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Everything posted by ATB

  1. If especially Chelsea not wins today
  2. ATB

    Loïc Remy

    Have said it for ages, he's going to keep them up.
  3. I got mine right; Wigan and Leeds
  4. ATB

    Harry Redknapp

    Other than his illegal wheeling and dealing for his own I don´t get the fuss about him. For a team like QPR he´s a perfect manager and I´m sure they won´t go down. The spending money at player that he will do is more down to the owner I think. If they go burning down empty on cach, is that Harrys fault?
  5. Leeds and Wigan My bet, keep it up
  6. I don't believe they will ever accept paying over the odds for players. They'd rather just not reinforce, or get younger players in and hope that someone steps up. I'm wondering if they are willing to gamble the stupidly large amount of money the premier league teams will be getting next season. The answer is probably yes. In that case Ashley is even more stupid then I ever can imagine and I really start to wounder how the hell he has got so much money if he thinks like he does. The first real question is why the hell is he not using more football people?
  7. I actually think that the sport system in US is leading by example when it comes to have an even playing field. The problem is that this chance has to be done in the whole EU, so it´s not going to happen :'(
  8. Agree. We can´t just release him if it not a extraordinarily situation.
  9. ATB


    I´m starting to feel that the only way we are going to win matches is to play 4-4-2 with long ball at Shola and a hard working midfield with Jonas. It hurts so bad to say that. But I think that the only chance we have. We can´t, Pardew can´t, win in another way.
  10. The one that destroyed the league the two first seasons. With the right coaching I´m sure he still has it. But at the same time I still think that with him you will always get the stupid cards.
  11. ATB

    Ryan Taylor

    I´m more hinting at the fact that he probably, like Jonas, would be a starter somehow. I agree that he has a good character, more than that, nah. Tough, when you see the bench we have had, yeah I agree, he would have been a healthy option.
  12. ATB

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    9 Feb. That Maritimo game ... :'( It was still right to play him that night. Sadly that can always happen.
  13. ATB

    Loïc Remy

    tbh, think he may be better off to live there instead and just show up for the matches. Think that would hurt him less than training with Willo.
  14. Taking the question "seriously" - No. Ameobi ffs.
  15. If we´re not interesting in replacing Pardew. Can we at least look at improve this?
  16. apparently Wenger said that he think you can justify the price because otherwise a club like Arsenal can´t compete... That is just not ok to say (if it´s true).
  17. The problem is that it´s not just about a good formation. We need to install positive thinking, passing and movement. We can´t have a manager standing at the side line a shouting "get long" all the time. I´m not even kidding. But is it one man that can make that team play crap so is it Pardew.
  18. Are you absolutely sure it should be a red? In situations like this is what I have thought if it was against us, and tbh, you wouldn´t say "good decision Dean"
  19. tbh that´s what I´m expecting right now
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