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Mr Logic

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Everything posted by Mr Logic

  1. Not paying any attention this time/ When it is anounced we're sold I'll start listening/celebrating.
  2. Most of you have probably already watched this but it is a brilliant documentary.
  3. Andy Cole with a cheeky goal, and shortly after, what Dubravka might have done with that throw. (Anyone know the story with that unwell ref, looks like he might have had a stroke) ((As so often, don't watch if you're expecting to see that fabulous ass))
  4. And make it more unlikely we'll be able to sign him, no thanks.
  5. Well that was magic, dissected like um, something cut to ribbons.
  6. Think this is going to be a pleasant result, 3-0. They just have to remember they beat ManU here and go out and enjoy.
  7. That's what happens when you keep resting your hands on them I guess.
  8. One of the few times I agree with you. People used to go mental when Pardew used to carry out similar approach. Sick of this moot point. Unfortunately although you want to see the positives of getting a point from a 2-0 lead, the subs were a major factor just as much as the misses,although for me the subs slightly effected how we attacked on the counter so thats why Im leaning toward the blame on the result being down to doing a shut up shop and hanging on for our lives job, when we looked quite comfortable. Ritchie was having a great game, kenedy looked a bit tired but he still offers plenty in terms of attack and creativity. I'm not seeing the positives from the result today, complete straw man. It's the "if Pardew did that" line. Boils my f***ing p*ss. Is that not something that did happen some seasons ago though? And it wasn't an if. It was he used to do it, and we all f***ing got annoyed. It's swings and roundabouts. Either we get a third and then hopefully kill the game or we make poor/negative subs and hang on inviting piles of pressure onto us and walking away with a draw or nearer the end it could have been a loss. Pardew had far better players at his disposal during his tenure, hence why people would get annoyed. This team has to play this way, Rafa's said so himself. This way would've got 3 points had Shelvey or Perez taken either of their chances. I would never agree those subs are good ideas and didn't cost us the game. So Perez and Shelvey's misses didn't cost us the game, it was all down to the subs? Shelvey made he first goal. Perez second. Without them we even wouldn't have the lead. Come on man Rafa got the first half spot on no one going to deny that, but he really did one of the worst subs ever and completely backfired. I think we would simply win today if he didn't make any subs. It's that bad. Kind of leaning in this direction myself. Taking Gayle off sent a message of the wrong sort to Bournemouth who were getting their tails up already.
  9. I'm sure he is, but by the same token he must have noticed withdrawing any attacking threat invites more and more pressure which has historically gone against us this season. That said there weren't many options on the bench to maintain a threat, Joselu for Gayle not particlarly inspiring. What's up with Murphy that he didn't even make the bench?
  10. How the fuck do we always seem to find ourselves defending for our lives? Comfortably 2-0 up to hanging on grimly.
  11. Jokanovic's assessment https://www.chroniclelive.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/hes-sensation-aleksandar-mitrovic-receives-14304984
  12. Eat less Bob. Did you just call me 'Blob'? http://i140.photobucket.com/albums/r11/pyreplay/ODDITIES/Blob.jpg
  13. Yep, never felt a goal was imminent tbh. They came at us but we always had the bodies back to defend. Never really stretched to much. You can't be serious here, like. We had 2 or 3 goal saving blocks, tackles, and saves from in and around the 6 yard box. Thought they were pretty toothless upfront personally, they had the beating of us in the wide areas but I never felt that concerned they were nailed on to score - they didn't know when to pull the trigger a lot of time. Sat watching in relative ease tbh. There speaks a man on Ketamine. I was going ballistic with frustration.
  14. You raise a good point there. There's barely a game goes by when I don't think to myself, "Why didn't they pass there, or there." There seems to be a rule against making a pass which might be intercepted, but you watch all the other teams and its exactly how they make the football flow. The receiving of the pass and the laying off, (through awareness of where their team-mates are), is what slices opponents apart. We hardly ever do it so our counters are more hit and hope than surgically precise. Which may come from a lack of trust in the players from the manager?
  15. What really fucks me off week in week out is having no outlet. 11 men behind the ball is literally counter-productive and I'm goddamn sure Rafa knows it is. Hope to fuck the new keeper means we can start playing out from goal instead of kicking long to 2 or 3 midgets that get knocked over by a breath of wind.
  16. It was a clear pen You must love a fight based on pedantry. Yes it was a penalty by the letter of the law, but 90% or more them are ignored week in week out, ergo it was a harsh decision.
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