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morpeth mag

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Everything posted by morpeth mag

  1. Government should place a substantial tax charge on any club not having a 50+1 ownership structure.
  2. I think Burnley may be able to match us. Should be a great game coming up.
  3. Looks happy enough to still own the club there like. Looks happy enough with a lucky point that keeps us away from a relegation fight which might stall the club's sale.
  4. Surely the purpose of the statement is to pile pressure on the EPL in the run up to any appeal / court case. Imagine the UK government saying PIF is a separate legal identity prior to any court action. It will be interesting to see if MA follows a sports appeal route or simply goes to the High Court for restraint of trade. The latter I hope.
  5. Interesting. I can see us bowing out. Honestly, if we're willing to pay £20 million for Wilson, I wish we'd just offer that for Batshuayi who is available for that amount. He's a far more lethal goal scorer IMO. Totally agree. No point in having another injury prone striker
  6. The Saudis are very private / secretive about their wealth. They were clearly given a 'not welcome' message by the EPL and have moved on to other investments. The end for PIF.
  7. I'd ask Dick Masters where the EPL got an early copy of the WTO report and how the EPL response to this report appeared in the Guardian if the EPL were maintaing confidentiality. Whilst there remain fundamental questions over the integrity of the EPL and their executive then this is an issue for parliament.
  8. AS in her deal withdrawal interview said they'd being willing to put the PIF through ODT but not the Saudi state. There is nothing in Ricky's letter that addresses this claim. How deep does the ODT need to delve? That is the dispute.
  9. Not a chance PIF won't buy someone after the late goals for Qatar against Atalanta last night.
  10. The problem for the EPL is that any ownership test should be continuous. Cave in to Amnesty and we have 20 clubs with immoral owners. No wonder the turkeys went to fifth choice for CEO to get someone willing to cancel Xmas.
  11. The best way to kill that off as an influence on the process is to agree with it and demand it be retrospectively applied. e.g. "The NUST agrees that the owners and directors test should include all elements considered important by the Premier League and its member clubs. All clubs should be held to that assessment each year and at the commencement of each season be required to prove their compliance with the requirements of the O&D Test prior to their participation in the coming season's competition." Such a response can't be accused of being against human rights, and it would be difficult for anyone to argue that the assessment shouldn't be an ongoing compliance requirement. Consequently we would quickly see existing Premier League clubs rush to veto such a change (because they would fail the test and have to be ejected from the league). ...and insist that all TV deals also include a morality test
  12. I think his coming into post definitely coincided with a change of view on the separation of PIF and KSA state.
  13. I see PIF are now linked to buying Milan. Probably just a negotiating tactic.
  14. I believe Prince Andrew likes to take an interest in u18
  15. I was thinking down a similar thought process but surely this would have been discussed privately with the parties involved? With the information that’s come out and the consortium seemingly putting the entire blame on the Premier League it doesn’t really add up for me. They seem to be claiming the issue isn’t with Ashley or a second bidder. Fine. They’re claiming they’ve answered every question posed and the withdrawal is directly related to the Premier League not making a decision or putting a date on the decision. So why pull out then in this big toys out of the pram style of demonstration. I’m absolutely no business expert here but if they’ve been involved this long and we’re truly winding down to the last stages here what’s another couple of weeks? All parties agreed to pull out, why? I think I agree with most here it’s a formal withdrawal, there’s nothing for the Premier League to do anymore. They’ve made the process so obtuse and beyond the realms of the O&D test that the buyers have backed off without putting them into a situation where they’ve had to make a decision upsetting a sponsor. I don’t think enough of the focus is on why they’ve pulled out though. The dangling of the unlikely carrot is frustrating by them and another party involved in this with a complete disregard for the fan base. No one has lost more than us during this whole process and when this takeover disappears out of the news by the new season we’ll be expected to lap up the shit football and know our place. Staveley has said the O&D test is still open, the PL have not been formally informed of their withdrawal. Putting out press statements isn't formally withdrawing from the process. There will be a reason why this is being played out so publicly, and directed so squarely at the PL. To enable the UK Government to step in?
  16. That part of it doesn't add up for me. He's got his info from a senior exec at league level - why would they be talking to Stevie Bacon? What would Bruce actually be furious about, other than losing his job? MA's last task is to sack Bruce and he hasn't got round to it?
  17. I would probably still pick Saudis ahead of most others tbh. If they're good enough partners for our govt, Amanda and the Reuben bros, they are good enough for me. Exactly these journalists now preaching we should be wary of their motives can f*** off. I’d happily see them purchase the club without passing the test, and then just fold the club to f*** off the PL. These journalists would be better off investigating which clubs are actively pulling Masters strings to prevent this and also what extent Bein are medalling behind the scenes. I’d say you’d be more of an idiot to continue to want Sports Direct FC to represent our great city, in a league who clearly would only value us as being continued cannon fodder for the big 6. But each to there own I’m sure you’ll be amongst the thousands who continue to rock up and happily take it up the arse. Most of those who are against the takeover probably don't attend games anyway. Some of them might be actual moral objectors. Although they'll probably happily join millions of others in marvelling at football played by clubs like Chelsea and City with their angelic owners. And most of the people in favour of the takeover has no idea who MBS is or what he has done and are willing to do to get what he wants. Don't get me wrong, I would love Newcastle to have bottomless pits of money and compete with the best in the world. But I don't want MBS as our owner. Doesn't mind Amanda Stavely or the Reuben brothers though, think they could be good owners without PIF. Has it taken you 16 weeks to realise MBS is no angel ? You should apply to the PL for a job, I think you’d fit the criteria there looking for. So you either like MBS and what he stands for or you just don't give a s*** and want Newcastle to get his money. I'm more worried what he could do to Newcastle when/if he looses interest. How would he react the day the fans will drive him out as with Ashley right now. He could build a theme park on Barrack road for all I care if this doesn’t got through. When the PL start caring about ethics and applying it across all areas of their business then I might consider it a valued argument. I'm with you on that. I think if the Premier League reject our takeover they should look at all Premier League clubs owners. There are quite a few owners that should not be allowed I think. And what would they do with them if they said they weren’t appropriate? Make them sell up? How quick? For how much? To whom? Ban the club from the PL? But that's all that's happening now. Ownership values is either a rule or it isn't. The present bidders would meet UK standards for Directors of limited company. It is the EPL that is setting higher standards.....for new entrants only.
  18. Peter Withe, different top six then mind
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