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Everything posted by CaliMag

  1. CaliMag

    Sven or Big Sam?

    I totally agree. Especially with Klinsman - he would require NUFC to spend all of their off-season training in Southern California which would suit me fine. Both Sven and Big Sam have serious deficientcies. Between those two I would choose Big Sam just.
  2. gutted tbh would rather any other team in the premiership won it.
  3. All the best luck in the future Glenn. He couldn't do the job ... but then I am not sure who can. He is leaving us in better shape then Souness - so there is an improvement there. Didn't spend as much money and got us into Europe. Also he didn't hold out for compensation like Souness. In my mind he is still the second best manager we have had post-KK so I see no reason to berate him to the degree many on here have chosen to.
  4. Not necessarily. In some countries it is illegal to advertise for alcohol at sporting events (I think France is one) so there have been ocassions where a new sponsor is made specifically for an away game there or no sponsor at all.
  5. I still don't understand some of the dislike of Niall and Biffa. Just like Alex said about the Hitzfield campaign - you can't not participate or support it but at least it was an effort to try to do something. Niall & Biffa put in loads of effort into that site and if you disagree with it then read something else. Seems simple to me. Why slate them? Also some of the comments re: Roeder on here are becoming over the top. Roeder is not a great manager but he is better than Souness (and I was opposed to appointing him full time). He is a small improvement... the trick is to keep improving. Not sure of Big Sam.
  6. For the record - my title is by far the most likely.
  7. European GLORY Returns! 2006-2007 The Intertoto Cup Winning Season
  8. I have thought about this as well. As far as I can work out the only way for this to happen would be an abandonment due to the behaviour of the players or fans resulting in the UEFA not awarding the trophy... I am thinking this is not very likely.
  9. No you didn't. And for the record we have always been at war with Oceana.
  10. I suppose that is the best we could hope for.
  11. Steady on mate... you start talking about the glory days --> then we start talking about the Board --> and then this will be the #587 thread hijacked by NE5. Stay on subject.
  12. I agree on both points. And all these people blathering on about how Liverpool - Man U would be the dream CL final should possibly remember that all that does is make the gap even wider. A deluded minority - please ignore them. FYI- Wullie is the authority on this subject.
  13. God this sucks... no joy can come from this match unless it goes to pennos and both teams lose 5 players due to injury. I find myself mildly hoping Milan win this... and then pangs of guilt follow.
  14. I could see any of them having a catastrophic event ending them. It could be ManU When Fergie retires they are f*cked. The Glazers don't know what the're doing, it'll be strapped with debt, the academy is nowhere near as good as say Liverpool or Arsenal (ManU's has been in decline for a while) and Quiroz has already shown that he hasn't a clue how to make it work at Real. ... on the other hand. One car bomb in Moscow could be the end of Chelsea. I can't see Roman's lifespan being very long personally.
  15. I am completely comfortable with my bitterness though...
  16. Dyer and Titus certainly both support Ipswich.
  17. Nobby supports a team called "the Sport Boys" that is attached to the local University where he grew up... and no I am not taking the p!ss. Many teams in Latin America have silly english names like this.
  18. Chelsea for the quadruple so we never have to hear about it again.
  19. :lol: Stevie ... there seems to be one large English group missing from your list... care to share?
  20. blueyes.gif I would choose Nobby over all of those lot. He actually understands the game - added bonus of him taking the majority of free kicks. My biggest gripe with most captains (like the David Beckham England fiasco as a good example) is that they were chosen because they are the most skilled or valuable asset to the team. Bullox - they need to be able to understand the game and be able to both play well (not necessarily the best) and watch how everyone else is doing and adjust those around them to make the team better during the course fo the game. I believe Nobby is one of the very few players we have that can do this and with him at RB even more so.
  21. Yes... though a draw would mean that Charlton & West Ham would have to win the next three games (we'd need to lose them all) and Charlton would have to close a 14 goal difference gap to beat us on goal difference. So while a draw would not make it impossible it would make it highly improbable. And now that I am looking at the table I think tomorrow would be a good time to blood some of our academy lads and give them some first team action... maybe try a few "experiemental formations" while we're at it.
  22. I would like a win but won't cry myself to sleep when we lose this one. This game means virtually nothing to us and quite a lot to them. If I was just an ounce more spiteful I'd hope we'd lose this just make the plastic red manc scum sweat it out. Really want them to blow the title.
  23. Why did I know as soon as I read the title I would be mentioned? Sorry mate it was childish and immature... and I couldn't resist.
  24. Why did I think this was another thread about Gejon?
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