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Everything posted by alpal78

  1. alpal78

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    This season is a write off. Plus given the way Ashley does business, there is just so much uncertainty. We don't seem to have a coherent strategy to move towards fighting for a CL place. How else do you explain ending 5th in one season and completely screwing up the next and it's not like Europe has been a distraction either. My worry is that at the end of the season, he will just look back at all this and says fuck it. With his talent, he should be paying in the CL and is at least as good if not better than most of the attacking players in the top 4 of the league. Then there is of course his love PSG. Not looking good but we all pray and hope. Losing HBA will be an almighty blow.
  2. Don't worry he'll just ask all these internationals to play by his language, hoofball!
  3. If Colo leaves now, I will lose whatever respect I have for him. Even if he has personal reasons, for the captain to leave us in the middle of what is effectively a relegation fight would take some beating on the traitor scale!
  4. alpal78

    Alan Pardew

    My issue with him is that after a quiet transfer window, he would come out peddling excuses for the owners. His comments last summer that we indeed have a strong squad and that we supporters should be happy that nobody left was not only disgraceful but extremely condescending. Then halfway during the season when injuries hit (as they usually do in any football team), he paddles out excuses that the reason we are doing so poorly is because of the injuries and that we don't have good players to replace them. Someone should scream into his face, "that's right Pards, that's why we needed to strengthen in the summer and our team/squad wasn't good enough, idiot!"
  5. Yeah that's why Makelele made his name playing for Real and Chelsea. Before you go looney saying that I'm comparing Tiote with Makelele, I'm not. Just that there is a role for a ball winning midfielder who then makes the simple pass even in the most attacking teams.
  6. alpal78

    Sir Alex Ferguson

    I bet even after those comments, HTT would still claim that Fergie's farts smell like roses.
  7. The thing is Froggy surely you know that coming to your opponents forum right after the game that ended with an injury time defeat posting a picture of the manager who quite frankly acted in a way that is a disgrace to the game is intense provocation and would result in some strong words. Banter is one thing but when you poke a hornet's nest with your dick surely you don't expect to come out with your dick still functioning. Give it a few days and the tone and content of the conversation would be very different. Although I don't think you're a typical glory hunter, in this instance and based on your provocation, I have absolutely no sympathy for you. You deserve every bit you're getting and more.
  8. alpal78

    Sir Alex Ferguson

    The fact that he harassed all the officials was proof that he wasn't just complaining on the decision but wanted to create an intimidating atmosphere where the officials will give his team more decisions in the second half. Always hated the cunt, such a vile turd but some joker on here always defends him purely on the basis of his achievements. That he is knighted, is a "Sir" makes his actions even more disgraceful, nothing compared to our Sir Bobby who was the exact opposite and a true gentleman of football. The day Fergie kicks a bucket will be cause for celebration as far as I'm concerned.
  9. alpal78

    Alan Pardew

    Was the right decision imo, putting as much pace on the pitch as possible. Man United weren't coming back to defend at all towards the end. it almost worked. I thought so too, and we needed fresh legs to do the running. Except that Sammy did everything but run. There was that break towards the end when Sammy had the ball with a 3 on 3 and all he did was jog like a tortoise. I just don't get Sammy, he plays with the same lethargic style as Shola minus putting himself about that at least Shola tries to
  10. alpal78

    Alan Pardew

    But but this was the same guy who told us that we should realize that we have a good squad after we did not strengthen during the transfer window. Fuck off Pardew you slimy face hypocrite!
  11. alpal78

    Alan Pardew

    Well then he's been a complete charlatan this season. I can accept results not going our way, I can accept the occasional bad performances. But what I cannot accept is a manager who patronizes fans through condescending comments or by blatantly lying and he's done that a few times already this season.
  12. alpal78

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    For me bicycle kick goals are over rated. Sure they are nice, but in most cases the striker just takes a chance and the skill is timing and making the right contact. Especially in Falcao's goals, nobody was practically marking him. He had all the time to to take aim and make the leap. Far more difficult IMO to dribble past several players with all sorts of dribbling skills and trickeries the way Hatem did. Also don't think Messi's goal should be in that list (he's scored better ones). After he beat the first man, he had acres of space to run to, everyone was backing off until the last defender who just tried to force him inside. The fact that he sort of curled the ball into the top corner made it look beautiful but there's quite a few of those scored every season let alone friendly matches.
  13. alpal78

    Papiss Cissé

    So then by your logic, we should play Cisse in the middle even though he is clearly off form and would most likely not be scoring the goals that Ba has been getting us? I don't mind Cisse starting in the center in some of the 'easier' European matches or a bit of rotation once in a while but there's no doubt that on current form, Ba should be playing through the middle. For whatever reason (I'm not just blaming him here), Cisse looked so off form that he can barely control a ball cleanly. He is closer to Ameobi than the Cisse of last season. Having him in the middle in the hope that he will regain his form and shifting Ba to the left (which he is unhappy with) is a recipe for disaster.
  14. alpal78

