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Everything posted by CaliMag

  1. If you can't be bothered to read the above article there is also a video/podcast of it and a even an abreviated slide show.
  2. Here is an interesting article that talks about how the youth and academy system is done in Holland and then compares and constrasts to the US and England. Warning: This article is very long... like HTT long. http://www.nytimes.com/2010/06/06/magazine/06Soccer-t.html?scp=4&sq=dutch%20soccer&st=cse
  3. So what to do then? Force the kids outside? Someone would call the cops... probably. Spend more on athletic oppurtunities/ greater subsidies for children's sport? The UK spends a lot less on its children than other western european countries. But what to spend the money on? I know a few poeple that work in social policy and obvioulsy there are serious problems... but fixing them... f*ck knows.
  4. What South America has: millions of urban poor with no X-Box and but loads of footie which is also seen as an escape route from poverty (rightly or wrongly). But, that's just it......the game is the teacher, they spend all day/night playing small sided or 1-on-1 games with ball control and foot skills paramount over space, movement and tactics. I think back to all the time spent playing 2v2 in the alley with my mates shooting at the garage door as the goal. You try to curl the ball top corner, you try to nutmeg your mates, you try the cruyff, pele, helicopter, toe drag as much as you can without a coach yelling at you to chase back and win the ball that you just lost. No scores are kept in the informal games - only the bragging rights. Yeah, those days are gone.
  5. Resuts could be skewed by the large numbers of non-Engalnd supporters on here.
  6. What South America has: millions of urban poor with no X-Box and but loads of footie which is also seen as an escape route from poverty (rightly or wrongly).
  7. I feel terrible for England. There was so much wrong with that game. Bielsa for the next England manager.
  8. We're on our way according to Parky anyway. We have three players that have citizenship in other Countries anyway... less than Germany's 8 but certainly more than England.
  9. Hopefully Ozzy and Parky can escape the County sharpish.
  10. Oldtype: I'll be cheering on the ROK tomorrow morning. Best of luck to the best team in the Asia group.
  11. England all the way as a team I would like to do well. Best of luck to the Sassanchs.
  12. Throwback to 1950. Wore something similar when we beat England. Think they went with superstition when they made the new shirt. Meh, better but still looks real awkward. Even if the superstition bit did work. Off topic: just realised how brilliant the word awkward is. Sums up its meaning perfectly. Back on topic: Still blame your lot for the whole soccer thing though. I'm pretty sure the Aussies and Canadians call it "Soccer" as well. You can't go around blaming the US for everything you know... take Thatcher for instance. I am pretty sure that's your fault... that and the opium wars of the 1880s.
  13. Excellent positioning there.
  14. Who would they give it to? There's only 10 teams in CONMEBOL, 5 already in the Cup. I'd say that's pretty impressive representation already. Doing an incredible job this WC. It was a bit tongue in cheek, but COMNEBOL and Asia will be demanding more spots from FIFA. Asia are obviously not that good, but with South Korea and Japan advancing countries like China will be pushing the population argument, whereas South America will be pushing the quality argument. Both will be saying that Europe and Africa don't deserve the represnetation they already have.
  15. Oh well at least Chile are through. First COMNEBOL loss of the tournement. They should take away a place from Europe or Africa and give them another.
  16. Can't wait to see Nolan in this system. ... well yeah, obviously he'd have to buy a new team.
  17. Yup, and against Spain too. Bielsa has brass bollox the size of bowling balls.
  18. I am hoping for Switzerland and Chile to go through, simply due to the managers. Hitzfeld reminds me of the old days of optimism on nufc.nu and Bielsa makes Kevin Keegan look like Sam Allardyce with his tactics.
  19. CaliMag

    MLS 2010

    Well they are rolling in it since Beckham's insurance money has kicked in. They probably think they need another star player on inflated wages. Big mistake. If they just stick with Buddle and Donovan they'll walk it to being champions. This is their last chance too, since Donovan is almost certainly off to Everton in January on a free.
  20. I posted this in the England Germany thread but it should go in here as well..... enjoy:
  21. The script was written ages ago unfortunately. Germans win on pens.
  22. CONMEBOL is looking like the best group in this WC. It is a hard group anyway. Right now CONMEBOL >>>> Europe
  23. ghana look like a good side but they lack goalscorers and with some of the rookies in defence are liable to let one or two in each game. the US are a desperately average side but they are well organised at the back and in Dempsey and Donovan have two top class players. You mean since the Gooch was dropped. I can't say our defense has ever looked particularly good.
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