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Everything posted by Kanji

  1. cheers Bimpy mate. Sneak in some Vaseline to grease the seat up next time, give your back a bit of a break.
  2. Looks for a penalty every fucking second. Dowd having a bit of a nightmare. And oh thanks for 5 minutes of stoppage time in the first half. FFS.
  3. DirecTV has it already. Them, Comcast & Dish. Well...I'll grab my coat then. I knew I should have looked that up!
  4. I haven't seen much of Hazard apart from his 2 matches this season and some favorite video sharing website clips, but how does he compare or (not) to HBA? And is he all that? Just wanted to ask those with better knowledge of French Football before I cast my own opinion on him tomorrow.
  5. Kanji

    George Caulkin

    Caulkin is funny too, his tweets have me in stitches at times.
  6. Thats good for Comcast subscribers. I have AT&T U-Verse so myself, Verizon, DirectTV, and Brighthouse/Timewarner folks are still fucked!
  7. 100%. Wish people would stop just using the same excuse when a player doesn't play well - "Oh must be Pards signing, Carr couldn't have wanted him." Poor judgement and I feel for Gabby - but I'm sure the lads in the dressing room, our coaching staff and most importantly Pards will have lifted him up already if that bothered him badly.
  8. Kanji

    Dan Gosling

    This. Insane how people have random goes at eachother for no fucking reason.
  9. Kanji

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    If that's true it would be wise of us to improve his contract and also extend it. The likes of spurs and Liverpool would kill for a player like Ben Arfa and if (heaven forbid) we have a poor season we might just end up with another Jose Enrique situation. We should try and tie him down now while his morale's good as we should have done with Enrique when he was waxing lyrical and saying he would stop here for the rest of his career. If at all possible, we should certainly try to get Ben Arfa tied down for 5 years. That said, he's got 3 years left still so it's not like he's in the danger zone yet. Toon_Mad_Chris and Chris_R the same person?
  10. I'd have liked Debuchy in by now and have no problems with who has left. I think its impossible to give a real opinion on the summer's window until the window itself shuts and we see if anyone has come in and hopefuly (please lord) nobody departs.
  11. For a guy who loves his food, drink and unique bars and such- NYC would be right up your alley man. Also yes JOW in Asheville, heard great things about it.
  12. I wish. I've been to my fair share of places but there are many places (like NYC for instance) that I have yet to visit. I feel very fortunate to have visited the places that I have though, travel was always what my parents decided to spend their money on when I was growing up and I try to keep that up. Hah, its funny. I'm shocked Cuba's never been to NYC I feel like he's been everywhere too. I've actually got a pretty decent list of bars that I like in nearly every major city in the States as like Cuba, I've travelled a fair bit with my family, friends, or whoever I've been dating at the time. though, I def posted about New Orleans and was hoping for a Cuba response, even though I could have called or texted him.
  13. Kanji


    And Lee Ryder has had it confirmed that neither Fulham or Newcastle have lodged improved bids. Clown.
  14. For every hoofed and missed shot I'll gladly take ALL of them for another one that creates an actual goal for us in the resulting corner.
  15. f***ing hell, OK. Just be sure to text me where you sat and I'll avoid that seat. I don't even sit in the seat that I sat in for the Spurs match at the Celt. But thanks again, will end up going there for sure then as its only 6 blocks from my hotel.
  16. I watched us get thrashed by Tottenham last season in a place called Ryan's. It's on the corner of Decatur and Beinville. Nice little pub. Should I not test fate and just skip it? Might have to find another pub my friend. Bad omens there!
  17. There is something hilarious about Cheik sprinting down the pitch like a freight train it always gives me a chuckle as he's built like a tank and then gets himself back into position and someone makes the mistake of getting too close to him and he kicks the hell out of them. Dave hit it on the head there, second half there were times where he was just bossing the game.
  18. Legends Football Factory was brilliant on Saturday. I'd say somewhere between 30-50 Toon fans sang & cheered their hearts and voices out. Had a wonderful time and wish I could watch it with them more often. Wish there wasn't just Cuba, myself and a few others who I don't really know in Orlando. Makes me want to start a supporters group here and at least have something going here. Anyway, I'll be in New Orleans French Quarter the weekend of Sept 02 match vs Villa. Anyone know of a good pub to catch the match? Thanks in advance.
  19. what he hell was that? Hilarious
  20. Oh my goodness. Just know toon army NYC do us proud. Brilliant singing, atmosphere and noise. 3 Pts. Im in heaven. Time to destroy NYC tonight.
  21. Just watched a few gems on the tube, bring on tomorrow. I'll be cheering us on in NYC tomorrow. Fucking can't wait.
  22. Brilliant SEMTEX, just brilliant. I was going to ask if you needed help on this but I think you've got it covered mate. Bring on tomorrow and HTL!
  23. Glad to hear "hoes" translates in all languages as "hoes" universally This Dutch rap is terrible though, 1. B/c I haven't a clue what they are saying and 2. Its f***ing terrible.
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