    Papiss Cissé

    Eh? By asking to play in Cisse's position to the detriment of the team? Wrong by being joint top scorer of the league as of last week. Given their current form and if we are to play 4-3-3, I'd much rather have Demba as the focal point and Cisse on the left and the opposite was true last season when Cisse was on fire. It's simple really, the on form striker gets to play in the middle, that way the team benefit from an inform striker, has higher chances of scoring and introduce some healthy competition between Ba and Cisse.
  15. There's a happy medium between overstating how many players we're gonna buy and constantly flogging our key players for sale. The worst part for me is after we fail to get the players that he himself said we needed just a few weeks before the transfer window slams shut, he then patronizes the fans by saying that we have to realign our expectations and should realize that we have a good squad. And then when players injured, he moans that our squad is not big enough. Pardew is flip flipping worse than Romney and to me he lost a lot of credibility in the last transfer window. I just find it hard to believe what he says anymore especially on transfers.
  16. I'll believe all this transfer talk when I see the player introduced at SJP. Pardew says so many things that he is unable to follow through. I'd rather he not raise expectations.
  17. alpal78

    St James' Park

    So let me get this right. Some of the same people who were throwing a fit with the stadium renaming fiasco are now criticizing the decision to accept 1.5M from Wonga that gets us SJP back. What sad life they must lead
  18. Eh I don't agree with your point. You were continuing the point made by timeEd32 that "his set pieces, which are free from excuses about formations, positions, etc., have been absolute garbage all season" by exteding it to virtually all of last season too. My point was that his direct freekicks have been good and over generalizing that his set pieces are absolutely garbage is rubbish. His set pieces are poor at best, man. It's as simple as that. and we're back to square where you overgeneralize his set pieces as poor. Hard for you to admist your mistake eh. His corners are generally poor. His indirect freekicks are most likely a tactic that Pardew is asking him to execute i.e. hit to Williamson (which is being discussed in another thread) and his direct freekicks have usually been spot on, some nuance does make a big difference.
  19. Eh I don't agree with your point. You were continuing the point made by timeEd32 that "his set pieces, which are free from excuses about formations, positions, etc., have been absolute garbage all season" by exteding it to virtually all of last season too. My point was that his direct freekicks have been good and over generalizing that his set pieces are absolutely garbage is rubbish.
  20. Tosh generalization. His corners and most of his indirect freekicks are mostly garbage. But his direct freekicks are usually good.
  21. Do we have any comeback date yet? He would have saved a couple of goals that we conceded recently
  22. alpal78

    Real Time

    Whilst I agree with some of the points in the article, I don't quite get why we need to change to 30 minutes a half. If the solution is stop the timer every time the ball goes out of play (which I thought refs do anyway), then why can't we do the same thing in a 45 minutes half? If the issue is referee's incompetence or inability to stop watches (pretty simple really) and focus on refereeing 22 players at the same time (which sounds quite exaggerated to me anyway), then get someone else who has no other responsibility to do it. Then at the end game, that person can just inform the linesman on how many minutes to flash or just do it himself. There are a few other ways to go about it, I'm just not sure why we need to change to 30 minutes per half.
  23. Yup second that, think Krul would have saved the first 'goal'. Any idea when Krul will be back anyway?
  24. alpal78

    Alan Pardew

    I'm still unhappy with his recent comments that we as fans should realize that the summer transfer window was good or words to that effect. That came across as very condescending. His job is to manage the team, get the best out of the players and get the points. It does not include to persuade us to believe whatever he or the board wants us to believe in. We can think whatever the hell we want and most would say that notwithstanding the fact that we (to our credit) kept our best players, we missed an opportunity to either strengthen the first team or add depth to the squad (beyond Anita). It's all fine if he thinks that we had a good summer transfer window, but if that's the case that he should not be complaining about our injuries (as they seem to be piling up now) when we don't get points or perform poorly. That's the whole point, injuries do happen in football, no team has ever gone through the whole season without injuries to their key players, that's why we need a bigger and better squad. You can't have your cake (good window) and eat it too (complain bout our injuries) Pards.
  25. Rivaldo was mint but closer to Cronaldo in style. Selfish, keep trying stuff until it comes off kind of thing. Mint player though. Actually missed this, but what a s*** post. Clearly never saw enough of Rivaldo. 2002 was a prime example of a non-selfish underrated player. Christ, anything remotely negative abvout a Brazilian player and you won't have it. It wasn't even a slant on him. He spent a whole career being slammed for being a selfish player which was harsh, but he was a direct player who used to dribble and shoot rather than dictate a game. That's not to say he had no vision or couldn't pass. The same way you can't tolerate any criticism of Messi?
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