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morpeth mag

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Everything posted by morpeth mag

  1. I'm sure Rooney got an assist when he missed a pen recently. The keeper pushed it onto the post and C-L scored the rebound. In this case the keeper doesn't count as material? PS I have Kane as captain so this isn't just a fun debate
  2. What is the rule? Kane passed to Ali. Ali scores. No Assist??
  3. Sol just came back in for his hat. Clearly a forum member then! Sent from my ONEPLUS A5000 using Tapatalk
  4. Sol Campbell in a dentist waiting room in Gosforth. If you're reading this Sol you left you hat behind. Sent from my ONEPLUS A5000 using Tapatalk
  5. Refuse to judge any player coming into the league until their second season.
  6. Someone better tell Rafa the summer transfer budget went on a new club facility in the Brixton area
  7. Well £250m might be low but MA has gone from wanting £400m to around £300m during negotiations so far. If a deal could be struck for £275m and Rafa backed to keep us away from relegation then PCP will have done well. Sent from my ONEPLUS A5000 using Tapatalk
  8. Reckon a second bid is in but no leaks this time (yet) Sent from my SM-T580 using Tapatalk
  9. Because he knows that if he doesn't spend in January there is a risk of relegation and then he wouldn't get his 300m. Even if we avoided relegation Rafa will go without backing and then he wont get 300m. Now is his only chance to get 300m!
  10. Don't agree at all but their keeper has the highest save percentage fwiw pope comes for crosses better, & i believe the rebound from elliot that resulted in the goal he would've handled better Pope loves crosses I should imagine. Nailed on Sent from my ONEPLUS A5000 using Tapatalk
  11. They probably want to get Moyes in whilst he is still a free agent. Sent from my SM-T580 using Tapatalk
  12. Gone Palace, Swansea and Brighton. But think it is going to be so close that transfers and injuries will still have a big part to play. Much easier to choose Man C as champions!
  13. Going to have to say it. Stuff like this and ‘she’s a MILF’ and such is getting cringe worthy now. Well said. Plenty of Hollywood threads at present if people want to discuss the rights and wrongs of treating women solely as sexual objects. I for one hope she has the brains, contacts and ability to make nufc successful. That's the only real debate worth having here.
  14. First goal Manquillo should have stopped the shot, there should have been cover from midfield to help out but Elliott has to save the shot. Sent from my ONEPLUS A5000 using Tapatalk
  15. I think Findlay will get a start Sent from my SM-T580 using Tapatalk
  16. Might hafe been citeh when he first joined, he looked decent tbf Agree that the Citeh game was his best. You could make allowances for going backwards under Pardew but after last season he has to go.
  17. Don't rate him as a player so it's nice that Rafa has the same view. The safc stuff is in the past and this is nothing personal, just a view on his ability to contribute to the team. Wish him well at his next club.
  18. The long term deals put you in a strong position for selling high like Sissoko with the downside as you describe. The club simply has to view some of the cost of shifting your list of players as an offset on the excessive surplus made on Sissoko. I suspect MA would like to win on every deal rather than accept a loss and move on.
  19. Already closed for nufc, end of august for the rest
  20. just as well as the ancient proverb said something about 'beware Greek caring giffs'
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