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Mr Logic

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Everything posted by Mr Logic

  1. Never thought I'd see him doing anything useful, well done Diame.
  2. Pulis record at WBA was shocking yes and he rightly deserved the sack, anyone no matter who you are if you have that kind of record you deserve the sack...Mourinho,Van Gaal,Ancelotti have all been sacked too for shit records Rafa takes 1 point from fucking 27 though and hes absolved of all blame on all counts Yes we are a championship team and fucked up majorly in the summer because of such tight restraints but the players we did buy are absolute garbage and a complete waste of 30m quid and this lad Kenedy will be no different. Tart it up all you like but 1 point from 27 is a sackable offence imo Personally I'm hoping Dave is thinking you've got about three more posts before its a bannable offence. I'm all for the sharing of opinions but when others come back to you with points for consideration you either ignore them or dismiss them as irrelevant. You have to do this in order to stick to your script - which is obviously myopic to the nth degree. Perhaps Rafa learnt something from the war with Hicks, hence PCP looking at the club. Rafa may be the greatest hero the club has ever seen - only time will tell. Except if you had your way of course.
  3. This has to be a bot. Definitely not. http://www.newcastle-online.org/nufcforum/index.php?action=profile;area=showposts;u=9232
  4. Thats the way it used to be, but social media has created a much bigger platform for the minority voice and the majority have never been very vocal anyway. We need ever more responsible reporting at a time they seem to be getting less responsible. And just to reiterate my own point, this from Wullie last week, regarding the thorough integrity of journalism.
  5. Jesus 'ffin Christ, delete that fucking post before Ashley gets wind of it.
  6. Thats the way it used to be, but social media has created a much bigger platform for the minority voice and the majority have never been very vocal anyway. We need ever more responsible reporting at a time they seem to be getting less responsible.
  7. Has Hughes ever been a decent manager anywhere, even marginally. Genuinely can't recall, always seems to be getting sacked.
  8. FWIW I've revised my 0 to a 3.
  9. Need an award just for taking the time in todays age of attention spans.
  10. A fair few of our recent losses have been close affairs, we have to turn it round somewhere. Win 2-1.
  11. https://audioboom.com/posts/6551192-takeover-special-featuring-malcolm-supermac-macdonald-what-will-ashley-spend-in-january-as-deal-comes-closer Some canny comments and insights, some not so astute. Supermac says the takeover talk is certainly effecting the team despite what Benitez says.
  12. Everton have a lot of players out.. unavailable are Leighton Baines, Ross Barkley, Yannick Bolasie, Seamus Coleman, James McCarthy, Ramiro Funes Mori and Maarten Stekelenburg. (.com) Anyway, due a win. Rooney own goal.
  13. Players by minutes played to date, (from the Chronicle).
  14. I was hyped when Stavely appeared at the match, gradually got that flat again. Then I was re-hyped when Stavely had a curry. Not going to try and flatten this one, I'm set to blow.
  15. http://toonclips.com/600/9551.jpg
  16. I wonder if there would be a correlation between IQ and calling a player garbage when the team is going through a bad spell. Just a reminder from pre-season. http://www.nufcblog.co.uk/2017/06/21/la-liga-pundit-tells-nufc-fans-exactly-what-they-can-expect-from-incoming-cb-florian-lejeune/
  17. League's over. Mourinho's a dick.
  18. Despite our utter crap form we are still only 3 points from 10th place. 6 losses and a draw in the last 7 games and we have got a -9 goal difference. Everton are currently 10th with the same gd. I just voted zero, as in no chance we'll go down - we might finish a depressingly abysmal 15th though. I'll guess at 12th or maybe even 11th though.
  19. Hey, don't take one negative posters views as representative of the whole. This place is garbage when the team are struggling, always has been, emotions take the place of reason. Blaming Rafa for Ashleys running of the club is bordering on the insane imo. But we could/should have a three man midfield every game, Shelvey needs to be out there purely for the way he can change a game. (and I'm not thinking red cards. )
  20. Worst part of that team is - if its not going well he'll wait too long to make a change. (nervous as fuck emoji)
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