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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. I'm so glad Demba got his goal today. These last 6 months or so must have been hard on him mentally - any striker who goes on a goal drought does lose a bit of confidence and whilst he more than played his part between February and May (I'm sure Pardew made him aware of this every day), it is likely that deep down, he was unhappy about his lack of goals in that second half of the season. Today's goal was such a good finish and will most certainly act as a confidence booster. Like I've said in the match thread, a happy Demba Ba will be a massive asset to have. When he's happy, he's a force to be reckoned with.
  2. They've already turned on him Brilliant, long may the Scousers' misery continue.
  3. Really need Pardew to shed some light on this. If he was left out because a personal issue then fair enough but anything else, hmmm
  4. Sifu

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    MOTM by far for me. We needed someone to take the game by the scruff of its neck and there was Ben Arfa to do so. Created most of our attacks and he was so full of confidence. A full season of Hatem Ben Arfa, we're in for a treat. Can't believe we paid £3-5 million for him what a steal.
  5. Sifu

    Steven Taylor

    Epic moment, was laughing my head off when he did that. It was such a great, solid performance from Saylor. Looking forward to seeing him and Colo continue where they left off. Just hope he stays fit for the whole season...
  6. Sifu

    Alan Pardew

    Just about imo but I'll need to see it again.
  7. Sifu

    James Perch

    I was quite confident that he would do a good job today and lo behold he did - he gained my trust in him ever since that Liverpool game at St. James' in March. Fast becoming a cult hero tbh, what a difference 1-2 years make!
  8. Quite a lot of NUFC fans there. Certainly more of us than Spurs fans in there
  9. Sifu

    Alan Pardew

    The whole situation with the earpiece and the way Pardew got someone to run down to the dugout with instructions were funny things tbh. Though, the above situations should never have happened in the first place. Silly thing for Pardew to do, the passion does get the best of him from time to time (it is one of the things I like about him) but he should have known better than to push the official, especially with this "Respect" thing that they're trying to encourage.
  10. Just got back from the pub (2 wins in 2 now at the Friendship Inn in Manchester). Whilst we were sluggish and unspectacular, a win's a win and it is a brilliant start to the season. We'll definitely improve fitness-wise as the weeks go by - you could tell we weren't in tip-top shape but I'm sure we'll be fine come the start of September. Ben Arfa was our best player on the pitch by a mile - he was actually making things happen and more than did his part defensively too. I'm so glad Ba got his goal (and what a good goal it was too), it will most certainly act as a confidence booster and a happy Demba Ba will be a massive asset to have. Of course, there's still quite a bit of room for improvement in all areas of the pitch but again, that will come with time imo. PS. 4-3-3 for the win, credit to Pardew for changing formations at half time.
  11. This doesn't sound too good like...
  12. Looks like QPR missed Barton today
  13. Another penalty Now fucking score this time.
  14. Satisfied with that lineup. Looking forward to seeing Marveaux in action. He looked really sharp in pre-season.
  15. Scrappy affair at Upton Park? Well I never...
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