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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. Just had a look at a few recent match reports, M'Bengue is definitely still their first choice LB. Abdennour has actually been playing at CB.
  2. A LB I see, which is a position we really need strengthening in. Just did some mini-research and looks like he recently signed a new deal with Toulouse. I imagine he'll cost quite a bit then.....(looks as if he's highly rated in France too).
  3. Completely out of order that like. Quite.
  4. For the Wigan game (think I may have ruined something here.....).
  5. Euro 2004 was an atrocity, imo. Inferior to WC 2002 and 2010. Don't know, the pleasure of a massive underdog winning detracted somewhat from their horrific footballing style. Can only really remember England's games like, which were canny good. My feelings at the time were pretty much what you've just said plus it was fun seeing Ronaldo in tears. Looking back now though, Greece's triumph did football no favours tbh.
  6. Sifu

    Other clubs' transfers

    Sensible decision by Kuyt really.
  7. Nice one. Please let us know when you hear something!
  8. Can we not finish 5th like? We can but the pessimist in me felt the need to come out
  9. Nice of the FA to send out that useless reply. Connecting with the fans(!) So we should ask UEFA for clarification? The thing is, the Chronicle have already "called" UEFA for such a purpose and what they were essentially "told" is that if Everton get to the FA Cup final, we won't qualify for the Europa League......
  10. That award really hurt Lee like WTF? I see that Lee Ryder has again demonstrated his excellent journalistic skills.
  11. Sounds very promising but like Mole_Toonfan has alluded to, will he be able to make the step up from the Championship? Actually sounds like he could potentially be Guthrie's replacement (if Danny goes of course......).
  12. Nope. As long as it's a Liverpool-Spurs/Chelsea FA Cup Final (and we finish 6th), we qualify for the Europa League.
  13. Now that you've put it that way, guess the result isn't too bad.....
  14. 4 minutes added time. Come on Benfica!
  15. Fantastic cross from Meireles
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