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Everything posted by CaliMag

  1. Pep got it wrong. What was with the short corners? Very silly. You have five seconds left and you need a goal.... so why not pull the 'keeper? It absolutely astounds me that more managers don't do this... Barca already had a player up - get the 'keeper in there during the corner and there would have been an even more noticable advantage.
  2. CaliMag

    José Mourinho

    Pretty much this. Love how he gets under the skin of ManU supporters. I desperately wanted him here when he was still in Portugal.
  3. Absolutely this. Can't believe Citeh has the nerve to make the request in the first place or that the FA hasn;t already sent back a "NO" in response. Why would it be? They have 1 keeper, they need an additional for the bench (even tho the additional will blatantly be better than Nielsen) Every other team who have requested emergency loans for keepers seem to have got the loan, why shouldn't City? People are just saying No because it's City. First, I am sure City have keepers in the youth/reserve/academy ranks... so they have more keepers. Second, this is a team that spent 100 million pounds on players in the past 18 months (and bought Given)... they could have bought other keepers as well. It was a gamble on their part... kind of like making three subs at the half or not putting a keeper on your bench (like Bolton did against us a few years ago) - it was a gamble for them and they lost. They didn't prioritise 'keepers so tough sh!t. And for the record I don't have anything against City.
  4. Absolutely this. Can't believe Citeh has the nerve to make the request in the first place or that the FA hasn;t already sent back a "NO" in response.
  5. CaliMag

    MLS 2010

    Lame. The Wizards ended the Galaxy's perfect start. Now its 4 wins and a draw... bah. Title is a must this year regardless of how harmfull the WC will be.
  6. Without Rooney England is nothing special. Rooney has been getting injured a lot lately...
  7. CaliMag

    Nicky Butt

    I have a long history of disliking Butt as well from his woeful FA Cup semi performance, to him letting Gareth Barry (and Steven Carr) break up that fight between Dyer and Bowyer when he was the closest player, to his non-attachment/lack of passion to actually playing football (doesn't keep any of his medals - doesn't even know where his CL trophy is and thinks he gave it away) to his lack of leadership (and silence) on the pitch when things go wrong (all of his "leadership" must be behind closed doors)... ...despite all of this I am not bothered that he is lifting the trophy. Hughton made the call to make him captain, Hughton has made other decisions that I didn't like as well but in the grand scheme of things he made more right calls than wrong ones and he made us Champions so I can't really complain. It's a good day for NUFC when we are irritated by which player is lifting a trophy, because it means we actually have one.
  8. Although how sweet would that be if Fulham beat Liverpool in the final.
  9. CaliMag


    I think Harper should lift it personally. Been here the longest, he's done well for us this year, dressing room leader (allegedly) and a Geordie.
  10. CaliMag


    He's leaving so I am not bothered. Its one of those "Since you're f*cking off, I'll throw you a bone" type of things.
  11. The Robledo Brothers and Clarence Acuña would be proud.
  12. With your TR avatar I was thinking you were talking about the Spanish-American War and the CHarge of the Rough Riders in Cuba. Then I remembered we beat them at the Confed Cup as well... So many ass kickings I get them all mixed up.
  13. I am thinking the Baggies will f*ck this up on their own and draw or lose to the Smoggies. Thereby requiring Plymouth to applaud us onto the field.
  14. Well that is not a Newcastle top, but I do like it.
  15. Well done GG for calling the tone of the game and the final score!
  16. I actually like that. I would like to see something different as well and really the only way you can go with our kit is something like this or pin stripes (which would be despised by the vast majority).
  17. FAO Yanks - Gateshead has a Costco! The only one in northern England AFAIK. By default that makes Gateshead okay.
  18. Season isn't over so don't jinx it man.
  19. That's the problem with Canadians... they don't have any (problems that is)...and their cops are too nice. They expect American cops to be sane and rational like the RCMP which is never the case. I have seen two near riots start with cops and both times there was a Canadian invovled who didn't understand what you can and can not say to heavily armed American cops itching to show some hippie kid a lesson. Conversely I was sent away with nothing mroe than a stern lecture on responsibility and respect by a RCMP when I showed up at the Border between NY and Ontario at 3 AM drunk out of my mind with three people reeking of weed driving a beat up car with expired Texas registration after one of my party said something along the lines of "Stupid f*cking pigs man... nothing better to do." which would have meant a beating and a night in jail on the other side of the border.
  20. I just noticed Swindon Town leapfrogged Millwall and Leeds today... Watch Charlton win the playoffs now... that would be sweet.
  21. Added time of ManU proportions for the Baggies game... irritating.
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