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Everything posted by Haz

  1. For someone so horrified by it all, you do like to joke about it mind Wey I’m not without a sense of absurdity of it all. My eyes are open to who these people are, and if I’m to carry on following my team what I will have to work out I can stomach. Hate the sin; love the sinner.
  2. Haz


    JoeLinton has his hair dyed blonde so we can tell he's on the pitch.
  3. Said he's 4 weeks away from match fitness. Christ.
  4. To reiterate: No matter what you think of this suppurating, clinkerous dickhead, I cannot envisage a time when I'd be content for the Toon to lose a game. It would give me no satisfaction whatsoever, despite the need to alert the bastard to the outrageous indignity of the whole damn thing.
  5. No matter what you think of that dickhead, I dont want to see NUFC fail. I cannot envisage any circumstance where I'd be content for the lads to lose a game.
  6. I remember we played Arsenal one time and the ground was singing, "We hate cockney", the Arsenal fans responded, " So do we!"
  7. Apologies if this is already up.
  8. Bruce has burned his bridges (and his team) either way, they're out of Wednesday.
  9. Sold the family silver and now bringing in Pewter plates. (There will be no cups)
  10. Not Fucking Bagpuss FFS.
  11. Sem, don't sugar coat it man.
  12. Everything is broken. Forever.
  13. ill think it will happen but, how did we get into such a state that something's going to happen tomorrow. We are punishing ourselves cos we dare to dream.
  14. Sky News now reporting it.
  15. Haz


    Sunderland AFC taken over by Chinese millionaire - Lee Gwon. I'll get me coat.
  16. Haz


    Woolsington Airport marra. Woolsington Airport.
  17. Haz


    Not sure if it was aimed at me but since others quoted it as well... Work isn't an important thing in my eyes, it's just a necessary evil to get the freedom to do other stuff. Working a simple, stable job with set hours and decent pay sounds pretty nice to me. "Find a job you love and you'll never work again" Winston Churchill. "I am strongly in favour of using poisoned gas against uncivilised tribes," Winston Churchill Maybe not the best career advisor Was he referring to Sunderland when he said that?
  18. Haz


    Not sure if it was aimed at me but since others quoted it as well... Work isn't an important thing in my eyes, it's just a necessary evil to get the freedom to do other stuff. Working a simple, stable job with set hours and decent pay sounds pretty nice to me. "Find a job you love and you'll never work again" Winston Churchill.
  19. Haz


    Bollocks, there's some nice areas in Sunderland. Nurse! He's out of bed again!
  20. Haz


    Good luck. but are they just supporters or actual Blood mackems?
  21. Haz


    Moleicester A bit late but Paedoborough? Outstanding
  22. Just been on SN. The reporter says the supporters will believe it when they see it. Then mentions S*****land and says they dont identify with their club as much as the Toon. He got that right.
  23. Haz


    Shouldn't this thread be "Third World Sunderland"?
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