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Mr Logic

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Everything posted by Mr Logic

  1. Someone clarify or correct. Ashley's initial loan was him paying off the club debt because he didn't do due dilligence? So the club value was what he paid plus that loan to make the club debt-free. What would that figure be, circa 250m? Any other money spent in the interim since then was part and parcel of running a football club and in addition he's had free advertising and, to my knowledge, has had some of the debt serviced, yes? The TV money dosn't come into the clubs value imo as all the clubs get TV money and it is therefore not a special consideration. The reason I am asking these questions is to try and decide if £250m was ridiculously low, or £380m was ridiculously high.
  2. What Ashley's done to this club. http://www.minilps.net/images/stories/shop_image/product/JONESYFRT.jpg (Couldn't be arsed to remove the text.)
  3. Just confirms, if anyone was still in doubt, that Ashley is a moron where football matters are concerned.
  4. Pretty dire that, at times we looked vaguely threatening, at times we were scrambling to recover. All that against the current worst team in the league. Never once did we really look composed.
  5. Not so sure, Shelvey has been looking like his nose was out of joint the last couple of times he was subbed off also.
  6. That article, page 88.. Christ! The Rafa situation worries me a bit though I presumed he'd be here until the end of the season, but if even the players are considering (at least thinking about) the possibility of him leaving then I guess we should too. Hopefully Lascelles just boxing clever.
  7. Well at least they are making believable shite up.
  8. So no progress at all after 2 months, Ashley happy to gamble as always This isn't just down to Ashley though. His reported compromised asking price seems reasonable. You wouldn't take a low ball offer on your house after you've dropped it to a reasonable price... Dont see why he should go any lower. I want him out as much as the next man but we've got to be realistic on what he's going to accept. Total mess and jeopardising our ability to remain in the league. £50m and we could be set back years and years after a 3rd relegation. Seems really cheap and shortsighted to me from the prospective owners. Of course if it's true. Could still be all done, could still be all bollocks and we're being taken for a ride. What reported compromise price? Was this after the only offer to date? If you stick a price on something that's way over market value, (only really discoverable by due dilligence), then knock a good chunk off it but that new figure is still 20% above market value? I wouldn't call prospective owners cheap or shortsighted in those circumstances. In fact I'd call Ashley a cunt; he has previous you know.
  9. There should be TV money available if nothing else. If money does get made available it will likely be too late anyway and Rafa will have missed his targets, again!
  10. This, ruins every commentary I hear him on, such a negative bastard about everything. Well done Ayoze.
  11. He just signed a 3yr deal beginning of December. http://www.bbc.com/sport/football/38167807
  12. Wouldn't want to leave him at home when we're away. Rafa give Jamal a crown Hey! Rafa! Give Jamal a crown!
  13. Worrying the fuck out of me, a lot of comments beginning to sound a lot like late summer ones.
  14. The early part of the match Atsu seemed to clearly be playing further up the pitch to me. From what I saw he was only moving forward when Perez dropped a little deeper, ebb and flow.
  15. I know it looks like hindsight but I was chuffed when I saw the line-up 15m before start. It really was a bit different for us and I saw pace and guile attacking-wise and hard work otherwise.
  16. Good game today, still very hesitant to release early balls though. We have enough pace to really beneift from that as well.
  17. Aye, good game today and better of late.
  18. Should have made it safe tbh, had at least two really good breaks that we should have scored from. Christ, that break when we had two on two, I don't know how they fucked that up... but, 10th place finish still on the cards.
  19. Heart sank when I saw Rafa bringing on Dummet, knew it was going to be backs to the wall and given our track record with late goals I was expecting the worst. Could barely watch that last 10 minutes but we made it. Fucking get in!
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