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Mr Logic

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Everything posted by Mr Logic

  1. Of course BZG would have to borrow money, they have all their assets tied up in wallpaper just like Ashley. (sob!)
  2. I won't believe he's gone to China till he signs up, as far as I'm concerned this is just more bullshit straw clutching by the press. As Wullie said, he claimed working in Europe was a strain on the family so fucking China would not appear to be the solution! This is some political move I as yet can't fathom, he may even go to talk but if he signs on I'll be astonished - maybe for one year?
  3. Ashley: "I will only sell to a party that can take the club forward". Gets rid of a manager that could have taken the club forward. Bout time someone in the press did a thorough hatchet job on Ashley, all the lies and contradictions are there for anyone to see.
  4. Today's the day, bye Rafa. Thank you for giving my club a little meaning for 3 years, there was always a flicker of hope left alive as long as you were there. Bit melodramatic, but part of me feels like this.
  5. You kill him, we'll fund your lawyer. Quid each lads?
  6. This has been in the back of my mind ever since I heard that podcast with the Liverpool and Rangers guys sharing their experiences. It could actually make the club close to unsellable - unless Ashley really does want out, for that's the only time he might offer some meagre compensations.
  7. Social media wasn't really a thing when Wraith did that, was it? It really could be effective but thanks for dashing cold water all over it before it even hatched.
  8. Wild idea. If Rafa leaves we should act like the club has died. Hundreds of fans turning up to lay wreaths and flowers outside the ground as though someone has actually died. That would be all over the news and have steam coming out the fat cunts ears.
  9. Depressed beyond reason after reading that.
  10. Thread is becoming comedy gold, there's fuck all else going on. Lighten up
  11. There is no difference between Cadbury and Galaxy IF you melt it and add some cream. Then smother it over your girlfriend/wife's boobs and snatch. Make out your about to go to town on her before suddenly leaving the room... .. and letting the dog run in. The screams and swearing are priceless.
  12. I've tried to be patient with your viewpoints as others slag you off, after all they're only opinions, but if you think Rafa would go to China I give up. It would be against everything we know the man to be. I agree don’t think he would consider it usually but if he’s found out the takeover isn’t happening then you could understand why he would be considering a £12million a year contract offer But he isn't driven by money, I'm quite sure he has more than enough already. Competition, success, achievement is what drives the man. If you’ve got £10m in the bank and get offered £60m for 5 years work, knowing you’ve set yourself, kids and grandkids up for the rest of their lives, you’d absolutely 100% consider it. Think the ‘how much does he need?’ argument is the pits. Don't judge it by how YOU think about it, try to put yourelf in HIS shoes. He's not driven by money, period. Chicane: Spot on!
  13. I've tried to be patient with your viewpoints as others slag you off, after all they're only opinions, but if you think Rafa would go to China I give up. It would be against everything we know the man to be. I agree don’t think he would consider it usually but if he’s found out the takeover isn’t happening then you could understand why he would be considering a £12million a year contract offer But he isn't driven by money, I'm quite sure he has more than enough already. Competition, success, achievement is what drives the man.
  14. Uh-uh, I'd go to JD Sports for mine, so would any true Geordie.
  15. I've tried to be patient with your viewpoints as others slag you off, after all they're only opinions, but if you think Rafa would go to China I give up. It would be against everything we know the man to be.
  16. This initial leak to the Sun that broke the story. I'm now 90% sure it has originated from Ashley via whatever means. Not the PL. Let's assume he is selling this time, a willing seller, and he gets a legit bid. He's going to want to start an auction, force other interested parties hands. Of course he could inform other parties he's had a bid but that might not be fully believed. A breaking story in the press however, but then, why did BZG respond with confirmation? They didn't need to, I suspect I'd have been furious the story broke after I'd had a bid accepted in principle. Whoever the interested parties are they must be aware the longer time drags on before finalisation the worse for the start of the season. Any serious bidder at this point must be thinking about tranfers, surely? Christ, someone chuck some straws on the table for me to clutch at. Caulkin claims he knows the other bidder but won't say - or its off. Well that's a bit fucking dramatic. If Caulkin knows then so do others. Everyone in the 'dog eat dog' world of journalism is going to keep shut cause the pansies will pull out if you mention their name? Wish I was going to some remote region for the next month, no wifi, zilch, nada. Read all about it when I get back.
  17. Mr Logic

    Women's Football

    https://www.fifa.com/womensworldcup/players/browser/ Ryann Torrero, Chilean keeper stands out. Noko Matlou, Sth African defender, also stands out but for the opposite reason. edit: just great
  18. This used to be the Ashley thread didn't it? Literally nothing has changed.
  19. My current theory, which has been slowly forming over the last week or so.. There are two, possibly three, interested parties. BZG did indeed get a HUA signed but Ashley, the devious cunt that he is, got the word out through some minion to the Sun. Why? Reasons are at least two-fold. Mainly to pressure other interested parties, but no way was he oblivious to the fact that this gave him the perfect opportunity to stonewall on Rafa's contract and transfers. So it all comes down to does he really want to sell? If he does accept the reported £350m then BZG will eventually be our new owners - but how long does that take. Maybe they are still gathering funds from promissory partners and Ashley can at any time change his mind if the slightest deviation from that HUA arises. We're on a fucking tightrope here, all at the whim of a madman that parks his tanks on your lawn. Rafa's almost certainly gone (99%?) if nothing is resolved before end of June. As it stands right now next season is close to broken beyond repair but season tickets are on sale.
  20. CountyDurhamMag has adopted Gallowgate Ends posting style but without the investigative nature, he remains convinced this is an Ashley masterstroke. Couple of the regular posters are off to the Lake District on holiday. TBG has got big problems with his Mazda. James reckons its all on hold, at least for a few days, because a bus crashed in Abu Dhabi, or Dubai, I wasn't really paying too much attention, but 17 people died so its quite sad anyway. The skipful of SD signs has been emptied and replaced with TWO empty ones. That's about it I think..
  21. Step away from the bong for a few hours mate.
  22. 'The project' is probably still a big lure also, not one he will relinquish easily - though Ashley was probably doing his best to fuck him off.
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