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Everything posted by magorific

  1. Is any of this relevant at all? There's not much between Williamson and Taylor at CB. This is Mike's first season at this level, in fairness. Taylor's had nearly 7 years to become a decent PL defender. Relevant to the fact that you insisted - repeatedly - that Taylor was clearly a better bet than MW less than a month ago. Relevant because you're now ridiculing Taylor's performances in games which were played before you claimed he hadn't been destroyed like MW was by Arsenal in ages. Deal with it. If you give it out, you have to be prepared to take it. Take what? You don't even seem to know what point you're trying to make. Taylor's always been a lower-level PL defender and i've never waived from the opinion that we should sell him the second we get a half-decent offer. You might remember this post, considering it was in response to your nonsense: So you're denying that there was significant dissent on this forum towards Taylor while the contract thing dragged on? You're denying that coloured people's opinions of him, despite him barely putting a foot wrong when fit last season? Yep, heard it all now... Got to be said, Taylor's had 6 seasons in the PL. The fact you're pointing to half a season in The Championship as proof of his quality says it all. Ultimately, both Taylor and Williamson are lower-end PL defenders. The players around them on the pitch have lots of quality and consistency, so replacing one or both is not a major priority at this moment. Dear me. Go back over your posts on Mike Williamson of just a few weeks ago. Not only did you say Taylor should rightly come back in for him, you said you'd rather have Taylor than Lescott alongside Colo. This is about the fourth time you've tried to rewrite recent history on here. Give it up.
  2. Jesus. Wept. Absolute drivel, that. Seriously, log off. You know he's talking about Ronaldo's comments, right? I know nothing of the context, merely that the notion of Saylor > Lescott is absolute bollocks.
  3. Is any of this relevant at all? There's not much between Williamson and Taylor at CB. This is Mike's first season at this level, in fairness. Taylor's had nearly 7 years to become a decent PL defender. Relevant to the fact that you insisted - repeatedly - that Taylor was clearly a better bet than MW less than a month ago. Relevant because you're now ridiculing Taylor's performances in games which were played before you claimed he hadn't been destroyed like MW was by Arsenal in ages. Deal with it. If you give it out, you have to be prepared to take it.
  4. magorific

    Steven Taylor

    So you're telling me that a significant proportion of the outright contempt on show here was being expressed two seasons ago? Give over Dave.
  5. magorific

    Steven Taylor

    probably something to do with how he plays - he's titus mark 2, has clear weaknesses that cant be addressed in training i.e. they're psychological how he acts - constantly lecturing others on the pitch while being rubbish his attitude - he's been talking himself up for years and regularly blabs about which clubs want him and how he'll play for england, if i know this its not surprising that the talk is pretty widespread, newcastle's a small town. above everything else, do you know what. he's just not good enough. Never heard him say he will play for England. Never heard him say which clubs are after him. Your idea of rubbish is different from mine. I watched us when we were genuinely crap. alright then, he's not good enough to be first choice at the level nufc are at in 2011 Nor is Mike Williamson - we need a new centre-back. But my main problem is with the level of hate on a supposedly Newcastle-supporting board.
  6. Ronaldo's recent musings: Williamson coould and would be dropped the second Saylor was fit. "And rightly so". Would rather have Saylor then Lescott alongside Colo. It had been years since Taylor had been shown up like Williamson was against Arsenal.
  7. magorific

    Steven Taylor

    Jesus wept. Did Taylor do anything wrong for the first five months of the season?
  8. magorific

    Steven Taylor

    Hardly played? He played until January ffs. As I say, revisionism.
  9. magorific

    Steven Taylor

    probably something to do with how he plays - he's titus mark 2, has clear weaknesses that cant be addressed in training i.e. they're psychological how he acts - constantly lecturing others on the pitch while being rubbish his attitude - he's been talking himself up for years and regularly blabs about which clubs want him and how he'll play for england, if i know this its not surprising that the talk is pretty widespread, newcastle's a small town. above everything else, do you know what. he's just not good enough. Never heard him say he will play for England. Never heard him say which clubs are after him. Your idea of rubbish is different from mine. I watched us when we were genuinely crap.
  10. Better than Williamson, though, you said a few weeks ago. Pathetic.
  11. magorific

    Steven Taylor

    The truth bears repetition, and at least I'm consistent eh, son?
  12. magorific

    Steven Taylor

    Why such a depth of hate for a player who is still on nowhere near what, say, Alan Smith is still coining in, and has done a pretty decent job for us all in all? Before you start, Taylor was excellent for us last season and at least stood up to be counted the year before. Cue the revisionist sheep. Some of our "fans" badly need some perspective in their lives.
  13. For no other reason that he's an absolute knob and who's fallen completely on his feet twice yet is heralded as a great manager, when he's nothing of the sort. He inherited a superb team at Liverpool that was so much better than anyone else at the time it was ridiculous from Bob Paisley, whilst at Blackburn was allowed to wield immense spending power. And he ruined a great NUFC side and played for a 0-0 draw in a Cup Final. As I say, a total knob. So really it's based on his failure on one cup final over a decade ago. I think he was sacked ridiculously early here. His record speaks for itself. He's a class manager. You clearly didn't sit through the 1997-98 season. He f**ked us right up. He bought the title with Blackburn when nobody else was spending big money and inherited probably the greatest club side of my lifetime at Liverpool.
  14. magorific

