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Everything posted by SAK

  1. Please God if this is true let him be just a glorified admin person and nothing to do with the football side of things.#clutchingatstraws
  2. http://i.imgur.com/EdVBBPR.gif
  3. Exactly should have signed players when we were on the up.
  4. Need to upgrade on him in the summer, came in in did a decent job when Krul was out but doesn't look the most confident or inspire confidence. He's kicking has gone shit, used to like the fact he used to throw from hand to start of attacks faster but hasn't done that for a while. Seems a nice guy though.
  5. SAK

    The inquest

    1) Pardew out and a good manager in. 2) Upgrade the coaching staff 3) Upgrade the medical staff and physios. 4) Signing some quality players and diversify the league/nationality we sign them from.
  6. s it me do our players get in each others way more often then other teams when challenging for a ball?
  7. SAK

    Alan Pardew

    Just go and die you spineless fraud.
  8. Ryad Boudebouz, been linked to him in the past. Has pace, a bit of trickery, and a good shot on him. Not sure how he's performing this season though.
  9. Still what was Perch doing making tackles like that in and around the box. Should have stayed on his feet.
  10. back to one left back in the squad. Go on then. If we sell him then it would obviously be in the summer and we can sign another one. Did you see him jogging back in the first half when he got caught in the opposition third and they had a break on? This was before the error.
  11. SAK

    Steven Taylor

    He's an Idiot and can fuck right off with the whole handballing and pretending it hit another body part thing.
  12. Not good enough defensively and won't ever be. If an Italian club comes in for him I'd move him on and give Haidara a chance.
  13. SAK

    The England Thread

    Oh, makes a change after they score when you could see it was coming for the last 20 minutes or so.
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