful and that's what cost us. We sat extremely deep and gave them the initiative when we really didn't need to. I thought Southampton were rotten in the first half. They scored when we were pressing man. They caught us on the break. The goal wasn't a result of pressure that had been building the entire half, it was Santon trying a chip from 30 yards out when nee f***er was behind him to clear up his mess. Purely because it was a set piece, we werent pressing them whatsoever 2nd half until they scored. We were taking pressure. Were we taking pressure because Pardew's shit or Southampton are actually a pretty good side who excel at retaining and recycling possession, particularly when they need a goal? Do some of our supporters genuinely expect us to sit on the front foot for 90 minutes? Yes, we often perform poorly after HT but this isn't Norwich. Pardew really can't take much if any flack for today. As for the negative stuff, we were actively looking for a second when we conceded the equaliser. Actually if we were a bit more negative and kept more men back we'd probably not have drew today.
  11. The next time some fucker from the referees union whinges about diving
  12. We only looked more likely to grab a second once they'd equalised. First fifteen minutes of the second half were awful and that's what cost us. We sat extremely deep and gave them the initiative when we really didn't need to. I thought Southampton were rotten in the first half. They scored when we were pressing man. They caught us on the break. The goal wasn't a result of pressure that had been building the entire half, it was Santon trying a chip from 30 yards out when nee fucker was behind him to clear up his mess.
  13. http://img178.imageshack.us/img178/4008/larry.gif
  14. It's Pardew's fault there's not peace in the Middle East, man.
  15. I've criticised Pardew a lot because for large parts of the last 18 months he's been shit but he couldn't have done much more today. We created the best chances, missed some sitters and even in the second half I thought we look more likely to grab a second than concede. It is amusing to see loads of people whinge about Pardew's perceived negativity and they only scored because our full back and centre back were fucking about on the edge of their final third when they broke
  16. Trying to position football shirts as some high brow, aspirational item tickles me no end, as I associate them with charvas.
  17. So, presuming they are still here, will this stop Colo and Cabaye from speaking to papers in Argentina and France respectively when away on international duty, or does this only cover UK publications? It would be unworkable if they tried to extend it to international duty and sponsors events. I don't think the club have a problem with foreign media even when they are (mis)quoting players. They've went out of their way to accommodate French TV and press, they already get better access than the British media. This is all about the English newspapers and their relationship with the owner. It's a cackhanded attempt to try and exert some control over them. I don't agree with it but if we had anything about them they'd use this opportunity to overhaul their own digital content strategy. This is a battle all clubs are going to have with the press at some point in the next decade because the media landscape is changing so much. That would require some investment though and we know how Mike feels about that.
  18. Overhaul ahoy! I reckon Colback will get a new deal if we stay up. Celustka may be signed permanently as well. Gardner possibly be kept if we go down. Bruce will no doubt take a punt on Larsson. The rest I couldn't give a s*** about bar Ki who we have no chance of getting permanently. If we go down and they all go then O'Shea, Cattermole, Fletcher and Mannone could be a decent enough base to build from in that league and just pray that the likes of Mavrias and Ba can fill the gaps Colback is wanted by a few clubs, Hull and Crystal Palace being two of them. With him being out of contract at the end of the season and spending large amount of time being played out of position I can see him wanting to leave, and I could see Sunderland cashing in on him in January if a decent offer comes in from him. I doubt Fletcher and Cattermole will want to stay in the Championship if you go down, O'Shea would probably have to stay because no one would be willing to match his wages. And someone would match Cattermole's wage? How much are you paying the useless bastard!?
  19. The minute I saw the KoL news I thought "ooh, the SMB won't like that".
  20. Always impeccably behaved marra http://www.thenorthernecho.co.uk/news/9523515.Inquiry_after_trouble_on_derby_match_train/
  21. Surely you can't be charged for racially abusing yourself?
  22. I don't think it's just the police, stuff like transport would be a major issue if both NUFC and SAFC were to kick off at home on Saturday at 3pm since both clubs draw a large amount of support from outside the respective cities.
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