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Everything posted by geordie_b

  1. Anita always looking to push out as fast as he can, not one just to sit there
  2. No reason at all to consider calling it off with 1 1/2 hours to kickoff, any newcastle fans travelling will already be in the area and will be booked on buses/trains later in the evening
  3. geordie_b


    They do, the forecast is bleak... every fucking day!
  4. geordie_b


    also, the FA should state that only players registered in time to play today should be allowed to play in the rearranged game
  5. geordie_b


    Just coming on to post exactly this
  6. That's half of what the whole of La Liga have spent so far. The sooner the bubble bursts the better, these are insane fee's. Forgot the 14M for Fletcher as well. The bubble isnt going to burst, expect those transfer fees to be the normal for average players next summer
  7. As of yesterday lunchtime the club had received just 22 applications for tickets, not surprising given the £500+ flights. The club really should have put together a package with Thomas Cook for this.
  8. Seems very harsh given the over zealous policing ive seen at times away in Europe
  9. geordie_b


    The penny is finally dropping.... http://www.readytogo.net/smb/showthread.php?t=722608
  10. Should we be slightly concerned about Cisse? I remember thinking it was great that Torres was leaving Liverpool until they then took Carroll
  11. Van Der Wiel just scored an amazing goal!
  12. Van Der Wiel just scored an amazing goal!
  13. Always good to see http://img713.imageshack.us/img713/3214/vernona.jpg
  14. I wish they would hurry up and confirm the dates
  15. Arrived late, what were they saying would be announced at 3:30? The fixture dates and times?
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