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Mr Logic

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Everything posted by Mr Logic

  1. The last sentence, fucking hell.
  2. Very enjoyable that, and I felt so sure it was going to be like that I put on my first bet of the season. £64.00 profit. Might have to follow my intuitions more next season. (Providing Ashley doesn't fuck everything up).
  3. I'd have to seriously consider taking a cock up the arse if it meant I'd never have to read another of your miserable fucking posts again.
  4. I'd suggest that the majority of your posts are highly substandard. Quite frankly, I wish you'd just fuck off from posting in football section all together and stick to advertising your driving school elsewhwere. Your standard fair is based on negativity and you appear to delight in telling us all how crap we've been - yet you are nowhere to be seen when we really do put in a performance.
  5. 2 games ago we were joint 4th (maybe 3rd?) in current form. https://www.twtd.co.uk/league-tables/competition:premier-league/form/matches:6/type:home-and-away Still holding out hope we're going to win one of the last two like.
  6. 2 games ago we were joint 4th (maybe 3rd?) in current form. https://www.twtd.co.uk/league-tables/competition:premier-league/form/matches:6/type:home-and-away
  7. The commentator I was listening to pointed it out many times.
  8. He probably is worth 20m in todays market.
  9. Mr Logic

    Jacob Murphy

    Still think we should sign his brother. See an improvement then if his own words are anything to go by. Quoting hazy memory of some interview.. "We didn't need to look to see where each other were, we just knew."
  10. Didn't Shelvey get a ban for that? He did. Though it has endlessly been described as a stamp in the ever-reliablesensationalist media and therefore ask anyone who never saw it, and possibly 1,000's who did, Shelvey stamped on him.
  11. Only reason Iniesta's been linked is he was mentioned in Rafa's pre-match video. Interviewer asked him a question regarding him anouncing leaving Bar(th)elona, and Rafa joked 'Maybe he would like to come here'.
  12. Maradonna, one goal defined him as a massive cheat anyway.. what I always remember when I hear his name.
  13. Mr Logic

    Rolando Aarons

    I repeat, read the article - all the way, the closing paragraph(s) clearly indicate everything that preceded was shit-stirring journalism. There is no comparison between Ranger and Aarons, which is, (clearly, yet you missed it), what I was responding to. One was a career criminal who happened to have some talent, the other is a young sportsman who got caught up in a fracas - which the other party started. I sincerely doubt there will be any custodial sentences handed out.
  14. Mr Logic

    Rolando Aarons

    Read the article ffs, there is no comparison. Whoever changed the thread title is a dick, pushing sensationalism in the hopes of a laugh.
  15. Do some people seriously think Pardew might come back if Rafa walks? Seen quite a few posts suggesting it now and am hoping its just dark humour. I know Pardew's ego knows no bounds but I don't think he would want to come back here, even were Ashley mental enough to offer it. (And Ashley is mental when it comes to football).
  16. We're finishing 10th imo. Was just studying the remaining fixtures of the teams around us from Brighton to Everton (13th to 8th). Everton and Leicester will pick up at least another win each and the teams below, Brighton, Watford and Bournemouth can't overhaul us unless with a spectacular change in current form - and they each have at least one very tough fixture in there. (Brighton in particular, who face Burnley, both Manchesters and Liverpool in their last 4 games). 10th it is, a spectacular achievement in itself given Ashely's 'shackling the club' policy.
  17. Disappointed with the loss, gutted it was to an Allardyce team. We weren't quite up to our usual standard, not helped by a ref that seemed a tad inconsistent.
  18. http://stream1.gifsoup.com/view4/1481469/wenger-pardew-o.gif
  19. Yeah, I would never have used that adjective - but if Rafa gets a decent kitty and Ashley remains in the background as much as possible I'll do my best to ignore him.
  20. Actually in with a good shout of winning our next 3 games on current form. Evrtn (a) WBA (h) Wtfrd (a) Burnley aren't going to trip up now, 3rd best defence in the league as things stand. But 8th place is attainable, 9th more likely. Some achievement either way. Think we're virtually guaranteed 10th place as of this moment. Only Bournemouth can fuck that up (with our assistance) and their current form is a 6 with Man U and Burnley to play (only 4 game left compared to our 5).
  21. Current Form 1 Burnley 6 16 2 Manchester City 6 15 3 Tottenham Hotspur 6 15 4 Manchester United 6 15 5 Liverpool 6 13 6 Newcastle United 6 13 7 Arsenal 6 9 (Everton up next - current form rating 8)
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