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Everything posted by Decky

  1. Ronaldo is spot on. I despise what we are, honestly. Completely fucking finished. This shite was as clear as day.
  2. Lads, ive been finished for a while. It's times like this I can see people being against glory hunting messes like Froggy. We're fucked as a club. It's fucking terrible.
  3. http://tinyurl.com/oecq6s8 As much as I agree with the text I would never wear a top with that on it.
  4. Couldn't give a fuck about our kits when they have Wonga on them tbh.
  5. Maybe it's time to take the FC United idea to a whole new level and join forces for Tyne and Wear United?
  6. I've completely given up like. It's one of the reasons why I haven't been on much as well because I just can't be bothered even reading about the club anymore. I've barely followed us since Christmas and when I have I've usually turned it off in favour of another game because the football is so fucking shite. The season we finished 5th showed that despite Ashley's ownership we could still enjoy the club because the results were good and at times the football was as well, but both of those are completely gone now. The thing that gets to me is that I'm not making a decision to be uninterested and I'm not actively avoiding the club, it's that I genuinely don't care. When we're on at the weekend I've no interest at all and even this weekend when I'd usually be nervous and excited in equal measure, there's just nothing there. I've no hope for the future either because as long as the club is making that fat bastard money he is going nowhere and dickheads like Carver will be there every step of the way.
  7. how long have you supported newcastle decky I know. We're still looking for a manager though. We'll either appoint one now or wait for Garde this summer, if we wait then he'll have agreed to take the job now with a start date further down the line. We make loads of mistakes but I just can't see the club putting off something as huge as this because of someone's word and nothing more. It's clear they don't want to give it to Carver permanently or he'd already have it by now.
  8. If we're waiting for Garde then he'll have signed a contract to take over though. We're not just gonna take his word for it and put off our manager search just for him to turn round and say no in 6 months.
  9. We'll not go down but it'll be a fucking dreadful end to the season. Basically waiting 6 months to have a real interest in the club again.
  10. Did AM have a single shot in that half?
  11. 2 goals, about 100 free kicks and Neymar injured. 1 minute added?
  12. Our team plays the same sport as Barcelona like. Almost unbelievable.
  13. Terrible was massively OTT on my part tbf.
  14. What are you on about? Missed a chance and misplaced a pass, but the front three is on fire tonight. Terrible is a bit harsh, but he's messed up a few things so far. Maybe it's because the other 2 are playing so well, I dunno.
  15. https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=825784710900396&set=vb.338233632988842
  16. We could quiet easily finish about 7th or higher too if we invested in a centre back and another forward this month. Literally all we have is the league now and Ashley will be happy to see the season run out with us finishing 10th. All we have as fans now is the hope that'll we'll have some sort of freak run of form with the limited squad we have.
  17. Decky

    John Carver

    Just had a double fried egg sarnie myself. It's such an underrated sandwich. It's fucking brilliant.
  18. These people are all the same. Post utter nonsense on a public forum with absolutely no proof then get on the defensive big time when questioned. It's ridiculous. Do they expect people to just accept their shit and not question it?
  19. @Jonhopeofficial · 1h 1 hour ago I can 100% confirm to all #NUFC fans a takeover is happening and you will be a happy bunch! It has no involvement of mine, no reason 2 lie So many retweets too ffs.
  20. Remi Garde isn't in Newcastle but in London, where he'll hold talks with the English club.
  21. WAT Said he was handing out fines to the players all the time basically.
  22. I thought it was common knowledge that he was in talks with us, or have missed something?
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