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Everything posted by CaliMag

  1. You mean like Ryan Giggs? Well that's my point. It depends on the loyalties of the individual, not the piece of paper. Wasn't Michael Owen in the same boat? No. Owen is ethnically English. Owen actually proves my point in that he attended school in Wales but still played for England.
  2. I've actually been kind of amazed by that. I know, different situation and all, but if an ethnically Korean player ever played for Japan he'd be crucified in public opinion over here. Same time frame as the Poles BTW. Subjegation by the Japanese is over hundreds of years but obviously culmniated during WWII - similar timeline and yet there they are. no no no, subjugation by the Japanese was not over hundreds of years, probably over the course of half a century at most. It was just a case of their leaders being smart and opening doors to the west in the 19th century and our leaders being idiots and closing ourselves off. It kind of all went downhill from there but before that we were arguably in a much stronger position than Japan for most of our history. Sorry, sensetive issue So I gather.
  3. You mean like Ryan Giggs? Well that's my point. It depends on the loyalties of the individual, not the piece of paper. Wasn't Michael Owen in the same boat? No. Owen is ethnically English.
  4. I've actually been kind of amazed by that. I know, different situation and all, but if an ethnically Korean player ever played for Japan he'd be crucified in public opinion over here. Same time frame as the Poles BTW. Subjegation by the Japanese is over hundreds of years but obviously culmniated during WWII - similar timeline and yet there they are.
  5. The thing I find so fantastic is that Poles would actually play for Gemrany at all. How many Scots or Irish would play for England? None. I am ethnically Scottish, and eventhough my family has lived in Northumberland and Newcastle for 50 years - none of them would play for England... ever. And this is because of shit that happened 300 to 500 years ago. Meanwhile the Poles were deemed "subhuman," forced in slave labour and offered free sterilization by the "Master Race" just 60 years ago and yet you have players like Podolski and Klose playing for the Germans. So either the Poles are just more forgiving people than the Celts or the Germans are just more likable than the English. I am going with the Poles being less bitter personally. Obviously there's something different here.
  6. Just got in... feeling good about the result. The Sassanchs should have probably done better but then Altidore's goal should have gone in as well. Best of luck Engerland for the latter phases of the WC, especially against Germany in the next round. Penalties are hard.
  7. Hyperbole much. When have you not been s***? And being less s*** now than you were 10/20 years ago doesn't count. In 2002, we were a better team and should have been in the semis but for bizarre reffing interveneing for Germany. The US are not a great team, but they aren't a poor one either. SEMTEX's whole post was exagerration for both the US and England.
  8. I know you're taking the piss but I think SEMTEX is a believer.
  9. We (the US) are gonna get hammered. You English will have no excuses if you don't win this 3-0.
  10. That's because it is. Bocanegra FFS
  11. Just got back from the first game. Defending for both sides was Newcastle-esque (premiership years). I used to have respect for Aguirre - he's lost it. Salcido should have been subbed in the first 20 mintes. He refused to run and took ages on the ball letting SA figure out what they were doing. It was almost like everytime Salcido got the ball he waited for South Africa to mark up AND THEN passed the ball. His indecision led to SA's goal. He acted more and more petulently as the game wore on and became absolutely useless after SA's goal. His bad attitude spread like the plague after a bright start from the Mexicans. Subbing Vela was bad enough, but WTF! ... replacing him with Blanco!? Christ on a bike and people think Geordies are deluded romantics. This would be the equivilent of running out Alan Shearer for the WC ... if he gained 4 stone and lost 5 yards of pace. Dos Santos played very well... I have little else positive to say about that Mexican performance after teh first ten minutes though. I wanted them to win at the start of the game, but as it progressed I wanted them all punished -severely- for playing and managing the team so poorly.
  12. Time for a "Fergie Watch: Parky 1 v Alex Ferg 0- The Decline of Manchester United" thread
  13. Thanks Parky... as a citizen of the world I am never quite sure where that is.
  14. It is in the home of football. Brazil? Mike, I hate to say it but they're right. Scotland (the home and inventor of football) has the same time zone as the limeys.
  15. Are you another traitor or a genuine Yanker? Seems like a "Did you stop beating your wife yet?" type of question.
  16. Senderos says he's looking forward to playing for Roy H. ... a shame no one told him he's on his way to Liverpool.
  17. Jose Torres of Team America (F*ck Yeah), plays for Pachuca, Mex He could have a very bright future. I'd love to see him start every one of USA's (three) games.
  18. He's on that bus. Half of the N. Korean team are gonna claim asylum after they get eliminated from the competition. Only if they don't mind having their families back home thrown in prison and slowly starved to death.
  19. We're lucky to have him. He scored in a PL team that didn't ever look like scoring with very little support. The cirticism of him is similar to the criticism of Harper. Totally misguided. Neither are problems, both are good players and unlike many over the years put in the effort consistantly.
  20. I know - we all laugh with you over here in the States. I have suggested that we send Nile Ranger here on loan. Mormon state, middle of nowhere, very difficult to get into trouble.
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