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Everything posted by James

  1. It is just the same as being on strike against poor conditions of employment. Relatively speaking, the players are experiencing poor working conditions, and are perfectly entitled to speak out. even though they played a huge part in making conditions the way they are? If they signed you for Newcastle, and you were really shit, and the club got relegated, would it be your fault?
  2. It is just the same as being on strike against poor conditions of employment. Relatively speaking, the players are experiencing poor working conditions, and are perfectly entitled to speak out.
  3. It irritates me that people cast shite on the proffesionalism of some players because they aren't very good. Nolan is shite, but it doesn't mean that he's out for himself. Good of him to speak up against the unproffessional boardroom if you ask me.
  4. Is there any chance you could get me a screenshot cos it works fine on Firefox. You did mention about colour blind, do you have some visual impairment as to be honest Ive got no idea how the site does look to people with differing sight difficulties. I would however be more than happy to speak to anyone with any kind of visual problem to see what the site does for them and if I can change anything. I'm off out, but if I haven't sent you a screen by tomorrow, remind me. I'm not colour blind but I have a minor issue with focus even with glasses, like on N-O now, I'm quite a way from the screen, on your webpage, I'm having to push my head forward and strain my eyes to make the words stand out in the white box in the middle, I can use the website, but maybe others can't which was why I pointed it out. I think there is someone on the forum with eyesight issues perhaps you could track him down, he might be able to give a better assessment.
  5. Realistically, the players will train and do pre-season as normal. they want to be fit for their next club if they are going to have to leave because of the current lot. It will at most be refusal to do anything away from the training ground/pitch while they get their agent touting them about.
  6. By the way, for the website, I am running a 1650x1080 resolution on a Samsung 2032mw which is wired up to my laptop, GeForce 9200M (512mb) through Firefox, hope that helps.
  7. Thanks for the responses Peasepud. Please don't take what I said as criticism, we'll have to agree to disagree on some things though, I will always see NUSC as a lobby group for instance, and to be honest there is nothing wrong with that, for instance your lobbying against the stewards. To be honest, since Shearer got appointed NUSC has done well, and if you had been like that since day one, I'd have joined. The three things mentioned specifically as criticisms by me have been analysed in great detail elsewhere, from my perspective I could have probably overlooked the countdown clock if it was an isolated incident, the Llambias interview made me uneasy that you were reported as talking over other fans, and it worried me that it might affect dealings with the club where NUSC could have a genuine influence. The worst bit of the lot is the fact that whatever democratic process you have, one of your committee members goes and stands in front of the cameras and speaks out of turn accusing of Ashley of spoiling SBR Day you've lost all my trust for the whole process, as if I was a member that guy would have been speaking for me, and I would have been deeply ashamed. When NUSC formed, my reaction was to wait and see what it was like, and for the reasons stated, I can't trust NUSC yet. This isn't a criticism though, it is a challenge for NUSC, keep doing what you were doing since Shearer took over, avoid the ultimatums, avoid the heckling, avoid the inappropriate comments and you've earned my membership. If things are all sorted by say October 2010 without any turbulence or change in stance in between you have my promised membership, and if someone like Dave wants to remind me on this to make sure I keep my word, all the better.
  8. James

    If Shearer walks....

    I really don't buy this idea that you pay £10 and you join NUSC and you get to vote/partake in the democratic process. Like it is only worth it to me if I agree on most of the voting, otherwise I'm paying to be part of an organisation that is trying to do things I don't really stand for. Like on this forum I fundamentally disagree with many things that fading star wants. One of us is going to lose out. What happens when a vote on an important issue comes out 51-49% in favour of something. Do you exclude half your membership and go with the winner? Do you exclude the other half and decide its best not to act, or do you leave the decision to the subjectivity of the committee? What happens if the votes get taken over by radical thinkers with a majority being apathetic and not voting? It is my view that NUSC should just stick a manifesto on their website and say: "If you like it join us, if you don't, go and make your own organisation." Let people vote with their membership.
  9. That's bollocks and you fucking know it is. Post the link then, I haven't seen anything
  10. It does tbh. The NUSC have made several attempts to meet with their 'detractors' in an effort to iron out any misconceptions and address any issues and you've not said boo to a goose. Suddenly, once they've gained trust status, you've chosen to have a little pop. Just a little snide imo. This is post about NUSC and I’ve sensed no malice in James comments. Perhaps he’s got a point, accessibility is a big issue in website design and the nusc site isn’t the easiest thing on the eye. Fading Star is correct, there was no malice in any of my initial posts, perhaps I've got overly-defensive at some aggressive replies for which I apologise, but all I ever intended was some constructive criticism.
  11. PS any genuine attempt to contact any detractors never made it out as far as me, so I don't think that is a particularly valid argument.
  12. They shouldn't be looking to include everyone in my opinion, you are never going to please all fans, they are better off just sticking to their guns and letting people make their own minds up as to whether they want to be represented or not.
  13. You might if you were a Tory. You are a Newcastle fan. Shit analogy. It will never be a group for all Newcastle fans. There are always going to be different schools of thoughts, and right now based on the evidence in front of me NUSC is not for me. It is a lobby group. I might join Oxfam for example if I want to add my number behind a voice for charitable aid for the developing world, but I don't want to add my number to what I've seen of NUSC so far. It is not up to me to say what NUSC should or should not be lobbying for, but it is up to me as to whether I want to add my number to this lobby group, and I am perfectly entitled to express my reasons for doing so or not doing so in the public domain.
  14. And besides, you don't email the Conservative Party because they don't agree with your views do you? This is pretty much the same thing, if you like it join, if you dont like it don't join, I was just giving my reasons for not wanting to join, it doesn't really matter if they read it or not.
  15. I was under the impression that NUSC are reading this site: Out of interest, what reasons?
  16. Well I'm personally struggling to read the text as there is a lot of black on black.
  17. By the way, NUSC should seriuosly consider removing those photos from the new website, I'd imagine they would be excluding colour-blind people from NUSC.
  18. Might have trust status, but it is going to have to earn my trust if it wants me to sign up. Off the top of my head, I can think of are that idiot accusing the club of ruining Bobby Robson day, that countdown clock, and that childish interrogation of Llambias where you published loads of off the record stuff. There are clearly some decent reasonable people at NUSC or at least you come across that way, but we've seen it all before and there have been two many gaffes/idiots talking in the name of NUSC for me to want to be someone represented by them. I'll give them a clean slate for next season, but I wont join until I'm convinced that problems have been sorted out.
  19. That would have been before Blatter introduced the rules iirc. Supposedly to protect the fans. Tbh, if we have to take a fine for it is is probably worth the expense. Protect the fans from what? Shit games. Funnily enough these rules were all thanks to England under Sven.
  20. That would have been before Blatter introduced the rules iirc. Supposedly to protect the fans. Tbh, if we have to take a fine for it is is probably worth the expense.
  21. For what? Ranger and exceeding the legal number of subs. I thought UEFA had introduced rules and sanctions to stop that sort of things?
  22. Aren't we going to get done by UEFA for this?
  23. James

    RIP sale thread.

    Whats the betting that these two Austrians are just Number 9 and Lucas Unger taking some traditional pre-season holiday snaps?
  24. Do Newcastle get any money from people buying this? If so, I urge people not to buy it, especially not from the club shop or sports direct. However its a great ball, so if Ashley gets nowt from it, I might get one.
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