    Steven Taylor

    I've defended him in the past, but Taylor was terrible today. That said, we generally look lost without Barton, and there's no way Arteta would have been allowed to get at us like that had JB been playing Pray god there's nothing more to Barton's absence than meets the eye.
  15. Why madness? Without referees, there is no game. In how many other professions would you get called a c**t by up to 75,000 people every time you went to work?
  16. True, I think he should have waited with those commentaries. Unless he's spot on, such utterances are only going to destroy his reputation. And the drop could now be significant since the the transfers have yet to be concluded. MA could be liable to spend money just to prove KK wrong. Oh aye, like Ashley has run the club according to anything other than his own agenda these last three and a half years. And if you had any real feel for the history of our club, you'd know it would take more than KK having one pop at a discredited regime, based on bitter personal experience, to destroy his reputation up here. The truly alarming thing is that Llambias feels compelled to have a pop back. He doth protest too much... Spot on magorific. As usual, most of the Keegan haters won't even have been supporting the club in the early nineties so won't have the same appreciation of the man. Also, anyone remember this: "Media The Board at Newcastle United wish to reiterate the points made above that there will not be at any stage in the future any comments coming from the Board regarding any issues surrounding Newcastle United save for prepared statements that are issued by the Newcastle United Media Officer. Once again, for the sake of clarity, this does not affect the Manager and coaching staff talking to the press/media about footballing matters on an everyday basis. The Board are being absolutely transparent in respect of this policy and would ask that the press/media direct any future questions that they may have regarding Newcastle United to our media officer." Funny how these statements from Llambias re: Shearer and Keegan keep making it into the press. Morons. Llambias can't help himself, which would be fine, if he wasn't the bloke running the club day to day.
  17. True, I think he should have waited with those commentaries. Unless he's spot on, such utterances are only going to destroy his reputation. And the drop could now be significant since the the transfers have yet to be concluded. MA could be liable to spend money just to prove KK wrong. Oh aye, like Ashley has run the club according to anything other than his own agenda these last three and a half years. And if you had any real feel for the history of our club, you'd know it would take more than KK having one pop at a discredited regime, based on bitter personal experience, to destroy his reputation up here. The truly alarming thing is that Llambias feels compelled to have a pop back. He doth protest too much...
  18. More than £3m for Kadar? Ranger potentially "more valued than Carroll"? Planet Earth?
  19. Not that old guff again. Keegan brought full houses to the Toon and kept up the worst ever NUFC team (the one that nearly took us into the unchartered mackemlands of the 3rd Division) before the very next season winning the first 11 games on the trot to launch our succesful promotion and the boom years. And he did it by spending only about £1m. The money that John Hall put in to buy Rob Lee, Andy Cole and all the rest came later, when he could see how sound an investment a successful Toon was. Hall went on to take about £100m out of the club. Before all this, and when we desperately needed it, Hall did nowt - it was all Keegan's magic. No, you're wrong. There's no way KK could have bought Cole - a richly talented but raw and unproven youngster - and made him a superstar while eventually making a handsome profit on him. KK doesn't do things like that. No, no way, never.
  20. All my in-laws are Leeds fans and insist he's found his level in the Championship.
  21. Ffs, the Henry, Beckham and Lampard rumours were fed to the press by the club. The same club who'd have you believe they are folowing the Arsenal way. As rumours, they are no more valid than the rumours last month that your forward-thinking club tried to sign Henry on deadline day. The same forward-thinking ckub who tried to re-sign Charles N'Zogbia on the same deadline day. Arsenal have had one manager since 1996. The people you believe are following their lead have had six in barely three years. How is buying Hatem Ben Arfa - hardly an unknown, great talent, serious baggage - any different from KK buying Ginola? KK Was KK not entitled to expect to buy a quality replacement for a player he was promised would not be sold? Instead, he had a total donkey - an unscouted donkey - forced upon him. You talk about KK and money, yet that donkey (Xisco) cost £5.7m. And that's without mentioning Nacho G. I'm under no illusions about Kevin Keegan. He's no saint. But in this instance, he was treated disgracefully by clueless liars.
  22. Pointless pop at Dave - a clearly lucid, reasonable bloke - there Magpie99, but ho hum. In short, I'll ask you what proof - other than the word of self-confessed liars (and that IS a fact) - do you have for the claim that KK was asking for silly money to spend and that Ashley is trying to run Newcastle like Arsenal. Sorry, one more (repeated) question: when has Arsene Wenger ever had a player sold against his will? Facts please, not assumptions.
  23. Yes that judgement again, the one that went a long way exposing what everyone suspected of Ashley but not so much excuse Keegan of quitting again. But as long as he was 'right', ey? That's what matters most, not the state in which it left the team. I seriously suggest you look up the definition of constructive dismissal before making any more absurd second guesses as to what matters to me, or draw equally spurious references to the state of the team at that time. That's constructive DISMISSAL.
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