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morpeth mag

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Everything posted by morpeth mag

  1. Does anyone know what Qatar said in response? They had the next agenda item.
  2. So it isn't automatic promotion for the top two from the championship. They just earn the right to go directly into the ODT process?
  3. Sounds like the EPL is insisting MBS is in charge whatever the corporate structure says. Interesting that we are in deadlock and that they haven't dared yet turn the bid down. Can't believe the consortium haven't got more political leverage than the EPL.
  4. It's like the EPL are working through one issue at a time. It is a fair question to ask the devolved authority of the PIF members of the nufc Board. If the Board decide to buy Messi for £250m and they have the funds does the decision need to go to PIF for MBS to say yes/no? The EPL probably want nufc to be a stand alone entity but know that is not the way things work in Saudi and similar cultures. Can't believe the legal teams can't find a way through this.
  5. Only NUFC would have the chance to finally get out of 13 years of Mike Ashley purgatory only to become a geopolitical football for four months. I'm just fucking tired of it all. Chair and Vice of the EPL Board are both ex bankers so Hammond may have history with them
  6. I took their one year introductory offer to avoid this type of disappointment. Should have gone five.
  7. Because they have no legally sound grounds to reject it on / rejection of it would be too politically sensitive. Their only option, if they don't want to approve it, is to delay until it goes away. Spot on....if the ODT is turned down expect trade discussions to slow and a Saudi spokesman to say he hopes they resume 'soon'
  8. Doesn't the Bein deal only last for one more season? Hardly something to hang your hat on especially if it pisses off the richest potential bidder for the next round due to start in the not to distant future. Two years I think
  9. 100% this The card they don't have is Boris. That's why the buyers are still confident.
  10. Maybe the people involved are top professionals, unlike the usual lot.
  11. If BEIN have agreed to separate out KSA from the region they stand much more chance of winning the next TV rights bid.
  12. Because the EPL has paused the case against MC breaking domestic FFP rules until this verdict. Case goes against City then they almost certainly broke domestic rules too. Case goes for City then FFP is probably dead in the water.
  13. EPL will be busy this week dealing with the fall out from the Man City FFP verdict.
  14. Maybe the PL want the TV rights to go there and not for them to buy NUFC. Like 'nevermind that, can I interest you in this'. certainly think they're c*ntly enough and Masters would at least be in compliance with his job remit (least the only way it will be judged inside football) that way, of improving PL revenue. If KSA wanted EPL media rights it wouldn't buy them through PIF.
  15. Bruce is getting an 8 year contract and he is recommending the club pursue high quality signings. England's Danny Rose is first in.
  16. In the past 3 days Raab has identified the 20 bad Saudis and said the rest were jolly good chaps who could fire a British gun in the right direction (mostly).
  17. The KSA says it was a rogue operation involving 20 people. UK Government issues sanctions against the 20; implying they accept the rogue operation explanation. EPL can then claim to Qatar that nobody in PIF involved as far as UK concerned.
  18. He did, we got massacred. Yeah, as a manager you don't just change it for 5 mins and then switch back again. He's supposed to actually commit to it and you know, maybe coach the team? Afterall it's working now isn't it? Ridiculous comment. And changing the formation away to an inform Leicester might not have been the right moment
  19. Also, given it is possible that someone not associated with PIF will take the rap from the FO for killing journalists then that clears the EPL to approve PIF in their ODT.
  20. I think the Staveley trial might have more clout with the FA with Barclays calling her investment firm "not credible". Could well see the PL holding back to see what comes out of the trial before making a decision seeing as they are the proposed investors in NUFC. Highly unlikely and that case may not conclude until October. I think you can dismiss the defence calling her firm as not credible, as purely a tactic to undermine her claim. They paid her company £30m. I hope Barclays auditors note that they have been paying incredible fees to non-credible companys.
  21. Thankfully Colback is now on nothing. Trust ASM is on a better deal.
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