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morpeth mag

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Everything posted by morpeth mag

  1. He effectively sold part of his stake in Sports Direct with the flotation but he has never given up his controlling influence (51%) Sent from my LG-D802 using Tapatalk
  2. At least the Germans will be used to a business model based around cheap tickets from the Bundersliga.
  3. Always wanted him to do well but IMO he is just not big enough or fast enough to play in CM in England. He's made a decent stab at RB but DeYedlin has been growing as the season progressed and will probably start the season as first choice. We already have cover, old and young, in Gamez and Sterry with the possibility that Rafa thinks the Anita wages could be better spent elsewhere. Good luck to him.
  4. The light that burns twice as bright burns half as long. As tragic as his circumstance is, lets hope he enjoyed his time.
  5. Dont ban the players, dock points. Lets see how quickly diving stops then. Sent from my SM-T580 using Tapatalk
  6. Real Madrid want Woodgate was funny too Sent from my LG-D802 using Tapatalk
  7. Thought he had his his best game of the season today. Not a big fan but....praise when due Sent from my SM-T580 using Tapatalk
  8. Of course we played hardball with Palace over the release of Pards, now it is time to give that money back. Sent from my SM-T580 using Tapatalk
  9. I can see 3 at the back in away games with Lazaar and DeYedlin as wing backs
  10. I haven't seen much of him and can understand the lack of end product comments but I think there is a high degree of raw talent there in the form of pace and skill. Rafa and a few months in the Championship may be just what he needs. Worth a try if Townsend isn't coming. Sent from my SM-T580 using Tapatalk
  11. Based on last time out: Darlow Lascelles Hanley Clark DeYedlin Hayden Anita Lazaar Ritchie Murphy Gayle of course he'll go 4231
  12. Thought Clark was excellent again today. Isn't getting the praise his displays deserve.
  13. Interesting the switch to 3 cb at the end of tues game. An option? Sent from my LG-D802 using Tapatalk
  14. Saw us win 4-3 in the 90s and 1-0 when shearer scored in his first season
  15. Shelvey in Ponteland airport with family. Destination unknown.
  16. Against Vitesse Perez played outside Anita when they had the ball but when we had it he played inside, as did Anita leaving space for Janmat.
  17. Same team as against Vitesse where we played 433 / 451 depending on whether we had the ball or not.
  18. Still got Laschelles and Taylor at CB against Vardy. I fear no amount of Rafa magic can turn that around in three days.
  19. Has she just admitted that SAFC has brought the game into disrepute?
  20. They're worried that if they sack SMc nobody of any repute will come and work in the present set-up. Changing the set-up is only an option Ashley can force, and he doesn't seem inclined. So they've gone away to think if Tim Sherwood et al are really better options than the SMc. Just maybe they could entice someone good (Rafa) on a 10 game contract, but then if he succeeds and wants to stay, Carr and the gang will lose their power base. It's a lose-lose scenario for the Board.......unless SMc can turn it round....which he can't....but just maybe they can give him two more games...oh it's Tuesday...Wednesday...too late to change now....it will be different when the injuries clear
  21. morpeth mag


    Surely he was innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. As he was innocent at the time* (in terms of the law) and they had sacked him and he was found not guilty Johnson could have sued Sunderland for constructive dismissal. * As he hadn't admitted or been proven to have done anything at the time A normal employer would have suspended their employee pending the criminal trial, as they did initially.
  22. morpeth mag


    Wonder if he was allowed to hold the hand of the mascots on match day whilst the investigations were ongoing?
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