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Mr Logic

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Everything posted by Mr Logic

  1. Should never have been a second corner, Darlow never touched the ball over on the first one. I demand a VARs review.
  2. Woah! Bournemouth leading by 3 against Chelsea, just seen it.
  3. Hit the woodwork and missed a penalty, how many more chances do we even get against a mean defence.
  4. Big game tonight with a lot of teams around us playing also. A win could see us in 12th place providing Chelsea beat Bournmouth. A draw would take us above Huddersfield on GD. Chelsea v Bournemouth Southampton v Brighton & Hove Albion Manchester City v West Bromwich Albion Stoke City v Watford Anything other than a draw at Southampton could see either them or Brighton go above us, if we lost tonight and Southampton draw (or win obviously) they'll go above us anyway by virtue of goal difference. The Stoke Watford game, if Stoke win and other results went agains us we could find ourselves in 16th! --- A list of countries/regions where you could see the game if you lived there. Arabia, Caribbean Spain, Poland, Turkey USA, Canada, Australia Japan, Thailand, Mongolia, China, India Sth Africa, Brazil You live in England and want to watch a game in the EPL? Oh sorry, you're out of luck - try moving overseas maybe. (Pet peeve of mine, not being able to watch football teams in your own country because of Sky, just ignore me).
  5. I can list the men in charge of our club that I hold in the highest regard on just one hand. (In my lifetime). Robson, Keegan, Hughton and Rafa - and right now Rafa is the only thing about the club worth clinging onto.
  6. Rafa already taking us down with his s*** brand of football. Such a strange decision to advertise your company in your avatar and then go on like this all the time What the f*** has that got to do with it you f***ing idiot? Put my name down for 12 lessons! Brilliant!
  7. Looks like Disco lost the original thread, I can't get that link to work even manually typing it.. ..wait, found it.. should be.. https://www.newcastle-online.org/forum/index.php?topic=97780.0.htm
  8. Mr Logic


    I know over time feelings can be become muted, you adjust to bad news and settle to an even keel again, but everyone should take some time out to refresh their memories about everything this c**t had done to the club. http://ashleyout.com/ http://ashleyout.com/facts/media-bans/ Once they've done that pick any point you want and, if you're on social media, tweet it. I honestly believe we've got to ramp up the pressure on Ashley once more, and not by screaming discontent whilst the team is playing football, but by utilising the social media platforms that the majority pay at least some attention to.
  9. Literally laughing at all this, Ashley's Newcastle is after all a joke masquerading as a club. If there was any doubt left in Rafa's mind as to whether there was still something left to salvage, and a realistic project on the horizon, it must surely have evaporated now. Finding anyone even partly to blame for the situation at Newcastle United is simply erroneous, the head of the snake is Ashley and always has been.
  10. Watching our current safety first football had taken its toll so I went in search of more entertaining games from the past. Watched two full games, (found on YT), and what a difference in football, and nealry all aspects of it. First game I watched was Luque's debut game, he hadn't even trained with the team and Souness threw him into the mix, whilst also playing Dyer and Emre who had both reported hamstring niggles. By half-time Dyer and Emre were off with, you guessed it, hamstring injuries. But what a game of flowing football, there was so much space all over the pitch; and the challenges, players getting whacked and just getting up and getting on with it where there'd be 5 minute remonstrations with the ref today and a trial by TV on the evening round-up - followed by retrospective bans most likley. Second game was the same two teams from 2003. Uriah Rennie was the ref and the co-commentator was a dyed in the wool ManU supporter by the sound of the patter. Andy Griffin was carded for a tackle from behind but he'd won the ball cleanly about a foot in front of Van Nistelrooy, his trailing foot tapped into the back of RVN and down he went. 10 minutes later or so a similar thing happened to Shearer but much worse. Nothing from ref or the co-commentator, you saw Robson having a long chat with the fourth official (Jeff Winter) about it. Fergie got sent to the stands later for his protestations about something or other but when wasn't he trying to influnce things. 1hr and 7m into the vid Shearer takes a clearance and brings it under control, O'Shea comes flying into him with the shoulder, fair enough, but Shearer tumbles over and this wanker of a co-commentator is saying "Oh what a dive, what a dive." Compared to what we watch these days though both games were much more enjoyable as a spectacle, as entertainment.
  11. More clarity? I thought it was clear enough. I might have missed the context.
  12. Pretty sure he's not good enough at this level but there are still times he surprises me, his ability to take a ball down when he's 1v1 or even 1v2 for instance - unfortunately his next touch is all too often wayward. Saw him getting called out for Sunday league stuff when he was offside but Hazard was caught offside also in similar circumstance.
  13. Pretty crap from Rafa there like, and I think that's the first time I've voiced a criticism but maybe not. First half there were times when we showed more commitment and pressing than them by a considerable margin. We had more chances but lacked the clinical finish needed. Second half comes and we put less effort in, the primary function seemed to be maintaining shape and discipline. Its a cup game, you have to win! When Joselu came on for Gayle I was already wanting all three subs made and none of them were Joselu. Atsu, Murphy and Perez would have been on for Manquilo, Haidara and Hayden. Mbemba to LB, Ritchie dropping back to RWB, lopsided 4-5-1 with more players getting forward. I get Rafa wants to drill the players in a system but there has to be exceptions, surely. When the third goal went in still nothing changed, at that point it could have been all out attack even if it meant conceding another. At 80 odd minutes they had a free-kick and we still had 11 players behind the ball. You need an outlet. Would player confidence be shattered by getting suckered with a couple of counters versus having a go and maybe getting something out of the game? (@2-0) Big shout out to those away fans though, even at 3-0 down on 85m you could still hear the "Newcastle, Newcastle, Newcastle" ringing around the ground.
  14. Am I right in thinking Rafa prefers left-footers on the left and right etc.? Just wondering if he might replace Ritchie sometimes, cos Ritchie has been pretty much ineffectual of late other than work rate.
  15. Shelvey is a luxury player no doubt, but for a fringe (ex-) England player 12m seems off the mark given todays prices and future TV deals driving prices even higher. He'd fit better in a dominating attacking team, sitting deep and seeing the space is his forte. Even then he'd be a bit of a liability when possession turns - especially on counters. So even in the right team it seems he's a bit of a luxury. It annoys me when I see him pointing this way and that, it looks to me like he's saying 'I don't want the ball right now' and he walks close to an opposition player to make sure the ball doesn't come, yet there is frequently space about him and he could point and move instead of just walking. Reminds me of fucking Colback when he does that, Colback was the master of disappearing in midfield when he needed a minute or two of rest deliberately getting imbetween players. Saw some people calling him thick, disagree with that - I think he's a pretty intelligent player, the problem is his emotions. They make him thick when he loses it, which is too frequent. I seriously doubt he'll ever play for England again but even then he's got to be worth more than a paltry 12m. Prices are insane these days but they are what they are. Can't sell without a replacement, and I'm sure Rafe wouldn't, but Mike will.
  16. I've only read Nile Ranger so far and I'm already cracking up.
  17. Looks like one hell of a gamble there, time may prove Watford should have stuck with Silva.
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