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Everything posted by James

  1. James

    Transfer rumours

    Clever Deep down even Raconteur wanted a pitta the action
  2. James

    Transfer rumours

    Cool down people, the temp of this thread has gone up to 180
  3. James

    Transfer rumours

    Agree, this kneads to stop
  4. The ITKs in question have a good hit rate and are demonstrating cautious positivity. It’s not a case of believing that X Y or Z will happen, just some justification for having some mere positive vibes. From there the first three points are indisputable and reason to have hope. The latter two points are my own random speculation on things so no one has to believe those! Nevertheless appreciate enough of us have been burnt enough times to no longer believe it.
  5. Take a step back from things for a moment and look at some cold hard facts from the last 48hrs 1. Ashley’s lawyer posted a photo on twitter with various items that could be connected to NUFC, unknown if this is a coincidence 2. Two forum posters with a good ITK track record said they heard some positive steps had been taken 3. Ashley’s helicopter and several private aircraft arrived in Newcastle yesterday. Whilst all could be coincidence or we are being led along by the PL again there is enough there for people to be optimistic. Going into conjecture here: 1. Bruce’s meltdown last week - seemed to come out of nowhere really. Could it have been that he’s been told that prospective owners have been monitoring his performance and aren’t pleased? 2. All coincides with the closure of the transfer window. Why is this significant? I believe this is the longest the PL could have delayed us without going to court. In this situation the PL could argue to the other 19 clubs and BEIN that they couldn’t legally stop us, but they did manage to prevent the new owners from having access to an unusual window where clubs needed to sell players and at same time are immune to FFP restrictions.
  6. James

    Transfer rumours

    You shouldn’t be a loaf of the situation
  7. Also got to consider that a rare credible ITK posted that things were going smoothly. Hopefully not just being led on by the PL again
  8. https://www.newcastle-online.org/forum/index.php?topic=104346.0
  9. Not a chance It will be a while yet, don't think the actual legal action has started yet, they will still just be compiling their facts. And you wonder why people accuse you of commenting like it’s facts. Wow, the exact opposite of what I said . . . amazing!! Someone who expresses their 'opinion' as 'facts' (and there are plenty on her who often do that) would have written . . . "Legal action hasn't started yet". I wrote the exact opposite . . I expressed my opinion. writing . . . "I don't think Legal Action has started yet". Have a look, that is what I wrote. However, that didn't stop YOU saying the exact opposite. There is precious little point in using the English Language if it is just going to get ignored and twisted! "It will be a while yet" is stated as a fact not an opinion. Thank you. Thought I was going mad, how can he not see it? If through use of grammar stating an opinion as a fact was an offence in this forum then pretty much everyone is guilty. Some posters are not being kind at all regarding manorpark, in fact it is become quite vindictive and as far as I can see he’s done nothing to warrant this treatment. Some people that know better need to take a good hard look at themselves.
  10. James

    Transfer rumours

    Yeah I really like Barkley, would have been a great signing. This was a Chelsea mates favour, he would have gone to Villa regardless.
  11. Lady’s got to get her latest photo shoot photos out there plus her pyramid scheme money running low, needs to get her name out there.
  12. Personally I just want us to stay in the division until the court case is resolved. Nothing else matters.
  13. I hear you but the difference now is a third party monitoring results. An earlier than usual panic and manager replacement is more possible than in previous years
  14. Terry probably helped get that one done so we never stood a chance
  15. Agree let’s embrace and celebrate each other’s differences without all trying to be the same. If a poster wants to tremble with rage because someone is prontonised about pizza eating Mexicans making their lass orgasm endlessly until they leave the atmosphere, and they can be perfectly pleasant about it then it’s all fine by me.
  16. I’ve looked up this guys stats on in relation to Solano up to the point they are both 21 as that’s the best yardstick albeit Peruvian football is meant to be more organised and competitive now. His appearance profile is about a year behind where Solano was at this point, but he’s moving out of Peru one year earlier as Solano only went to Bocas as a 22 year old
  17. https://www.chroniclelive.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/newcastle-transfer-breakthrough-confirmed-selling-19014197 This transfer vaguely excites me. Solano has coached him in the Peru youth teams so we should be well informed about what we are getting
  18. Have you ever played football? Or jumped? I was the team’s Shelvey so no, not much jumping. But our coach always drilled us of the risk of arms leaving the body.
  19. In my 90s playground interpretation of hand ball it was definitely a hand ball. My general view is that refs haven’t been giving enough hand balls for many years and this is now appropriate correction. Use of arms is fundamentally against the rules of the game. Regardless of where he was looking Dier made his arm ‘active’ by raising it and stopped the ball going from A to B. That’s a penalty. It should only not be a foul if the arm is tucked into the body and the ball would have struck the body if the arm wasn’t there. That is true accidental. In a World Cup semi-final where England get knocked out due to last minute VAR handball, Dier is the guilty party.
  20. I don’t agree, we are going to come close to a good takeover outcome but it will take time and in that time we need to do whatever it takes to stay in this division. Bruce has been given the players that should be more than enough but we are playing worse than last season.
  21. Rory Delap’s son is on the pitch for Man City. I feel old
  22. Potentially by the end of September we could have a W/D/L of 66%/17%/17% and a 3:1 goals ratio and get to the QF of the Cup. It would be a wise course to change the manager but it won’t happen.
  23. James

    Transfer rumours

    Just compared his Peru trajectory to Solano. He’s about 18 months behind in terms of appearances etc. At this age Solano was playing in Peru and wouldn’t go to Boca until next year.
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