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Everything posted by Swissmag

  1. why avoiding any lies? He loves it and did it several times already
  2. can someone please kill that cunt?
  3. Am I allowed to cry? Fuckin hate P45due more than anything. I knew this would happen sooner or later with that clown in charge. What a waste of space!!!
  4. Yes HBA is greedy at times but I'm not sure at all that he is loosing the ball more than Sissoko and gouffran. Ben arfa's game is to take risks with confidence and last year his confidence was low cause he was on bench and made some apparences only when score was already 0-2 or 0-3. And as a french I can't understand how pardew can use gouffran and sissoko before hba on wing... I like them both but it's not their position at all!!! Gouffran was a center forwad in France and he was really decent in that position but now I wouldn't be suprised if pardew gives him the tiote position!! Sissoko is an absolute warrior, but he's a midfeilder who don't have the abilty to play winger and I'm sure he dosen't enjoy it there! He is the Essein kind of player ! Tiote -Sissoko Hba - De jong - Cabella Rivière / Gouffran That would be great in my opinion! You are great man!
  5. what a fuckin arse licker!!!
  6. Anyone have a clue what that means? To me it serms that even the guy that wrote that shite hasn't got a clue what he was talking about. WTF?
  7. We got relegated just 3 years before this, what more do you want? ?
  8. yeah, we all love stats in here...
  9. for all his faults Graeme wasn't an ambitionless, craven dickbag. totally agree
  10. Pardew is such a wanker...can't stand his face and his grin! Someone please help me out of that nightmare...
  11. i always wanted Martinez...he would have got the best out of HBA
  12. I am sure he would somehow find an excuse for his failure (or would make one up)
  13. that made me laugh :-) but on a serious note I can imagine that Milan really wants to offload him asap...but certainly not to NUFC
  14. Same here. Versatile and hard-working...
  15. Tbf, Ferguson couldn't get into a Birmingham side in the Championship which gives you some idea about his quality. Decent cross but nothing else to suggest he'll make it at this level. Not sure what else Pardew could have done with him in fairness. but but he catched the eye of JFK while playing for B'ham :-)
  16. Yep - I would say that Nolan was a fair bit more overweight than HBA. I'd also say that Nolan's weight issues were often discussed and criticised on here. That's not my point - my point is whether Nolan was fined by the club for it and it was used as a reason not to pick him. The answer to that is that it wasn't. That was my point as well. It never seemed to be an issue with the club although the fans regularly discussed it (as do West Ham fans). Nolan, as much as I was never much of a fan, has a much bigger frame naturally than Hatem. He was captain, leading goalscorer for most of his time here and basically ran the first team prior to Pardew coming in. And? The point was always another and everyone got it except you...but I know, you like to be different! :-)
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