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Everything posted by ATB

  1. If your team is depending on Nolan, your team has problem.
  2. Shola should have buried a header against West Ham tbf... Nice a good corner, and it ends up at Shola Seriously though, it's beyond embarrassing the way we are handling the set pieces.
  3. ATB


    Don´t think so. But after we got relegated a few years ago I wouldn´t say that it´s impossible, especially not the way we are playing now.
  4. ATB

    Alan Pardew

    Don't agree with that. The way we are playing is permanent flaws imo, flaws that were pointed out last season when we were winning and flaws that are now exposed partly because of the thins you mention but also because our top players aren't having those moments of individual brilliance that happened so often last season. We have a fairly solid defence usually but that's about it, little to no movement going forward, far too many players either not aware of what they should be doing or not in suitable positions and also a tendency to start games very slowly. I agree that the suspensions, injuries etc haven't helped but there are fundamental problems on the field, problems that have been lurking for ages regardless of our position last season. So many excuses. You could see from game 1 that Pardew wasn´t interesting in playing "good football". And I agree. Even if we had a fantastic season last year I can´t agree that we was that good. We are not playing better football with our "star" players. We just have more individuality quality that makes us able to make wounder goals. Oh, the bad form for players like Cissé, Tioté, Cabaye etc etc can´t be a coincident. I think Pardew has A LOT to do with it.
  5. ATB

    Alan Pardew

    I have been reading a lot of stuff today that I can´t agree with for one bit.
  6. So you are saying that it´s ok that we haven´t scored a goal, or even coming close, to score a corner more than 1 years ago?
  7. ATB

    Alan Pardew

    btw. Are none going to be calling me names again because I compared this with Roeders time and that I can´t see Pardew turn this around a few weeks ago. Pathetic.
  8. Pardew is funny. First none can move from their position, now every player is everywhere I like it though. It´s the right direction
  9. Think the setup to this game is the best for a very long time.
  10. I don't want us to play our usual 4-4-2 but Sammy in there gives us a bit of hope. He's quick and young enough to run all day so he could be playing in a more attacking midfielder type role linking up the play. With HBA and Fergie getting forward and attacking the flanks it might work well and be a bit more fluid than our normal 4-4-2. Still a little worried about us being outnumbered in the centre again but in Tiote and Anita we have a couple of midfielders who can get around the pitch. wrote completely opposite to what I meant... Sammy isn´t a center forward, he can´t play along side Ba at the top with us playing it long.
  11. If we don´t see anything other than 4-4-2, then Pardew is a real idiot.
  12. Of course you don´t have to play for your country
  13. Tottenham has to try and play if they should get anything from this.
  14. Right decision, bad for the game though.
  15. Are you trying to say something? For me it´s not only what formation you play, it´s how you play in it. Which is why I don't get the whole 4-4-2/4-3-3 debate. Aye. Think we should enjoy this match instead of arguing this
  16. Are you trying to say something? For me it´s not only what formation you play, it´s how you play in it.
  17. ATB

    Alan Pardew

    It's a fair point. You could argue that he already has got his chance. He´s been here 2 years now and for what I can tell his gone backwards the last 6 months. That´s not the sign for me that he will turn anything around no matter the reasons to it. I think there is no coming back.
  18. ATB

    Alan Pardew

    I would kick him out right the way if I got the chance. Sadly, as been said, that wouldn´t matter because we would only get some shit in anyway. So I would keep him the rest of the season, then sack him (but that won´t matter either because Ashley doesn´t care about us and won´t get the right man in). The facts are clear though. Pardew will only take us backwards. I have compared him with Roeder and I have no reason to chance that. I got laughed off last time but didn´t care, so why would I do that now? If we want to compete again Pardew has to go, but the same goes for Ashley. The future is not looking that bright after all.
  19. ATB

    Alan Pardew

    Don't agree with the second half bit. I thought we sat back far too much and were too deep, especially against a team so poor at going forward. I'm not saying we should have bombed forward, far from it but there was a balance to be found and we didn't do that. Why let a team with one proper striker come on to you so that he's constantly in and around the box? Maybe a bit, yes, but I wouldn't say Liverpool are that poor going forward. They are having trouble scoring, but kept the ball well. Had we opened ourselves up more I think we would have given them - and especially Suarez - the space they need to actually penetrate. They were clueless on how to open us up for long periods. I still think our counter-attacking could be better, maybe comitting Ben Arfa further up the pitch was the missing piece. That, and that more players got to attack, at least 4-5 players. We are to easy to take the ball from.
  20. ATB

    Alan Pardew

    Don't agree with the second half bit. I thought we sat back far too much and were too deep, especially against a team so poor at going forward. I'm not saying we should have bombed forward, far from it but there was a balance to be found and we didn't do that. Why let a team with one proper striker come on to you so that he's constantly in and around the box? Spot on, exactly what I feel. I think that we should have a more offensive approach. But that´s just me. I can live with us playing more deeply if pardew likes that. But it has to be some kind of balance. The second half yesterday was like a training session were we was practicing defense, and every time we won the ball we just gave it to Liverpool straight away. Instead of doing that every single game we should be better to control the game with ball possession. But we can´t. That´s the problem. There is no surprise that we concede when we are in the lead if we are just kicking away the ball for 45 minutes. In such a long time there will always be "a lucky bounce" or "a mistake" to happen.
  21. ATB

    Alan Pardew

    Another view at this. If we are a team that want´s to defend and then counterattack. Then I have to say that I rarely seen a worse team than us. There are just no one that ever make any runs, especially not at full speed, when we gets the ball. Someone talk about playing like Chelsea, or crap like that, but hey. They are a wonderful counterattacking team.
  22. ATB

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    As I said before I'd love to see a diagram of every position that he receives the ball in a typical game and I'd be surprised if the majority were in the opposition half. Same for Cisse and Ba - two centre forwards whose average receipt position must be about 40 yards from goal. He's mainly a wasted talent at the minute and can still change a game. Absolutely spot on. In fact most of our players are. We have great talent. Pardew coaches the team like we haven´t.
  23. It's true that Jonas doesn't add much to our flow or buildup play. He does make a significant defensive contribution though. I would think we should play the Tiote-Anita Cabaye trio in games where we want to boss possession and then play Jonas against the bigger clubs. See. This is what´s wrong here. Everyone is happy if a player is running around and then hoof it long and hard. How can anyone be happy with that?
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