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Everything posted by CaliMag

  1. Meh, I know people have mentioned this but we shouldn't care one way or the other... the black cats? That's been one of thier various nick names for what.. like five years?... made up from an internet poll? ... that has no bearing on what colors they wear, or their club history... its typically sad they even felt the need to make a new nick name up really - what was wrong with the "makems" or "S*nderland" as they had been known for over a hundred years. Reminds me of them naming their ground after a stadium that already exists. Why try to borrow other glory when in fact S*nderland does have a history and past glory? It merely speaks to their massive inferiority complex.
  2. Here's an article in the Guardian about Hughton... don't worry its not by Louise Taylor: http://www.guardian.co.uk/football/2010/apr/03/newcastle-chris-hughton-promotion It has actual quotes instead of the usual supposition and gives credit where credit is due. The money quote: Also says the senior vangard of players that have taken efforts to right the dressing room are Nolan, Harper and Smith... no mention of Butt who has no leadership qualities IMO.
  3. That is the last thing he remembers seeing on the pitch. Probably pissed himself.
  4. gazza ladra - there is JetBlue to consider for flying to NYC. Flies out of Oakland, Long Beach and Ontario (California, not Canada) I am so down for this. Also a game in Brooklyn before or after with all of the posters that show up is a necessity. What kind of banner do you lot want us to have at the game? Something along the lines of "Newcastle-Online Team America, F*CK YEAH!"
  5. I always said Kieron Dyer was his illegitimate son. It is the only way it makes sense that 1. he ever listened to him about anything 2. always played him no matter what and 3. always forgave him no matter how badly he screwed up. Dyer was born in Ipswich ~9 months after SBR won the UEFA cup with them. Coincidence - I think not.
  6. That shoulder tap was amazing. Showed he had increadible control and balls made of f*cking iron to even try that in the box.
  7. Drunken monkey style kung fu footie strikes again. He always looks like he is about to fall over and lose the ball... and yet.
  8. No one is playing for the draw here. I will be surprised if this stays 0-0.
  9. CaliMag

    MLS 2010

    The West is the best man. Other than that you have a point. LA is an easy target - a huge crap city, that despite its crapness maintains increadibly high levels of relevance. The Beckham/Donovan thing is lame although Galaxy is teh closest team to Donovan's hometown (Redlands, California) - and yes they should have never changed their kits to the stupidly lame ones they have now. I loved the old Green White and yellow ones - especially the ones with the sash (an underused element in footie kits).
  10. CaliMag

    MLS 2010

    LA's (Home Depot Center) capacity is only 27,000 and its a complete pain getting there so that statistic is pretty good for the Galaxy. Took a wrong turn last time I went and ended up driving through Compton... dodgy.
  11. CaliMag

    MLS 2010

    hah, my roommate has a Mutiny kit, although I think it's a striped one? Either way, it's a Valderrama kit. Just looked at it, it looks like this: http://img547.imageshack.us/img547/3374/carlosvalderrama2.jpg The Seattle Sounders have taken those obnoxious 90s era colours as their own. They do have a cool sponsor though (XBOX),
  12. CaliMag

    MLS 2010

    I watch a few Galaxy games every season at the Home Depot Center - great stadium. I've been watching them regularly for almost a decade now but I don't own a jersey or anything. I like the atmosphere and usually sit with the Angel City Brigade who are loud and shamelessly pillage from old punk standards when making up songs. Another advantage of the MLS (and American sports in general): Tailgate parties. There are great ones at Galaxy games. Much cheaper than hitting the pubs before a match.
  13. Excited to get into the MLS hunt with people like you! Moving to Portland at the end of the year and they are getting the '11 expansion team. Will be nice to have a bit of local top-flight football to watch. highest attendance - easily the most atmosphere in the US for soccer. You'll do well to follow the Timbers.
  14. I thought (wrongly) that he would get more games as Hughton was going to try the large and large partnership attempted by Gullit... but getting Loven and Best meant that was not part of Chris' plans. We may need to loan him out to get him a run... somewhere boring and remote to keep him out of trouble. Real Salt Lake City anyone?
  15. I never loved him, but I rated him and feel bad for him now. Going from one sinking ship to another...
  16. Virtually yes, but technically no. If Leicester win their next two games they'd only be 3 points behind Forest and if they win their next two while Forest lose they'd be up 3 points - so Leicester could technically pass Forest and us, but that would be highly unlikley since Leicester would have to win every one of their last 9 games (and they have a tough schedule including Cardiff and WBA away) and we'd have to then lose every game after Posh.
  17. Scott Parker was booed off the field today (as was the rest of the team) along with chants of "You're not fit to wear the shirt." I bet he feels unlucky - Charlton to Newcastle to WHam. http://www.guardian.co.uk/football/2010/mar/23/west-ham-wolves-premier-league
  18. Is there anything better than that c*** failing as a manager? I'm not sure, personally i love to see gullit fail (of course not with us) He's doen that a few times now. Most recently in Los Angeles.
  19. Le Saux spent his weekends going antiquing with his wife and spent his hard earned cash on antiques and old books (as opposed to booze, women and fast cars) - he wasn't a lad's lad and already had a reputation in the Blackburn locker room for being a reader on the team bus. David Batty saw him reading the Guardian in the dressing room before a match and said something along the lines of: "Bloody 'ell you also reading the f*cking Guardian, you must be a f*cking pooftah." Le Saux had had enough and it kicked off between them. After that the "Gay" slur stuck with him. Never liked Batty anyway. A decent DCM but a f*cking cretin none-the-less. WHen asked about missing his PK for ENgland in '98 he said he'd be over it the next day. The man had no conscience.
  20. ... well you and Chris Hughton. who's he? Touché
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