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Mr Logic

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Everything posted by Mr Logic

  1. .........................McFaul........................ (Given) Venison Woodgate Moncur Kennedy (Pearce/Natrass) Solano..............Lee................Waddle (Green/Speed/Jinxy Jim) .....................Gascoine...................... ..........Beardsley................................ (Keegan) .......................Shearer...................... (Ferdinand) That was very difficult, when you start seeing all those names and remembering their abilities. Many on the fringe that don't really deserve to be fringe players.
  2. Never played in a Keegan team before but.
  3. Not too difficult to see Owen taking number 2 spot from Cole if he stays free of injury, so, no chance then.
  4. I'll get back to this thread around August 1st.
  5. Didn't work with Modric, assuming any truth in hearsay and rumour.
  6. If the top earner at Ibrox is on £20k and we offer Cuellar the same as what Smith's on (£60k) I have a feeling he may change his mind. I dare say he would, but my comment was based on the belief that Keegan won't want him any more, if he ever did, due to wrong attitude.
  7. I see that tired old hack is still trying to link us with Cuellar. If Cuellar's comments are even half-true then he dropped of Keegan's radar faster than a Heinkel over the white cliffs.
  8. Big Sam to the rescue then.. now that would be funny.
  9. Mr Logic

    Next season

    Pretty unanimous so far.
  10. Probably been linked already but... Keegan on Henri/Modric
  11. As past players (incl Shearer) have often claimed it was Keegan who 'sold' the club to them I hope he is still part of the pre-signing process. I would hope Jimenez/Wise are initial contacts who say something along the line of, "Come and speak to the gaffer (Keegan), he really wants to meet with you." Then after Keegan weaves his magic the others tie up any loose ends & other details.
  12. Mr Logic


    When S A Ferguson expressed his doubts about Keegan returning I had an intuitive feeling it was because of what Keegan could do to/for Newcastle, rather than any belief that he was past it or had lost the plot.
  13. If the second half continues in the same vein Sunderland will be down to 10 men and we'll run out comfortable winners.
  14. If we win today is that meter going to rise another notch to 7 out of 10?
  15. Considering he's in a position to peruse player contracts and financial records whenever he feels like it I'd say has has a better idea of which transfers were wise and which might be considered more foolish. Let's wait till the end of summer eh?
  16. its where Mr Spoon is Ok, I'm still none the wiser. I'm an old fart mate! Who is Mr Spoon and what has he to do with the toon? On second thoughts it doesn't really matter.
  17. WTF is button moon? Where do you live button moon!!
  18. Not if you hadn't actually gone home from the night before. (Done that a few times too, quite strange watching the sun come up with a drink in your hand.)
  19. good post. agree with all of that the last lot had their chance and fluffed it ? Previously I thought you knew your stuff mate. Respect for your opinions disintegrated after that I'm afraid. NE5, in spite of your oft repeated list of achievements attributable to the previous board (which are undeniable) there were also some pretty bad decisions. Latterly they seemed to be going from bad to worse, the club was definitely in decline. The fact Shepherd is banned from the ground surely tells its own story about what the new incumbents unearthed as they assessed the position. It must at least give one pause for thought. There have been statements/quotes that the club was on the brink, (though I'm not about to go and find them so I'll add the caveat iirc). Credit where credit is due, but when I take off those rose tinted specs I can see there were a fair few negatives too and they had been coming thick and fast. I have to say in the final analyses that 'the last lot did fluff it' is a fairly accurate assessment.
  20. Brought a little smile to my lips. ..oh wait.. mackems.gif
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