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Mr Logic

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Everything posted by Mr Logic

  1. If we spend £30,000,000 on our first signing you'll make a comment. Even if it's just FUCKING HELL!!
  2. Mr Logic

    Arda Turan?

    That will give MaetihS something to think about.. [move]Newcastle is class, Newcastle is history. Newcastle is Alan Shearer. [/move]
  3. His wife has seen him on Youtube pissed up down the Bigg Market, it's home quick or divorce proceedings.
  4. Mr Logic

    Arda Turan?

    ......of course Gacoigne's genius was football intelligence ( the only type he had) ...............
  5. Is it possible that club representatives would cover-up which club they were from when asked by an outsider? I could just picture them glancing at each other then saying the first club that came to mind, laughing about it later. Might even be common practice in an effort to throw off stories getting to the press if you're trying to keep a deal quiet as long as possible. However if Chez is observant enough to spot Gomis from a few pics on here I am sure he would have recognised at least one of the party with him if they'd been from Newcastle. But whoever they were they may have been less than honest with the restaurant manager.
  6. Gott im himmel, this thread is ruined.
  7. How does everyone picture the signing of a new player unfolding? What would be a timetable of events from start to finish assuming a successful signing? 1: Keegan and Wise talk about players. 2: Keegan has final say, I want 'X' and 'Y'. 3: Wise tells Jimenez. 4: Jimenez goes to work, negotiating length of contract, salary and other perks based on guidelines set by Mort/Ashley. Is that it do you think, or is that too simplistic? The reason for my post is I see there is a lot of speculation and/or confusion over peoples roles, and I'm certainly no wiser.. if Keegan is not involved in the later part of the process I think the club is missing out in not utilising the best salesmen the club has. Also it's difficult to see Keegan being happy with it. Surely the club would recognise the potential Keegan has in such a role so it can't be as laid out above, can it? Certainly if I was a player I would expect to talk to the man who would be giving me my day to day instructions. So maybe it's more like this.. 1: Keegan and Wise talk about players. 2: Keegan has final say, I want 'X' and 'Y'. 3: Wise tells Jimenez. 4: Jimenez goes to work, making contact and arranging meeting between player and Keegan 5: Player meets Keegan, all goes well, everyone smiling. 6 Jimenez goes to work, negotiating length of contract, salary and other perks based on guidelines set by Mort/Ashley. Second scenario sounds better/more likely?
  8. Mr Logic

    Arda Turan?

    Better than Modric. / anti-spurs mong
  9. I would say over the course of the whole season Petrov has produced more than Elano.
  10. 8. Cairo (7, 734, 334) Clubs 2, Continental titles 10, Top 3 Players – Mido, Hossam Hassan, Ramzy. Right up there with Cruyff and Pele. What a fucking ridiculous article, unless his intention was to wind up, in which case it's quite a successful article. edit: Just noticed he replies himself in the comments, and proves conclusively he's a tosser. 8. # May 7, 2008 Simon Barlow Hi Lee, yes I know Carrick is from the NE. More trophies than Shearer already, I should have put him in their top 3. Hi Colin, not referring to Alex Ferguson in the top 3 Glasgow players. Jinky wasn’t born in Glasgow - when did he move there ? Haha fair comments on Johannesburg fellas. Couldn’t find any world class players from there but that’s not the sole factor in deciding a football hotbed is it. Hi Paul, I chose East London because it’s my article and I’ll write what I like! ta for replies
  11. Mr Logic


  12. Doesn't surprise me too much if true, I said before he took them over he was a megalomaniac complete nutter.
  13. Boro will miss Rochemback, he was often a driving force for them.
  14. Because he's Assistant Manager and knows a lot about football having been in the game all his life? Can't understand why people knock him so much. Because a lot of people are incapable of thinking for themselves and just adopt the opinions of others, opinions most likely formed with no criteria other than emotion and imagination.
  15. Mr Logic


    Reckless challenge? Looked more like an accidental clip of the heels to me. No doubt their other error will be pointed out though.
  16. I saw that as him repeating a joke he'd told (to the players at the time) but he didn't feel much like joking when he repeated it during the interview. He almsot broke into a smile. And the staff comment, was it just another little dig about the one he reportedly lost - ie. don't sack anymore. As you say, trying to read between the lines is open to much interpretation.
  17. I echo that, took my post right out of my keyboard as a matter of fact. I voted Yay.
  18. Trying to separate a trophy signing from a top player is pretty much like playing with words, semantics. It cannot be encapsulated into something so simple, like a computer game, as there as so many other variables to take into consideration. There were two occasions in my memory when our club was 'clicking'. Keegan had us at full click in his first stint as manager and there's no telling what may have happened if SJH's other financial obligations had not resulted in the club being effectively sold onto the stock exchange. The next occasion was SBR, he had us fluctuating, at times, between 90-95% 'clicking', and there's a whole catalogue of speculation and rumour surrounding the demise of that regime. Imbetween those times the club probably wasn't that healthy a place to be depending on your own personal psychological make-up. The point being is some of those players so regularly demonised could well have been entirley different propositions if they'd played whilst the club was clicking. Boumsong, who for many is close to the anti-christ of football, played most of his term in a team that was under some kind of pressure. For all that he could look quite sublime in flashes. Kluivert had been around the block and then some, he'd seen it all and maybe lost the spark that produces commitment and desire, or maybe it was still latent within him and circumstance conspired against him. Luque possibly had mental health problems for all I know, but he also had talent if it could be harnessed and unleashed. They were all here at the wrong time, wrong place. Any one of those guys would have been an entirely different proposition under the first Keegan revolution. At a time when the club was united. All too often in the interim periods it has been a club disunited. All that said, my own feeling is during the periods of being disunited there have been some poor decisions made in the selection of players. It does appear as though some were bought with the idea that it would mollify any discontent amongst the rank and file of the vociferous ones. (Namely us, the supporters.) If they were a known name the fans will be excited, if it was someone unknown.. it just wasn't an option. The club as a United entity has been hung out to dry more times than it bears thinking about. As I stated in the beginning of this post, which has run a little over schedule, it has only clicked twice in my living memory. There's a chance it's about to start clicking again, and I'd like to see some unity surrounding the place to encourage the seed to fruition.
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