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Mr Logic

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Everything posted by Mr Logic

  1. I think of him as a right midfielder first and foremost who can do a decent job at the back.
  2. Mr Logic

    Roeder v Fat Sam

    Waddle keeps talking crap.
  3. Mr Logic

    Chris Mort speaks

    He said jack-s*** basically, and what was with that sound! Had to turn the volume down for Chris Hope and up for Mort. Cameraman thinks he's doiing adverts for Calvin Klein spec frames and psychological profiling with the hand tapping on the desk. He talks with Sam every day near enough as ultimately he sanctions transfers, and seeing as he sanctioned Joey Barton I can't see too many stumbling blocks to Sam's plans. I'd say atm they have faith in Big Sam and couldn't help but wonder if Ashley only moved like a tank to take over the club as soon as Allardyce was named new manager.
  4. Mr Logic

    Roeder v Fat Sam

    Don't see how this can be taken out of context.. "It's a sad excuse for Sam to ask the fans to be patient while he builds the team for the next five years," Roeder said. Roeder is clearly feeling a bit bitter, and unfortunately also shows he understands the fans no better now than when he started the job.
  5. Based on CFC-net reports on Geremi I'd want him at RM and not RB. Very difficult making a first eleven on current players as we're still missing a couple of pieces of the jigsaw but with that in mind. Home: ----------------------------------- Given ---------------------------------- Carr ------------ Taylor -------------- Rozehnal ------- Babayaro ------------------- Barton ----------------- Emre ---------------------- -- Geremi ----------------------------------------------------- Luque -- ------------------------- Owen ------- Viduka -------------------------- Away: ----------------------------------- Given ---------------------------------- Carr ------------ Taylor -------------- Rozehnal ------- Babayaro ----------------------------------- Butt ----------------------------------- ------------------- Geremi ----------------- Emre ---------------------- ------------------------------- Barton ----------------------------------- ------------------------ Owen ----- Viduka ----------------------------
  6. Thanks for that link, as you say most are positive. Sounds good and my optimism has raised another level. Hope Allardyce isn't planning on using him as a RB though. Other thing I noticed about that thread was the absence of swearing, piss-taking and juvenile comments. That was refreshing. Any of those lads ever logged on to Skunkers they'd think they'd slipped into an alternative uuniverse.
  7. (Wed, 16th Jul, 2003) BBC reports Geremi signs a 5 year deal, that would take him to July 2008. If correct he still had a year on his contract.
  8. Perhaps the 2m is a goodwill gesture at getting first shout at another player. Still need a left back. Don't think anyone knows exactly when Geremi's contract expires though. (Wed, 16th Jul, 2003) BBC reports Geremi signs a 5 year deal, that would take him to July 2008. If correct he still had a year on his contract.
  9. Unlike previous managers when I have often cringed when they opened their mouths I actually enjoy listening to/reading what Allardyce has to say.
  10. Tried to find a topic where I could slot this in but no joy. Malouda reveals talks with Blues Florent Malouda Malouda has been linked with Chelsea and Liverpool France midfielder Florent Malouda insists he is determined to move to Chelsea despite Lyon rejecting a £12m bid for him this week. Malouda, 27, told French newspaper Le Progres: "It would be better for everyone if my transfer to Chelsea is finalised, because I want to leave. "I have made my choice. I have talked with the coach Jose Mourinho. "I have had direct contact, unlike with Liverpool where too many intermediaries and sharks have entered the game." Lyon have put a £17m price tag on the player, and have already lost another French international, Eric Abidal, to Barcelona this week. "The directors know I want to leave and in these conditions I can't see me playing for Lyon anymore," Malouda added. "Even if another club is ready to offer more money, I am determined (to go to Chelsea), and have been for a while." Lyon are being dismantled, Abidal gone to Barca, Malouda as good as gone. Thought the bit in bold was interesting though. What chance Diarra leave too?
  11. KK - Could hardly believe it when I heard, I was actually in the Bigg market with a mate when the news broke that he'd flown in to sign as a player, so to hear he was coming back as a manager was re-living that experience. Most exciting years as a Newcastle supporter, nothing else comes close. Dalglish - Surprised, despite his recent successes with Blackburn I had serious misgivings. Gullit - Thought it sounded good at the time, didn't take long to change my mind. SBR - Excellent appointment, and his sacking should have been the final curtain for Shepherd too. Though he really needed a troubleshooter alongside him because he was 'old school' and really wouldn't have understood the youth (Dyers et al) of today. Souness - I felt sick, from the moment I heard. Once again Shepherd proved he hadn't a clue. Roeder - Utter disbelief, I tried to be optimistic but was sure the bounce back was due to Souness leaving and nothing to do with Roeder. Big Sam - Best I've felt since the SBR appointment. He has something extra, and whilst it will not surpass the appointment of Keegan for sheer excitement it will surpass SBR in terms of solidity and teamwork. He will also create a backroom scene the likes of something Newcastle have never imagined before. He's still not the answer though, I feel he will be found wanting at the very top level. But Newcastle will be going through many changes for the good over the next season or two. Shepherds gone at last. It should have happened that he never got back in after the brothel scandal when he revealed his true colours.
  12. We won't be playing a 3-5-2 if he buys full-backs. That's been nagging at the back of my mind for a while now.
  13. They were supposed to be footing it all as far as I recall, which means in its current state it is extremely unlikely to go ahead. There may be expansions, but they will be to Ashleys plan now. Edit: Damn, wish I'd keep reading a thread before deciding to answer a post.
  14. Pretty quiet regarding this..
  15. No doubt he'd fare a lot beter in a team playing to his strengths.
  16. If the 80k rumour is true, (I never quite understand how journos get privvy to private conversations), Sam won't go for that.
  17. Mr Logic

    David Rozehnal

    ..in a wheelchair please. ;p
  18. Mr Logic

    Pace, lack of it?

    I've seen Rozenhal described as a pacey GB elsewhere, guess we'll have to wait and see for ourselves.
  19. Gobsmacked I'll accept. Sorry Mr Oliver.
  20. It's not EDMILSON, he's out for months and still has a contract.
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