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Everything posted by HawK

  1. HawK

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Sponsored by kcoR nrehtroN I see
  2. HawK

    The England Thread

    If ever there was a manager made for England it's old saggy-face, the sooner the better.
  3. And after 13 years I can only hope it ends now
  4. 2nd choice keeper for the 2nd best international team in the world, but not good enough for us? Jesus. Will the Harper love-in die already, he's been here so long so that means he 'deserves' to be no.1 tripe does my head in. Put Harper no.2, sell/loan Forster. Done and done move on.
  5. No problem with that really. He's not the best going forward but if we get the attacking side right with the players we have targeted then it won't be so important. I quite like James Perch as well given the right set up in front of him.
  6. There was about 50 N. Irish there and bout 300 Irish, in a stadium that holds god knows how many, lol
  7. The Good Friday Agreement is 'batshit'... just wow..
  8. Unless your club is Barcelona, Real Madrid or Manchester United, the best players of any other club are always going to be likely to move. It's par for the course, Spurs are doing great despite losing Berbatov to Manchester United. It can be done, and with our recent track record of signings such as Enrique, Tiote, Bassong and a while back N'Zogbia, I'm hopeful for the future of this club in that we can always find some talent somewhere that no-one else has. It's simply a matter of time before that talent backs up and we can hope to retain that talent as we progress as a club. For the first time in my living memory, we have a very good youth system developing our young players (Ferguson, Carroll, Sammy Ameobi, LuaLua, Ranger, Krul (signed as a prospect), Forster) and I really hope Ashley realizes that either by nonsensical decisions or by complete random he's at a situation now where we have a platform to build on. We also have a manager now that can see Alan Smith for what he is and for all his shortcomings, is saying the right things, and so far, has played the cards he has been dealt very well indeed.
  9. Our gate receipts are pretty impressive considering we are in Championship. Turnover for the coming year could be close to 90m excluding Carroll's money. And seems like Liverpool would be in deep deep trouble for the coming year's figures. 121m wages are terrible for a club with only Europa places this year and no Euro competitions next year. They may have to sell before buy. Liverpool still have a pretty solid turnover though, even considering the loss in income due to missing out on Europe. The key for them will be Fenway, who are surely in for the long haul. They've already ploughed in some serious money. I did think our wage bill would be higher, keeping it at 56% was a surprise. We need to offload a handful of high earners this year, as "extra" players' wages (Gallas, VDV) will have been offset by the CL revenue and other clubs picking up at least some of the tab on people like Keane and Bentley. Pleasantly surprised by the figures shown. I thought that that 156M for property development for Arsenal was included the last time Conn did this? I just do not get Man City or Chelsea. Honestly. They must know something we don't about the new financial constraints. Man City's commercial activities magically increasing to 53M? More than Arsenal's, and not far off Liverpool's? If the fair play regulations mean even a tiny fraction of what they're supposed to mean then they'll get laughed out of Europe. What's to stop a 'supporter' buying 1,000,000 shirts at €40 each at an online shop in the Cayman Islands (or somewhere else, you get the idea), which are never actually delivered..? ^_^
  10. HawK

    Kevin Nolan

    You don't want to risk breaking players in against a formidable side, regardless if they have nothing to play for. Could do damage to some with quieter personalities
  11. Very good indeed, but why is Hitler dressed in a blue trackie and asking for money in a cockney accent? More to the point, why is he pointing a frying pan at me with a fried egg in it? you tell him picasso. It's Joey Barton pointing his finger...
  12. Maradonna wouldn't be able to have as much influence now as he did then, to what degree is up for debate.. in context, if u put Messi back when Maradonna was playing, I'm sure he'd have done the same, if not more than what Maradonna had done in that era.. the way he's head and shoulders above all these athletes nowadays indicates to me he's the best ever.
  13. Actually that would be very lucky, if anything tbh.
  14. http://www.transferleague.co.uk/league-tables/2006-2011.html http://i56.tinypic.com/jt32f7.png By some way. And is it any wonder we don't like what the owner is doing with our club Daily Mail & Co?
  15. Still hurts but perspective helps; as it stands I would have taken our current situation right now just after the B.Arfa injury, almost safe and 35m in the bank for players plus whatever kitty will be free'd up from TV money... oh wait..
  16. HawK

    José Mourinho

    Care to elaborate?
  17. HawK

    José Mourinho

    http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport2/hi/football/europe/9459654.stm He's a genius. Absolute genius. The only manager who can better Ferguson when it comes to this, and if you're paying attention you'll know that Ferguson has even used so Mourinhoisms recently in his press conference re: Chelsea + Champs league.
  18. HawK


    Based on the limited appearances I've seen, I agree. I know he's young, but I can't get over how slow he's looked when I've seen him. He has a long way to go and if he keeps getting hurt then he's never going to live up to any exceptions. I know it's annoying when people write off young players at an early stage (I'm not doing this with Vuckic btw), but it's equally annoying when people make excuse after excuse for these kids. It's ok that some of them aren't as good as anticipated. Disappointing sure, but more miss than make it. That's why stockpiling them is more important than trying to pick out single studs. Sorry for the tangent - I'm bored. Bumcrack sore? The fence must be well and truly wedged up there with all those self-contradictions.
  19. HawK

    Joey Barton

    City forums largely backing Barton apart from the odd few swearing by Barry out of blind loyalty to the club.
  20. Hislop wasn't that bad tbh, there were definitely worse than him around at that time. I've seen more flashes of talent in Luque and Xisco than Carl Cort and Guivarch so .. hell i'll do an XI for my lifetime - Hooper Carr Ramage Boumsong Babayaro Bassedas Smith Viana - Although has gone on to become a somewhat handy player for other clubs Cort Guivarch Andersson
  21. Newcastle United had never been relegated before from the Premier League the season we went down.. useless statistic tbh.
  22. Had to do a double take before I even saw you'd changed Pardew for Leslie Nielsen. I didn't even realise until I read your post. Same lol
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