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morpeth mag

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Everything posted by morpeth mag

  1. Still thing they'll play to contain and wait for Drogba to out muscle Barca's CB. Possibly will play Anelka out wide as a slightly more attacking formation but this will still be Chelsea playing for 1-0 or 2-1.
  2. Ardiles was more than decent - Alex Sabella too if anyone can remember the 70s!
  3. I'm going for: Harps Beye Taylor Bassong Edgar Nolan Butt Jonas Owen Martins Carroll as the team Shearer will pick. I'd have Guthrie for Nolan in my team.
  4. I also thought that his front foot was over the line for most of the throws - anyone else notice?
  5. Really worried now. Same as last time he was in temporary charge Hughton can't pick the right players or make the necessary subs. Even more worrying if JK is picking the team in the background - can't believe we are discussing contracts with him. No pattern to the play and Saylor and Lovenkrands on the right did less than nothing all match. Hull and Stoke away are the season on the line.
  6. Feeling confident today as we are getting players back whilst they are losing them - oba to be the difference
  7. 32nd or 33rd June maybe but not the 31st
  8. Put half of my spare fortune on an Andy Carroll double at 16-1. Should fund the celebrations afterwards.
  9. Agree with wullie but I think part of his problem with the passing is just the lack of options and movement from midfield and strikers. Still think he is improving and worth keeping unless we can recoup big time.
  10. Smooth the way for Big Mike to return???
  11. Anyone know when was the last time we kept 3 clean sheets in a row away from home?
  12. Starstruck bringing on Taylor to play out of position - enabled by playing Beye out of position - enabled by play Jonas out of position. Great when it works but he should come out and say he lost us the two points - Cacapa into midfield for me - else Taylor on and Colo into midfield. He remains a short term fix but he's here till the Summer.
  13. clearly russian gold bars, arabian oil or made in china
  14. I don't think MA would make the statement unless he knew there were buyers. The statement is just trying to keep the price up and make it look like he isn't just running away.
  15. Never had a proble with MA's heart nor the business model he's suggesting but; Sports Direct has a major problem with communicating and so does the NUFC Board. If you are a top businessman know your weaknesses and deal with them. Appoint the right staff. Llambias has done nothing publicly other than be the token fall guy yesterday. Keegan was the wrong manager to build a youth based team over a five year period and Wise's appointment just shows a total gap in local knowledge. The only appointment he got right was Mort and that didn't last. Newcastle can't be run out of London. The regional element is central to who we are. Finally even if a youth based model is the strategic way forward NUFC needs some immediate investment to get back to being a side in the top 10. This was the emotional deal with the fans as the club wanted NUFC to challange CL in three years - we are nowhere near this - something only KK and the fans knew it seems. So I bear no grudges but MA is no more fit to run the club than any of the previous jokers - time to move on for better or worse. There is no going back and even MA has realised that now.
  16. Squad member at best - just so happens to be our best CM player also. Gonzalez will have to go straight into the team and if he doesn't work then we're in trouble with Butt & Geremi.
  17. Been poor since he came with the odd game where he is exceptional. His passing does my head in. Just play it simple and on the deck.
  18. I think it was Hughton's way of not applying for the job. Shola and Xisco up front was never going to work. Too similar in style. Time to go Shola - like yesterday. Butt, Guthrie and Geremi all have no pace. None of the three should be regular first team picks at present though Guthrie may develop. Zog is not a full back - witness their second goal. Edgar is an emerging defender - the 433 formation call for an attacking fullback. So with about 5 players who shouldn't be in the first team its hats off to the Board for the depth of the squad and hats of to hughton for exposing the lack of quality so easily.
  19. got better as the game progressed and even better when not paired with shola! jury still out but seen better and worse debuts.
  20. LMA made a short press release at 10pm to say that no satisfactory conclusion was reached. Apparently no further talks planned. KK has always got on well with MA and so seeing him face to face is no surprise. I think everyone was amazed that MA stayed in the USA when it all blew up but maybe he wanted the Board to take the flak. If KK is threatening unfair dismissal then MA is bound to have to listen to KK's grievance against the Board. He may have hoped to persuade MA into some form of compromise but this obviously hasn't happened. For all KK's historic success in the transfer market his record since beimg at SJP first time round is mixed at best. If Wise / Jimenez were instrumental in bringing in Guti and Colo then it seems logical to back them with Xisco and Gonzalez. I think the Board are happier with Enrique as LB than KK is and view Zog/Bassong as reasonable cover. Ashley is backing the Board to spend his money. I'm happy with the quality of the signings from what I've seen but wish there had been a couple more top players. On top of this the Club alledgedly tried to sell Owen and Barton on deadline day. I personally think this was the big issue even if the above was the straw that broke the camel. KK was quite clear from the start of the summer that he wanted Owen's contract sorted. I don't think the Board rate Owen as highly and clearly dragged the contract discussions on. Even at the death the press knew about the improved contract offer before MO did. Must be the only pro-active press release of the summer. I blame the Board for this - Owen should have had a new contract in June or else KK should have been told there was to be no new contract and any xfer offers would be considered. Neither happened. I think KKs frustration with this lack of clarity and his lack of input was the real dispute. I don't think MA wants KK to go but equally he is happy with the existing transfer arrangements. I think that if the club want a coach/manager then KK is the wrong person and that we should move on. Equally if this is the arrangement then Wise / Jimenez / Llambias need to start communicating with the public directly and not hide behind the manager. Llambias needs to get everyone working as a team......they only appear to speak in a crisis. This guy has made no impression so far and Mort is clearly missed. Can't see how this is going to end without tears all round. Maybe a lucky run in the League cup can save the season.
  21. Possible three week delay could be: waiting to see if club is sold waiting for next round of international matches (France & Deschamps) waiting to see if the protests die down and Lge cup game over (Poyet) please not Ince for me
  22. Classic media spin to put a a name out even worse than the guy about to come in - 'Thank god we got Poyet and not Ince!'
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