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morpeth mag

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Everything posted by morpeth mag

  1. He's telling us the (arbitration) 'arguments over'. Just waiting for the verdict now.
  2. Does this have implications for FFP?
  3. We know there are a few on here that are convinced we’d win the case because ‘just look at the people Ashley has hired’ and I’ve tried to say this a few times that it’s not as cut and dried as this. The PL must believe they have a strong case and if Jacobs is right that PIF didn’t fully answer the questions put to them then not sure what they’d expect to happen. He also said something along the lines about the separation that PIF has a government website and has government employees so a bit of paper from the Saudi government stating pif is a separate entity might not mean much in U.K. court Our best hope is an amicable resolution/settlement But if the UK Government says it views them as distinct then maybe an alternative view reeks of other outside interests.
  4. Presumably the independent panel felt Martial dived. I bet they charge Martial now....
  5. If we can keep them from scoring five SB will report progress.
  6. Just seen the fancy laws that say Rodri was entitled to tackle Mings. My alternative view is that Rodri by closing in on Mings prior to Mings touching the ball was seeking to gain an unfair advantage. He was cheating. Free kick to Villa, yellow card for Rodri, no goal. Common sense prevails.
  7. My best guess: A Number 10 is your play maker (Hoddle, Platini); your talented ball player who will dominate the game, maintain possession and create chances. A false 10 is therefore a player who operates in the space occupied by a typical 10; but without the necessary skill set. A disaster. Two false 10s is merely a double disaster; or in SB's eyes 'a masterstroke'
  8. Just wonder how all the SB apologists in the media can reconcile SU being favourites with the bookies when they haven't won a league game all season.
  9. It may well be written in that style to hide the fact that this comes from lawyers not fans.
  10. Darlow Hayden Fernandez Clark Murphy Hendrick Longstaff Lewis Almiron Gayle Joelinton is my guess
  11. That's not his real name and he doesn't state where he works. So hard to pinpoint who he is. Russian based name linked to Chelsea
  12. Play Almiron as a 10 and sit him on Phillips when we don't have the ball
  13. I check ODT progress at 3pm every Friday thanks to HTT. You need a bit of dull humour to get through these times.
  14. Bruce's job is to maintain the club's value until it can be sold. There is no immediate threat of relegation but performances have been poor and there is clearly player unrest. However it is hard to see how a replacement could be arranged. Anyone decent would want the assurance of the takeover and anyone else would be of the same calibre as Bruce. Bruce is surely only on his way if relegation or takeover are imminent.
  15. Well it clearly isn't the transparent sharing of all the information requested by NCSL. It sounds like a short case explaining why everything was fair and above board. Probably the response expected by NCSL. Off to court with a request of full disclosure next then.
  16. He only posted it 3 days ago Cant see anything happening until after the legal deadline next Tuesday unless the EPL decide to fold.
  17. It’s all coordinated. Especially the section that alludes that buyer talks with the EPL can continue whilst legal pressure on the EPL is ramped up.
  18. I had Bamford on the bench. So far my team is on the same points as my bench.
  19. Maybe we are going to announce some new ownership and Director changes short of a full takeover (a transition) followed by announcements on a new coaching team. Pure speculation.
  20. I think the 14 clubs in the EPL, but not the Six, should propose reducing the league from 20 to 18. Then vote Liverpool and Man Yoo as those two clubs.
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