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Everything posted by Theregulars

  1. Lovenkrands starting... I'll position myself behind the manager once you position yourself behind the (not so) great Dane, deal? And I'd say it was a ore autumnal auburn than ginger, right? http://files.sharenator.com/FUUUU_RE_FFFFFUUUU_Pizza-s508x387-44250-580.jpg
  2. What is Pardew's thing for Steven Taylor all about? I know he's inept but you think someone at the club might have had a word, for instance someone like Steve Stone, that Williamson is a way more solid option. Although he has got more "experience", which obviously supersedes talent (see Lovenkrands, Ameobi ahead of Ranger). I hate the fact that he's our manager.
  3. What you mean is Ben Arfa will hopefully miraculously recover in time for this. To be fair on one leg he's better than most of our team.
  4. Surely, Smith or Tiote off for Ranger? don't need two defensive midfielders against 10 men.
  5. Plus on viewing replay, how much space did Perch want to give him?
  6. Routledge has been dreadful. When playing a 4-5-1 when you are likely to get very few chances in a game, your right winger needs to be able to cross with some modicum of accuracy, hold possession and at least beat a man occasionally. He offers us nil out of those three. Barton is also totally wasted in this position.
  7. My mate is a Spurs fan, when he heard of our line-up he went and put a tenner on 5-0. I quote : "I was planning for a comfortable 2-0 but then we heard Smith was starting - that's two VdV penalties and a Bale free-kick right there". Fuck off, Pardew.
  8. And to think I almost ended up buying a ticket and sacrificing a day of studying to go and watch that. Hope Ashley's there to see the fruits of his labour.
  9. Think we'll take a battering and win 0-1, Carroll with our only attempt on target.
  10. People blaming Pardew, seriously? It's pathetic that, in a game when the crowd will be uber-charged because of the robbing that occurred in the corresponding fixture, our players completely let themselves and the team down with stupid and basic errors. It's also upsettingly unjust that these cunts aren't being ruined.
  11. Just seen this. Your grammatical prowess notwithstanding, I watch the team every week. I think he's brilliant. I won't deny he has poor games sometimes but so do all of our players. I think he's great, actually, and I think we're lucky to have somebody, in my opinion, of such quality. There are areas he could improve but so could the vast majority of our first team and squad. I said when we got promoted that the key to survival were him, Nolan, Barton, Carroll and Routledge. The only one I'll admit i was wrong about was Routledge. Anything else?
  12. Glad I'm really into a couple of other sports and teams within those sports to focus on while this dies down. To be honest, genuinely upset. Sad because it's so blatantly unfair and because we had a manager who was actually respectable again, but more than that just sad for Hughton.
  13. he's fucking awesome and I won't hear otherwise.
  14. I think his sacking ranks alongside the appointment of Souness for sheer nonsense and incredibly poor judgement. For the last year or so we've finally been a club I was proud to support. That was a nice year.
  15. Sacking a man who helped beat Sunderland 5-1. If ever you needed evidence that Ashley has no fucking clue what Newcastle United means to us... For those saying Martin O'Neill, let me remind you he walked out on Villa for a lack of transfer funds. Hughton took a completely threadbare, below par squad and make them a decent Premier League side. A side who all played for their manager. There is nobody available on our budget and with our history who can make up for this. If I read or see one report blaming 'impatient Geordies' I'm gonna piss on that outlet's headquarters.
  16. It's not about whether he did it or not. It depends entirely on the evidence and case presented by the prosecution, the strength of the defence's case and the application of the law to the facts as doen by a masgistrate but advised by a clerk, and thus whether the prosecution proved the case beyond reasonable doubt. A magistrates' court can only give a maximum 6 months imprisonment and (I think) £5,000 grand fine, so the fact it was there in the first place meant it was never likely to be taken seriously. Don't know the details but so likely he was found guilty to be fined but not overwhelmingly so.
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