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morpeth mag

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Everything posted by morpeth mag

  1. morpeth mag

    John Carver

    My take. JC loves the club, he bleeds b&w, he knows he's out his depth. But because he bleeds b&w he can't admit he's out is depth. He knows Charnley will never sack him because that would cost money and be a sign of weakness. He does the only thing he can think off to get another coach in. He takes the cowards way out and publicly bullies the weakest player we have by calling him a coward. He doesn't call any of the talented players who are failing to deliver. He is a weak, talentless bully and has laid that open for all to see for the good of the club. Thank you JC, you truly are our saviour.
  2. morpeth mag

    John Carver

    Carver needs to go on gardening leave for the next three games and the club can decide in the summer if they have a roll for him. He cant work anywhere near the first team after this.
  3. Went to my second game of 2015 yesterday with one of my teenage kids. We picked up a couple of the Ashley out red cards and I put them in our shopping bag. At the entrance a steward asked to search my bag and pulled out the cards asking 'what are these?' I replied they were my personal property and snatched them back. As I entered the ground the steward was shouting 'Stop that man, don't let him in' etc but the steward on the gate just laughed and let me in. Wasn't sure whether they had the right to bar me or not. Anyone know?
  4. I'm going and doing the 34 minute thing. Only second time I've been since before Xmas and we have season tickets. Went to a Stoke and regretted it but the kids want to go tomorrow. Still think we have to hit SD to make a difference so like the plans for the weekend. Sadly didn't cancel in Jan so fall into the category of StupidFan, buys tickets but doesn't go.
  5. morpeth mag

    John Carver

    We tried that last time out and had to change tactics and players at half time.
  6. Couldn't be bothered to go to the spurs came but feeling positive that my empty seat is something more than apathy now. Still think we have to hit Sports Direct in a legal way as a football community. I suggest on Saturdays we crowd the stores, buy something small, then join the queue and ask for a refund. Try on every set of shoes in the store etc etc
  7. Expect to touch the match ball less if you sit in row ZZ halfway between the goal and the corner flag.
  8. I think most of the players we lent them are on zero hours
  9. You are supposed to review the 'carrying value' (i.e. what you have them valued at on your balance sheet) each year to see if the 'fair' value (essentially what you would be able to sell it for) is less than your carrying value - if so you revalue them. Putting this into the real world, lets say Ben Arfa was worth £2m last June in our accounts, as we got rid of him for nowt this year you could bring that loss forward. Same with MYM. You couild also revalue down if any player suffered a bad injury or had been coached by Pardew, Stone and Carver But even if we re-value the entire squad to zero we wouldn't get to £25m given the fees we paid and the previous depreciation. They must have done something with the training ground / stadium values and written that down as a loss. Or maybe they've set aside a mis-selling contingency on the basis that the club are meant to operate in the entertainment business but clearly fail to deliver year after year.
  10. They need to be hidden from the fans and from the clubs selling players to us this summer!
  11. Agreed, when you have s*** you are most likely going to over hype anything better than that. It was the same when Chris Waddle broke into the team but he actually delivered!
  12. Don't understand why MA doesn't make Sports Direct pay £20m pa for advertising at SJP. On the face of it he owns 53% of SD and 100% of NUFC so would make almost £10m pa on that deal. What does he gain by offering free advertising space?
  13. Colbeck came after this accounting period.
  14. I think under Premier League FFP we are only allowed to show an increase in wages of £12m based on the rule of £4m plus increase in commercial income. I'm not sure we are allowed to alter player amortisation so the increase in costs must be coming from elsewhere. Could we have re-evaluated the capital assets downward and taken a one off hit on operating costs? Any similar scams?
  15. African, gotta tack on at least 5 years. Adopted Smoggie, life expectancy 57, so really at death's door
  16. The most sensible guess is that we've revalued the squad down and taken the hit as a cost. But given that Cabella, DeJong, Janmaat etc were bought after the accounts closed its hard to see where the £25m would come from given how little we have spent on players. Anita might account for £3m if he us written off as a player with any value. Maybe £3m for Cisse. Can't believe Colo has any book value left. Not sure who else? Sissoko was only £2m and is worth more now. Any chance there could be manipulation of the training ground development. What if the present set-up still had capital value that is being written off? Can we pay architect fees etc for the new development from operating costs? Just some thoughts.
  17. Saw Valencia beat Sociedad 2-0 last weekend. Moyes has much to do to turn them around. Sat just behind the dugouts so hope he enjoyed hearing some English barracking! Valencia left winger (11) was good.
  18. MYM is more suited to a tactically astute manager
  19. Do we post Rangers updates in here?
  20. Aye I agree with this, on Santon I do find it strange that he's been on the bench for last few weeks and he's hardly seen the pitch. I would of thought he would have least had some pity minutes to get his fitness up. Can't agree - Haidara is a NATURALLY left-footed player and if his defensive capabilities continue to improve, I would keep him in over Santon every time...Santon always tries to switch the ball to his right foot to cross and it gives defenders time to get tight on him and stop him crossing...Haidara whips them in with his left foot on the run, a far better option. I'm with you for the same reason. Santon's a good player but his insistence on switching inside to his right foot is infuriating. Seems the new Head Coach thinks Haidara is a better prospect than Santon.
  21. Well if we bring in a striker or a CB then I'm being serious otherwise......
  22. Don't mind Santon personally but if the Head Coach is going with Haidara and we have cover (Dummet, Colbeck) then I can live with freeing up the squad numbers and salary cap to bring in the CB and striker we really need.
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